Just to be on record, I do not trust Elon Musk

Not 16, I've heard when you lose, you run and cry, not surprising. You should just give it up, your unoriginal to the bone.
Typical MAGAt. Dumb as a box of rocks.
Who started breaking RULE 16??
You did, shit-for-brains. I spotted you for being a pompous dumbass and now you are proving it, Mr. Tedious

Typical MAGAt. Dumb as a box of rocks.

You did, shit-for-brains. I spotted you for being a pompous dumbass and now you are proving it, Mr. Tedious

Is Lefty your new crutch now? Memes are the only game he's got, so if you're running low, you might just crawl to him for some more of that pathetic ammunition.

Anyways, Dutchy Boy, I've been given the lowdown on you, and dude, does it fit like a snug little straitjacket. Every time you get your panties in a twist, you double down, showing off your weak, pathetic libtard nonsense. Let's be real, you're not even scraping the bottom of average, you're somewhere beneath the Mariana Trench of mediocrity. Time might heal all wounds, but in your case, it's like watching paint dry on a wall that's already crumbling - you never improve.
Look, this thing between us is getting downright bonkers. I'm here, clutching my three inches of self-esteem, running your brilliant words through my head like they're a 4K ultra-HD marathon of every Pornhub video ever made, all hitting my m-spot at once. The cat turd smell confession was mortifying enough, but for some inexplicable reason, I can't stop myself from spilling more of my kinky secrets. Once I'm all riled up by the scent of those turds, I move onto... no, I can't even, let's just say it involves baby oil, a hamster, electrical tape, a "Field & Stream" magazine, and a bucketload of shame. I'll save you from the gory details for now. I just reached out hoping you'd reply so I could bring this wild night to some sort of "happy ending."

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Ask him. See if he'll lie about it.

Word is, his wife caught him banging their Hispanic housekeeper. The rest, as they say, was history. Why else would be be living on his shitty little sailboat at the marina?
That would be very sad if true. I hope it is not
While I admire the hell out of him for the success he has become, I don't trust him and really am not crazy about him being so close to the levers of power. I don't trust Zuckerberg either.

They are part and parcel of the surveillance state.

I hope Trump keeps him at arms length. Musk isn't MAGA. He used to mock MAGA
Trump doesn't need your vote anymore.

It's remarkable you are surprised that he made common cause with his natural social peers: venture capitalists, bankers, and tech billionaires
While I admire the hell out of him for the success he has become, I don't trust him and really am not crazy about him being so close to the levers of power. I don't trust Zuckerberg either.
Heh. Zuckerberg has already revealed he's probably an alien from some distant planet.
Elon is not in government. He is only acting as an advisor.

They are part and parcel of the surveillance state.
What 'surveillance state'???
I hope Trump keeps him at arms length. Musk isn't MAGA. He used to mock MAGA
His actions call you a liar.