Just so everyone is clear on what a recession is

we at the 2000 plus 6% numbers yet? my home was worth like 240 in 2000. so should be worth 360 or so right now... hmm prob can still get 400 for it. at peak was like 550.
whatever ends up happening.. plenty of options to counter the dismal predictions people have. not like nothing we can do in this situation..

50year loans,
forced 30years..
extensions on balloon payments.

But that is why people are talking about the chances of a recession. Because if nothing is done, that is where we will indeed go. By talking about it NOW, by bringing the sense of urgency, by making the idiots in DC wake up to this.... hopefully they will see the need to ACT now and do something that will help allieviate this problem. Because if nothing is done.... we are screwed.

Keep in mind, the mortgage problem, while large, is only a part of the problem. You still have escalating grain, energy, building materials etc...
i was correct; no recession in 2001; but it now seems, if you are correct (and I believe yhou are not), then there was indeed a CLOWNTOON recession in 2000..........shrub didn't take office until 2001.................you need to get your facts straight.

The recessionary time was both in 2000 AND 2001. I have always stated this, so I am not sure what facts you are referring to that I need to get straight.
Bottom Line..........

Inflated value of necessary needs is always a bad business decision...investors have killed any hope for the American Dream...all it is about is GREED!...and now the piper must be paid...Great Depression anyone?...sorry but it is on the horizon once again...History always repeats with idiots/Greedy people!