Just to be on record, I do not trust Elon Musk

While I admire the hell out of him for the success he has become, I don't trust him and really am not crazy about him being so close to the levers of power. I don't trust Zuckerberg either.

They are part and parcel of the surveillance state.

I hope Trump keeps him at arms length. Musk isn't MAGA. He used to mock MAGA
President Musk will smite you!
Oh, look! Another butthurt trumptard fuck crying in his mommy's basement because someone insulted his daddy/cult leader. Also, if you're gay, I don't give a shit. You're still a dick.
Thanks for demonstrating my point, but it was entirely unnecessary, I assure you.
I see Elon Musk with very substantial influence airing issues that were forbidden on social media not long ago.

Does that mean I "trust" him in the sense OP seems to mean?

No. I trust nobody to remain the same over time. People change, and so do their actions, when they feel circumstances warrant.
While I admire the hell out of him for the success he has become, I don't trust him and really am not crazy about him being so close to the levers of power. I don't trust Zuckerberg either.

They are part and parcel of the surveillance state.

I hope Trump keeps him at arms length. Musk isn't MAGA. He used to mock MAGA
Too fucking bad, dumbass. You helped elect President Musk and VP Trump. I'm going to enjoy the next four years more than you, kiddo. :rofl2::ROFLMAO::rofl2: