Hello martin,
It qualifies as one, haphazard as it was. The thing is: different people went there for different reasons; and some of them got caught up in something they did not plan for. Others had definite nefarious plans and imagined the rest were with them. Some tried to urge the hapless crowd on, but when they were inside the capitol most of them didn't know what to do as the worst of them were looking for politicians to murder.
The overall intent was to stop the government from doing it's job.
They did so for a while, but the courageous government bravely came right back to work and finished their task, even if it took most of the night.
Imagine the 'steal stoppers,' thinking they had accomplished their task, and they headed home only to wake up the next day and learn they had no effect on government function, that it went on anyway. And now their butts were being sought by authorities. Talk about going from the top of the hill to becoming the lowest of low lifes in the news, mocked and derided for attacking America.
But they carried flags with them!
Doesn't that count for anything?
Even if they were mounted on spears as they forced their way into capitol...