JUst wanted to let liberals know


Verified User
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

That's nice, rube

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In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

I went kayaking, heard some guys firing off shotguns but sounded like they were pretty bad shots, but it was a beautiful day, every one was happy, :blah:
I went kayaking, heard some guys firing off shotguns but sounded like they were pretty bad shots, but it was a beautiful day, every one was happy, :blah:

"heard some guys firing off shotguns but sounded like they were pretty bad shots"? "sounded like..." That's funny...LOL!!
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

BTW you might be interested to know that with a stroke of a pen Biden made it illegal to not wear a mask in a Uber......or so I read.

I find that very interesting, that the Revolution has decided that they have the power to do that.
BTW you might be interested to know that with a stroke of a pen Biden made it illegal to not wear a mask in a Uber......or so I read. I find that very interesting, that the Revolution has decided that they have the power to do that.


Travelers on airplanes and public transportation like buses and subways will be required to wear face masks starting next week to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a magic-mask-wearing rule late Friday that builds on an order announced Jan. 21 by the illegitimate usurper.

The rule “will protect Americans and provide confidence that we can once again travel safely even during this pandemic,” claimed Dr. Marty Cetron, director of CDC’s division of migration and quarantine, who signed the order.

The 11-page CDC order takes effect just before midnight on Monday night.

It makes refusal to wear a magic mask a violation of federal law, enforced by the Transportation Security Administration and other federal, state and local authorities.

The rule applies to passengers on airplanes, trains, subways, buses, taxis and ride-shares.

It says travelers must wear a magic mask that covers their nose and mouth while riding and while getting on and off rides.

The CDC said some face coverings aren’t good enough to comply with the rule.

The don’t-travel list includes face shields, bandannas, magic masks with exhalation valves and magic masks that are "too big or otherwise don’t fit properly".

The CDC said transportation operators may require a negative COVID-19 test from passengers.

The order extends to waiting areas such as airports, train platforms and subway stations.


Persons must wear masks over the mouth and nose when traveling on conveyances into and within the United States. Conveyance shall have the same definition as under 42 CFR 70.1, meaning “an aircraft, train,road vehicle, vessel . . . or other means of transport, including military.” This Order may be enforced and CDC reserves the right to enforce through criminal penalties.

Did you kill Legion?

of course not we didn't kill anything but time, we were target shooting and checking function on new builds and sighting them in .
Also 2 of the 4 of us are still working and need to keep up their practice . the other 2 of us are 55 and 62 early retired , im the one who is 62 and I retired at 58.

why would you ask such a ignorant thing in the first place
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

And no matter how much you try to compensate...you people still have tiny dicks!
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

My dear, I am sure you are scared to death to even hold a rifle, and the snow in Mich must be horrible.
No offense Bulletbob but that sounds like a waste of ammo and time. Noise pollution too. As a expert marksman in the military who enjoys accuracy and not automatic waste, grow up, no one cares you spent lots of bullets, wasted money, except those who profit from such waste.
No offense Bulletbob but that sounds like a waste of ammo and time. Noise pollution too. As a expert marksman in the military who enjoys accuracy and not automatic waste, grow up, no one cares you spent lots of bullets, wasted money, except those who profit from such waste.

well well if it isnt midcan, we know each other from other forums. thanks for showing your ignorance on the subject .

As I posted we were doing function tests on guns we built and sighting them in that is not a waste of ammo.
next If you were a expert marksman then you got that way from practice, its a skill that is perishable and any one who shoots knows that to maintain your skill levels you have to practice. And if you notice I made it very plain that 2 of them men out of the 4 us us were still working and have to qualify yearly to maintain their fire arms permits to work in the department we were all co workers in .

Next 2 of os reload so we make our ammo at considerably less cost them what you can buy it for.

And besides the point any industry be it the automotive or food or housing industry profits from what people spend is that also a waste of money I mean y7ou could walk to the store and to work now couldn't you.
its a enjoyable hobby that tests our skills and is relaxing hobby.
Also while I and the other guy no long work we both still carry a firearm and it only makes common sense to practice and keep proficient , if you indeed were a marksman you would know that . And I know you from other forums so excuse me but for at least 2 years I have seen your post and comments and frankly think your lying about it all offense intended.
Because a true marksman would know the importance of practice and your gun handling and shooting skill.

next as for noise pollution big deal we were out in a rural area at a gun range owned by the county and the range actually turns a nice profit,something that few state or county or federal own business do. but I doubt any one cared as there not a house around it for at least 1,5 miles or more. we also go to indoor ranges and they have sound proofing .

so none of your points are valid or use any common sense , guess that's why your a democrat hey.
of course not we didn't kill anything but time, we were target shooting and checking function on new builds and sighting them in .
Also 2 of the 4 of us are still working and need to keep up their practice . the other 2 of us are 55 and 62 early retired , im the one who is 62 and I retired at 58.

why would you ask such a ignorant thing in the first place

Because he's a leftist pole sucking little bitch.
Tiny dicks are still better than limp dicks...

Okay, okay...you are correct, RB. So I'll change my comment to:

And no matter how much you try to compensate...you people still have tiny, limp dicks!

Not sure how I missed that. Thanks for the heads-up.
Okay, okay...you are correct, RB. So I'll change my comment to:

And no matter how much you try to compensate...you people still have tiny, limp dicks!

Not sure how I missed that. Thanks for the heads-up.

Too late. No compromise. You screwed up. No changing answers, this ain't no college exam!

(you knew I had to "rag" on ya, didn't ya?) :)