Kamala Harris interview with Bret Baier is an unmitigated disaster for her

I find it totally incomprehensible that these stupid TV interviews actually mean anything to prospective voters.

If you're not TOTALLY POSITIVE already
whether you prefer Harris or Trump,

one of whom would have to grow a second head
in order for the two of them to be more different,

then I'm sorry but you're far too stupid to be anyplace near a polling booth.

I don't understand why I'm the only one here talking about this.
I watch field reporters interviewing prospective voters on television
and many of them are so fucking clueless as to what's going on
that I'd like to take them to the Mystic River and drown them for the good of society.

Why do so many people here on this forum have a near infinite tolerance for abject stupidity?
Why is it ok to be clueless in America?

People are too busy with their personal lives? Their everyday problems?
I say fuck their personal lives.
Socially irresponsible people don't deserve to have personal lives.
They waste valuable space,
and maybe it's just I,
but I have no tolerance for them at all.

I'm quoting myself here
because I find it both shocking and outrageous
than neither liberals or conservatives
are willing to condemn the clueless.

Especially liberals.
Conservatives probably benefit from the clueless.
Says who?

I know retirees who are well off who just want to do something for fun & to fill some time. And what's wrong w/ people working?

The elitism from conservatives kind of shows what the GOP is about, and always has been. It's not about working folks. It's the party of the wealthy, who look down on people who work regular jobs.

It demonstrates insecurity. I think the Uber Eats thing (which I proudly did) was almost three years ago now. But apparently, they've never stopped. The dirty little secret is that my money still spends. I still drive the same car I've been driving, live in the same house, have the same life. Whatever anyone has, I don't begrudge them in the least. But I do know how to get under their skin. And you can tell it's working.
Yep Confart wears a Pink Pussy Hat just to get feminist to talk to him. "Hey Cool hat does your wife carry your balls in her purse?"

I think she has them put up out of his reach for many years now. Not that they were much to look at in the first place. Low T doesn't produce robust gonads.
He's now claiming he made a mistake with the Trump clip, but during the interview, he didn't seem phased by the fact it was heavily edited.

And it was not live. But watch the clip. You can see a wry smile on his face...... he knows, and he is thinking 'she's taking the bait'. They wanted to turn her into an angry black woman. That was the ENTIRE purpose of the interview. I think women who were watching saw something very different. Eugene Robinson, who is the associate editor of the Washington Post wrote this morning that Harris should send a thank you note to Fox and Baier for the gift of that interview. The demographic that could be influenced by this interview is women, and she knew it. Fox was not smart enough to realize that, and fell into the trap. But if this was a straight up interview, it would have been very different. They did it intentionally. There is zero doubt in my mind.
At least he has a job instead of sitting on a forum all day like a loser.
Agreed. Notice all of the JPP MAGAts are, indeed, losers. They're also racists, antisemites and misogynists. The spend the entire day spreading hate and lies.

IMO, it's because their own lives suck so much that they need to vent their spleens and cover the forum in bile in order to feel better about themselves. Happy people don't spread hate, lies or bile, but very unhappy people do it consistently.

not intentional... unless we're talking about why she was late...lol... Or memorized twenty one lines that included Donald Trump... And when those didn't work out she ran...
Agreed. Notice all of the JPP MAGAts are, indeed, losers. They're also racists, antisemites and misogynists. The spend the entire day spreading hate and lies.

IMO, it's because their own lives suck so much that they need to vent their spleens and cover the forum in bile in order to feel better about themselves. Happy people don't spread hate, lies or bile, but very unhappy people do it consistently.

And we dance!!!! But not like an Emperor penguin or a guy jacking off two dicks. That just looks dumb :)
Joey, Joey, Joey. You need to seriously up your game. Your insults just make you look like an angry little man. Try to be a little witty, or a little clever. Come on. You are a genius. And this is your A game? Pretty disappointing. Back to it. Hump away little man.
Agreed. Not only are all the JPP MAGAts angry losers, but they aren't very bright. They keep repeating the same things over and over again.

IMO, that's indicative of their mental issues. Some are much worse off than others.

Joey, Joey, Joey. You need to seriously up your game. Your insults just make you look like an angry little man. Try to be a little witty, or a little clever. Come on. You are a genius. And this is your A game? Pretty disappointing. Back to it. Hump away little man.
Is she starting to look like this yet?


Or maybe you bought her some tits like these? Bet you find them hot.

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I find it totally incomprehensible that these stupid TV interviews actually mean anything to prospective voters.

If you're not TOTALLY POSITIVE already
whether you prefer Harris or Trump,

one of whom would have to grow a second head
in order for the two of them to be more different,

then I'm sorry but you're far too stupid to be anyplace near a polling booth.

I don't understand why I'm the only one here talking about this.
I watch field reporters interviewing prospective voters on television
and many of them are so fucking clueless as to what's going on
that I'd like to take them to the Mystic River and drown them for the good of society.

Why do so many people here on this forum have a near infinite tolerance for abject stupidity?
Why is it ok to be clueless in America?

People are too busy with their personal lives? Their everyday problems?
I say fuck their personal lives.
Socially irresponsible people don't deserve to have personal lives.
They waste valuable space,
and maybe it's just I,
but I have no tolerance for them at all.
BUMP #2.
At some point, somebody has to be willing to talk about this.
Is our tolerance for air-headedness infinite?