Just for verificatioin

"1 month, personal information with an intent to harass a user, threatening to send photos around in PM in a malicious way." Grind
Anne Frank

I had a constant changing of socks,as some got banned,I added more,constantly changed names to make it appear as more.
Didn't have any till the purge.
I'm completely open that I have Margot and Ann,depending which Kindle I'm using.
I never knew how many Owl had,as they banned her accounts as fast as they banned Top's near the end.
Top has yet to admit to Lilly account I gave her after her asking me for an account.
She isn't as honest as she wants you and Grumpy to think she is.

Sun Tzu - “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” :good4u:
This day, just continues to get better and better. :D

"1 day bitch slap ban, rule 16, being a trolling whiny neckbeard retard"

Anyone want to bet that the whining will continue, upon return?? :laugh:
"This day, just continues to get better and better."
I was unaware that you were the Snitch-type. You would have fit right in at Amazon.