Kamala Harris interview with Bret Baier is an unmitigated disaster for her

No, Uber Eats driver, Brett said that it was the wrong clip.

CBS did not come clean til the right found out that they had edited the video to try to make her look not stupid.

Uber Eat’s drivers don’t have enough assets to go after, Uber Eat’s driver.

He didn't say it until 24 hours later. He knew it. Fox New it. It was intentional. It backfired. That was not a live interview. It was taped, and every Fox News producer knew. They are as dishonest as you are. Well, maybe not.

Early, can I direct you to book called 'Law for Dummies, morons, and blowhard pretentious assholes'. In it, they will explain to you that a prosecution involves the charging of a crime, as opposed to a civil lawsuit, which involves potential monetary damages. Why not just admit that you made the whole fucking thing up, Early? Everyone knows it, because even the dumbest of posters here knows how galactically stupid your claim was. I do have to thank you for providing my wife and I a good laugh. She couldn't believe anyone could possibly be as fucking stupid as you are. Well done, lad. Remind me to never get in a plane with you. 'What does this button do?'

LOL at you.
He didn't say it until 24 hours later. He knew it. Fox New it. It was intentional. It backfired. That was not a live interview. It was taped, and every Fox News producer knew. They are as dishonest as you are. Well, maybe not.

Early, can I direct you to book called 'Law for Dummies, morons, and blowhard pretentious assholes'. In it, they will explain to you that a prosecution involves the charging of a crime, as opposed to a civil lawsuit, which involves potential monetary damages. Why not just admit that you made the whole fucking thing up, Early? Everyone knows it, because even the dumbest of posters here knows how galactically stupid your claim was. I do have to thank you for providing my wife and I a good laugh. She couldn't believe anyone could possibly be as fucking stupid as you are. Well done, lad. Remind me to never get in a plane with you. 'What does this button do?'

LOL at you.
Oh, no, another boo boo.

“FOX New it.”

Oh, no, another boo boo.

“…for providing my wife and I…”

That should be “and me.” It’s the objective case dummy.

Don’t eat the Uber Eat’s French fries. They will fire you.

Does your wife drive for Uber Eats too?

Your primary education isn’t cutting it, Concarty.

Poor Concarty.
Oh, no, another boo boo.

“FOX New it.”

Oh, no, another boo boo.

“…for providing my wife and I…”

That should be “and me.” It’s the objective case dummy,

Don’t eat the Uber Eat’s French fries. They will fire you.

Does your wife drive for Uber Eats too?

Your primary education isn’t cutting it, Concarty.

Poor Concarty.
At least he has a job instead of sitting on a forum all day like a loser.
Oh, no, another boo boo.

“FOX New it.”

Oh, no, another boo boo.

“…for providing my wife and I…”

That should be “and me.” It’s the objective case dummy,

Don’t eat the Uber Eat’s French fries. They will fire you.

Does your wife drive for Uber Eats too?

Your primary education isn’t cutting it, Concarty.

Poor Concarty.

Yawn. I'm very sorry I've embarrassed and humiliated you, Early. You know what her favorite part was? The part where you claimed you showed your attorney my posts. Her reaction to that was 'shut the fuck up'. And then more gales of laughter.

'Say old chum, while we wait here for the group to clear the green, I'd like to share some posts from this Uber Eats driver I've been jousting with. What do you think?'

'Oh my heavens, Winthrop, I am absolutely SHOCKED!!!. It appears, Winthrop old chap, that your Uber Eats driver is practicing law without a license. But, please, let me be very clear and concise, as those of us who matriculated at Haaaavahd are wont to do. He is, my fellow frat brother, practicing not just ANY law, but very specifically CORPORATE law without a license. As you know, Winthrop, corporate law is where we are able to fleece our clients of the most money, and an Uber Eats driver attempting to sow that particular field is an affront to all of the good men of Dippi Doppy Do fraternity. I shall now prosecute this lowlife for his criminal conduct. First off, Winthrop, you must provide me with the contact information of this particular website so that we can send a cease and desist letter and get this scoundrels contact information so that I can have him arrested and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. What do you think, Winthrop?'


Absolutely priceless. Have a nice day Early. You bore me.
The Kam tape didn't get a single laugh...I wonder why? Maybe if she could have gotten Gretch the Wretch to do another communion offering in the same clip.....
“Biden is sharp as a tack.”

Brett- When did you learn of Biden’s cognitive decline?


Too funny.
That's not funny. I want someone with a great tolerance for pain to document just how many times that bimbo said the word Trump during that interview.
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