JUst wanted to let liberals know

In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

Hey, it is the GunShine State, your suppose to go shooting, you got to keep your gun homicide rates right up there, might even crack the top ten this year, it is expected, in fact, someone went shooting today in Florida and killed two FBI agents

And trust me, no one gives a rat's ass what you do in Florida, you can keep your gated villages, boulevards, strip malls, chain restaurants, and boring ass geography all guns to yourself, if you choice to die due to mediocrity, be my guest
Hey, it is the GunShine State, your suppose to go shooting, you got to keep your gun homicide rates right up there, might even crack the top ten this year, it is expected, in fact, someone went shooting today in Florida and killed two FBI agents

And trust me, no one gives a rat's ass what you do in Florida, you can keep your gated villages, boulevards, strip malls, chain restaurants, and boring ass geography all guns to yourself, if you choice to die due to mediocrity, be my guest

no the fbi was serving a warrant on a man no one went shooting and killed them moron , dont worry democrat state will alway hold the records for murder . yes you must care or you wouldnt be commenting now would you moron . I think chain restaurants boulevards strip malls are pretty common all over the nation are they not and gated community's are also.

I have lived her for 15 years and have not heard of one murder in my city .
but in Miami and jacksonvile both high density democrat citys there are lots of them much like in dc and la and Chicago and Detroit and nyc Baltimore all great democrat citys with high crime rates and murders and lots of drugs something that most democrat citys have in common

here read this meat head and see what are the most dangerous citys in America , lol pretty well a democrat grand slam of crime.



also Florida has a lot to offer , thats why so many democrats aka snow birds have second homes here .And lot of people from around the world have settled here
we have warm weather no state income tax a good economy , hunting some great fishing theme parks ,cruise ships fair gun laws a huge plane and space industry great farming and ranching . GREAT SHOP Shopping great sea food , some of the best hotels in America such as the breakers with fine dinning , you have rural areas big city's and all in between . Ita a good state .

Its everything California wishes it was was but its successful where cali is a failure .
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In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

I'm a liberal who owns firearms and I've also eaten as steakhouses. What does this have to do with being liberal or conservative?
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

I own a 12 gauge and I've fired AR-15s, 9 mms, .30 '06, .230s, .22s, etc.

Name a civilian-legal caliber, and I've fired it. You're not causing any pearl-clutching.

The restaurant shit is most damaging, and likely resulted in several infections, and possibly a death down the road. That you don't care about that doesn't make you some cool edgelord. Just an asshole.
O im far from a rube . Tell me can you even legally own a gun ?
O by the way moron the guys shooting were 2 white guys one mixed race and one black we are friends and were all co workers at one time

I bet your black friends LOVE that you use them as message-board props. Not weird at all.