JUst wanted to let liberals know

In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

Nope. Very probable. Friends at my gun club get together every month in leagues and bring both rifles/ handguns to shoot after the leagues are done. Some of the evening skeet and trap shooters stay after and play poker. Questionable in this case? :thinking:
Too late. No compromise. You screwed up. No changing answers, this ain't no college exam!

(you knew I had to "rag" on ya, didn't ya?) :)

Yup...just as you knew I would come up with some kinda smart ass response to your original ;)post.

Anyways...lots and lots of snow. I gotta get rid of it somehow...but getting anyone to do the shoveling is tough. Used to be lots of young people with shovels walking around looking for work in an earlier lifetime. Now...I guess the wife has got to do it.

I got nowhere to go...no need for me to do the dig out.

You guys got hit bad, too...right?
In Florida today some friends and myself went shooting today the range was packed , we shot several hundred 9 mm and .40 cal rounds ,then we went to the rifle range and shot our AR 15s again hundreds of rounds .
Next we went to long horn steak house and ate the place was packed with people , family's couples etc .

we enjoyed shooting and enjoyed our meal and there not a fucking thing you idiots can do about it .

Why would we care if you go shooting, did you ASSume everyone that shoots is a rightie?

As for going out to eat, go for it Bob, Florida is about to be overwhelmed with new cases, hospitalizations and more death, and you figured that was a great time to go mingle, are you another one of those "stable geniuses"?
You ever Fcuk a rape victim?
What was I doing there?
Who was I with?
How old was I?
Who owns the place?
That b!ch Sarah was chugging down so much weed. It was like you never seen before.
He's the captain of the boat. Those are the people that work for him.

Why would we care if you go shooting, did you ASSume everyone that shoots is a rightie?

As for going out to eat, go for it Bob, Florida is about to be overwhelmed with new cases, hospitalizations and more death, and you figured that was a great time to go mingle, are you another one of those "stable geniuses"?

no of course not one of the guys whom went shooting is a democrat but a old school democrat.
I just know from this forum and others and the liberal media that many liberals hate guns and hate hearing about them.

as for Florida about to be overwhelmed , its not.

the gun range is a out door range and and you are spaced apart from each other, its no more different then going to the grocery store only safer as its outdoors and probably a lot safer then walking down the side walk .

You seem I not about to all myself to be controlled by the media spreading fear, covid has been with us for over a year and probably will be for a good bit longer if not years thanks to china.

lock downs have done little and only hurt the nation from a financial stqnd point .
no of course not one of the guys whom went shooting is a democrat but a old school democrat.
I just know from this forum and others and the liberal media that many liberals hate guns and hate hearing about them.

as for Florida about to be overwhelmed , its not.

the gun range is a out door range and and you are spaced apart from each other, its no more different then going to the grocery store only safer as its outdoors and probably a lot safer then walking down the side walk .

You seem I not about to all myself to be controlled by the media spreading fear, covid has been with us for over a year and probably will be for a good bit longer if not years thanks to china.

lock downs have done little and only hurt the nation from a financial stqnd point .

Well I know lots of Liberals that own firearms, I actually have a small range on my property and only go to a local range when I want to do more long rifle shooting and zeroing.

I did not say going to the range is mingling, going to a restaurant that is packed is, especially since people take off any masks to eat and drink, just not smart.

Lockdowns do work, they reduce the spread and as such reduce the number of people in the ICU's and thus reducing deaths. Been explained many times, of you have not gotten that point by now I sure as heck am not going to try and educate you.

Actually Florida is about to have another explosion, do some research, both Florida and California are already in a world of hurt and it is going to get worse so long as people ignore the safety rules. You guys have not been right about one thing when it comes to the Pandemic and I sure do not expect that to change now. Meh......
Yup...just as you knew I would come up with some kinda smart ass response to your original ;)post.

Anyways...lots and lots of snow. I gotta get rid of it somehow...but getting anyone to do the shoveling is tough. Used to be lots of young people with shovels walking around looking for work in an earlier lifetime. Now...I guess the wife has got to do it.

I got nowhere to go...no need for me to do the dig out.

You guys got hit bad, too...right?

We got about 14" of global warming. I have a snow blower to do my driveway and I do the guy across the road's driveway too. He's in his 70's and has a pacemaker, his wife has Parkinson's. We've been keeping the GF's car in my garage :dunno:, but my SUV and my mom's are parked outside next to the garage. The worst part was cleaning off the cars. It's all done now so I can screw around until 4:30 when I start supper.
I used to have an old Bolens garden tractor with a snow blower, I traded it in an this new Simplicity. I would have bought the snow blower for that but it was too big to put anywhere to store it. I wanna build another shed, but I have to dig foundation, cement it and level it. What I should do is tear down my garage and everything under it and start over and build a 2 car garage.Then repave my driveway. That costs big bucks! But yeah, snow and cold is part of living here in the Northeast.
Can we assume you know this through personal experience?

My GF is a Democrat with blond hair and green eyes. You ever date a woman with green eyes? :cool:
I told her the door was open when she moved in. That was 15 years ago and she's still here. What do you think?

really Im willing to bet millions of people do the same every year .
And guess what theres not a fucking thing you can do about it .
now go put your head back up your ass and go back to sleep

Americans buy 12 billion rounds of ammo a year dumb ass and we own as many as 400 million guns .
we shoot them a lot.
its a multi billion dollar industry that employees a lot of people in manufacturing sales ranges raw materials etc.

nothing Idiotic about that.
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My GF is a Democrat with blond hair and green eyes. You ever date a woman with green eyes? :cool:
I told her the door was open when she moved in. That was 15 years ago and she's still here. What do you think?

I am married to a Redhead with Blue eyes and a knockout in her prime, does that matter somehow? Not sure what you think what she looks like has top do with the reply, you could have just said Nope.
really Im willing to bet millions of people do the same every year .
And guess what theres not a fucking thing you can do about it .
now go put your head back up your ass and go back to sleep

Americans buy 12 billion rounds of ammo a year dumb ass and we own as many as 400 million guns .
we shoot them a lot.
its a multi billion dollar industry that employees a lot of people in manufacturing sales ranges raw materials etc.

nothing Idiotic about that.
Friends at my gun club get together every month in leagues and bring both rifles/ handguns to shoot after the leagues are done. Some of the evening skeet and trap shooters stay after and play poker. Questionable in this case?

Claims unsupported by verifiable evidence are questionable in every case. Why make such statements?
his magic 8 ball he got from hunter biter told him

I suspect that we will see stories in the media soon that will claim that the usurper has conquered COVID - except in Red states, who will be blamed for not being obedient enough to the Covidian religion's rituals.