Just spit on 'em like a normal liberal

Why wouldn't they involve police? All these soldiers were spat upon and not one of them got in a fight over it or even involved security or police? Many supposedly involved protests for which you can't offer any support?

Apparently you didn't READ the contents and selectively CHOOSE to remain ignorant of the facts because of your desperate effort to remove all doubt you are a repugnant asshat.


All you provided was some poorly sourced and investigated horseshit.

Compared to the horseshit you have provided? Irony must be your middle name; stupid dimwit your first and last names.

The book is based on a bunch of letters received by a columnist that did nothing to verify them. It's worthless.

No; what is worthless is your moronic efforts to remove all doubt what a repugnant asshat you are.


Can I say I am surprised that when facts are presented to refute your moronic bullshit, you predictably declare they are not facts? Hell you didn’t think troops take civilian transport or went through SFO; you’re an uniformed dimwit of epic proportions who when confronted with your moronic stupidity, predictably deflect and obfuscate.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
Where are the sources this guy keeps talking about. He claims throughout that it was all over the news and offers nothing. The attack on Lembcke is ad hom nonsense. Forget him and his book. Where is your proof of these incidents?

If spit on, the serviceman could retaliate and risk punishment, report the incident, or ignore it. Reporting the incident takes time and no one, either going to or coming back from Vietnam would want to invest time in this sort of thing. So we are left with the first person accounts by the GIs that these things happened and which have been reported in books like Bob Greene's Coming Home. And it's safe bet, the antiwar heroes that did the spitting aren't going to come forward, isn't it?. No false memories, no bogus hypothesis and everything explained rather easily. Except it doesn't explain why you are so interested in heaping scorn on a bunch of people that have already suffered enough.

Yes Professor Baxter; you really are THAT ignorant.

This is complete and utter bullshit. If it were as common as is claimed then there would have been some sort documentation.

Greene's (and I don't think you want to trade ad homs with this guy as your source) book is worthless. He did nothing to verify or investigate the truth of any of the letters.
You wouldn't know a fact if it walked up and introduced itself to you; because you really are incredibly stupid.

To suggest that anything Professor Baxter provided contained a fact is the pinnacle of ignorance you apparently love to wallow in.

Although you constantly remove all doubt about what an incredibly uninformed dimwit moron you are, one has to wonder if you were born this way, or just constantly work at it?

Now run along; your dimwitted moronic posts make Desh look intelligent. As is typical with any of your dimwitted posts; they are nothing but attempts to troll and contain nothing that could be mistaken for honest or intelligent.

Yes, you really THAT stupid.

In fact I've met plenty of facts through the years...sadly I've yet to find one in any of your posts, however.

Suggesting that your petty diatribes filled with allusions to other people's stupidity contain even a single fact is universally recognized as the pinnacle of stupidity.

You name call, you ignore the evidence provided by others and you steadfastly refuse to supply any evidence of your own other than the ridiculous unfounded, third-party hearsay you attempt to pass of as "proof".

Oh, and by the way...your inability to discount the evidence she's provided is what makes Desh look intelligent...I had nothing to do with it.
Where are the sources this guy keeps talking about. He claims throughout that it was all over the news and offers nothing. The attack on Lembcke is ad hom nonsense. Forget him and his book. Where is your proof of these incidents?

This is complete and utter bullshit. If it were as common as is claimed then there would have been some sort documentation.

Greene's (and I don't think you want to trade ad homs with this guy as your source) book is worthless. He did nothing to verify or investigate the truth of any of the letters.

It's just more of the same unfounded, baseless, third-party hearsay he pretends is "evidence".
Apparently you didn't READ the contents and selectively CHOOSE to remain ignorant of the facts because of your desperate effort to remove all doubt you are a repugnant asshat.


Compared to the horseshit you have provided? Irony must be your middle name; stupid dimwit your first and last names.

No; what is worthless is your moronic efforts to remove all doubt what a repugnant asshat you are.


Can I say I am surprised that when facts are presented to refute your moronic bullshit, you predictably declare they are not facts? Hell you didn’t think troops take civilian transport or went through SFO; you’re an uniformed dimwit of epic proportions who when confronted with your moronic stupidity, predictably deflect and obfuscate.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

I did read it. There is no valid explanation to the question I asked. There is no valid proof of a single incident.

Where did you establish that the troops all went through SFO as you had claimed? It's just one question and will not establish your case, but you have done nothing to support that claim.

I provided links to others that have investigated and were unconvinced. You seem to think Greene's book is of value and that just shows you are very gullible.
Greene's book is basically a collection of unverified spam. He asked for emails in a column and got them. He did nothing to investigate the incidents and it does not appear that we can even be sure the people who sent them were in Vietnam.
How would a racist POS like yourself know what a black man would and wouldn't do in ANY situation?


