why not.....teachers have nothing else to do all summer long.......
Lots of 'em love children year round, don't they?
why not.....teachers have nothing else to do all summer long.......
Since when does Congress provide teacher salaries?
The teachers unions typically reward DEMOCRATS with huge donations and thousands of campaign volunteers.
Don't teachers tend to vote for Democrats anyway?
there is not a single teacher in this country that works for the federal government........tell me you do know that........
thanks......most teachers aren't man enough to admit they don't give a shit.....
meanwhile......Huff-fucking-post says......
thanks......most teachers aren't man enough to admit they don't give a shit.....
meanwhile......Huff-fucking-post says......
That is repulsive and wrong. people care a lot more about their jobs than apparently, you do. People try and do a good job. Teachers are professionals and work hard keeping up with changing teaching techniques. They require regular schooling and training.
47bpercent in Detroit with a terrible schools system is not the whole country. If you think that backs up brain dead Vasquezsucks, you are wrong. You should go back to school.
Teachers are lazy ass bitches .... Like YOU !
They don't deserve a raise because our kids are not better off today !
I think they do.
You found that in what I wrote? Fucking amazing. She is trying to back teachers and a president urging higher salaries would be quite helpful to changing wage structures.
47bpercent in Detroit with a terrible schools system is not the whole country.
How would what she proposes get her any more votes than she'd already get?
If you're talking about public schools K through 8th. grade, I'd say most really are dedicated.
Most are dedicated...that's two opinionsThat's one opinion.
That is repulsive and wrong. people care a lot more about their jobs than apparently, you do. People try and do a good job. Teachers are professionals and work hard keeping up with changing teaching techniques. They require regular schooling and training. 47bpercent in Detroit with a terrible schools system is not the whole country. If you think that backs up brain dead Vasquezsucks, you are wrong. You should go back to school.
Most are dedicated...that's two opinions
A president urging higher salaries would be quite helpful to changing wage structures.
OKTwo opinions and and a couple of bucks will get you a cup of coffee. Two opinions by themselves won't get you anything.