Why wouldn't they involve police? All these soldiers were spat upon and not one of them got in a fight over it or even involved security or police? Many supposedly involved protests for which you can't offer any support?
Apparently you didn't READ the contents and selectively CHOOSE to remain ignorant of the facts because of your desperate effort to remove all doubt you are a repugnant asshat.
All you provided was some poorly sourced and investigated horseshit.
Compared to the horseshit you have provided? Irony must be your middle name; stupid dimwit your first and last names.
The book is based on a bunch of letters received by a columnist that did nothing to verify them. It's worthless.
No; what is worthless is your moronic efforts to remove all doubt what a repugnant asshat you are.
Can I say I am surprised that when facts are presented to refute your moronic bullshit, you predictably declare they are not facts? Hell you didn’t think troops take civilian transport or went through SFO; you’re an uniformed dimwit of epic proportions who when confronted with your moronic stupidity, predictably deflect and obfuscate.
Yes, you really are THAT stupid.