You really that fucking stupid ZitHead.... Go on and drive over to your nearest ghetto neighborhood, find a 300lb Black drug dealer, spit in his face and let us know what happens.
I did read it. There is no valid explanation to the question I asked. There is no valid proof of a single incident.

Where was your proof these incidents didn't happen?

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

Where did you establish that the troops all went through SFO as you had claimed?

Where did I say “ALL went through SFO”? Further proof that you cannot comprehend that which you read but rather filter it through that leftist ignorance you prefer to wallow in.

It's just one question and will not establish your case, but you have done nothing to support that claim.

An amusing claim coming from someone who did nothing to support his claim those troops were NOT spat upon.

Yet I provided testimony, links and facts that suggest claims to the contrary could not hold any truth based on the facts. But alas, you're a dimwit determined to wallow in ignorance by only believing that which will fit your small minded myopic ideological views.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

I provided links to others that have investigated and were unconvinced. You seem to think Greene's book is of value and that just shows you are very gullible.

You provided links that had nothing more substantive than opinion and hyperbole. My sources at least used reality and facts to refute the moronic points made by your leftist hero.

You seem to think that your OPINIONS have more value than reality or the facts.

You seemed to be unaware that the military used civilian aircraft and many returning vets came through airports like SFO on their way home. You declare that my claims based on what my father, a Vietnam Vet, told me are mere hearsay and speculative and then engage in moronically uninformed speculations of your own.

A couple of facts we can conclude; you were ignorant of the FACT that Military personnel used civilian airports. You were ignorant of the fact that many went through SFO. You were ignorant of the fact that the military contracted with civilian airlines for transporting military troops overseas and you falsely declared, based on opinion and hyperbole, that troops were not spat on by protestors even though I provided testimony to the contrary.

Here's the truth; you're a repugnant ignoramus of epic proportions who cannot even comprehend the irony of your own uninformed opinions, hyperbole and bloviating.

Yes, you really are a moron.

You really that fucking stupid ZitHead.... Go on and drive over to your nearest ghetto neighborhood, find a 300lb Black drug dealer, spit in his face and let us know what happens.

But that's not what happened with Desh, now st it you dishonest little turd?

Just can't stick to the facts, can you, you racist POS?

Derisive laughter is all you've got...you certainly can't back up your nonsense with anything even approaching the truth, can you?
Where was your proof these incidents didn't happen?

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

Where did I say “ALL went through SFO”? Further proof that you cannot comprehend that which you read but rather filter it through that leftist ignorance you prefer to wallow in.

An amusing claim coming from someone who did nothing to support his claim those troops were NOT spat upon.

Yet I provided testimony, links and facts that suggest claims to the contrary could not hold any truth based on the facts. But alas, you're a dimwit determined to wallow in ignorance by only believing that which will fit your small minded myopic ideological views.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

You provided links that had nothing more substantive than opinion and hyperbole. My sources at least used reality and facts to refute the moronic points made by your leftist hero.

You seem to think that your OPINIONS have more value than reality or the facts.

You seemed to be unaware that the military used civilian aircraft and many returning vets came through airports like SFO on their way home. You declare that my claims based on what my father, a Vietnam Vet, told me are mere hearsay and speculative and then engage in moronically uninformed speculations of your own.

A couple of facts we can conclude; you were ignorant of the FACT that Military personnel used civilian airports. You were ignorant of the fact that many went through SFO. You were ignorant of the fact that the military contracted with civilian airlines for transporting military troops overseas and you falsely declared, based on opinion and hyperbole, that troops were not spat on by protestors even though I provided testimony to the contrary.

Here's the truth; you're a repugnant ignoramus of epic proportions who cannot even comprehend the irony of your own uninformed opinions, hyperbole and bloviating.

Yes, you really are a moron.

You have offered no real proof that any of the incidents happened.

San Francisco Airport, where most returning vets were processed through.

Okay, you did not say all. You said most. Any proof of that? Or are you going to backpedal to many?

I had no idea who Lembcke even was. He means nothing to me. I am asking you for proof of these incidents. You don't have any. You have a poorly investigated book that provides no verifiable accounts. You are a gullible fool that has obviously bought into the culture war bullshit.

Again, I would imagine there might have been some isolated incidents, but there is no proof that it was common.
man dude cant you find a nice sado masochist site to go to.

I like dirty humor and all but your a really boring hunk of shit and some people come here to talk politics at least part of the time.

Go find a nice guy online willing to tell you what a piece of shit you are while you suck his nuts
I only ever spit in the face ( a good one to) of one person.

That person was black.
he was about 6'3" and about 300lbs and spit in my face first.

so I looked right at him and hocked one right in his fucking face.

Never saw that drug dealer in my neighborhood again.

You shits wet your pants at a picture of two skinny black guy standing around in front of a nearly all black voting district Becuase they feared idiots like you would try and stop them from voting.

Those poor skinny black guys didn't know how you do your real cheating.
Your racism offends me, evince.