Keep Calling It an Insurrection

We’ve had nearly a year of political violence and I’ve been outraged throughout. I don’t know who to believe with AOC. Didn’t she ‘do a little acting’ down at the border last year?

So you think she was lying about being a sexual assault survivor?

People with PTSD don't recover 100%.

One thing's for sure, the whole thing wasn't amusing. It tells us that people are truly crazy and can destroy society in one sitting.
It was an insurrection Trump style. So it was impetuous of course, clumsy and bungled, but an insurrection nevertheless. It doesn’t get a pass because it failed.

No disrespect to white people, but I can't think of one historic venue of wanting white power to linger forever that these people have WON. I mean, slavery was done deal, segregation was a done deal, uh, can't think of anything that's been a win win for these people. I personally will give up the fight and join humanity and call it day.......cause brown and black ain't going anywhere, just ask you white women....just sayin
No disrespect to white people, but I can't think of one historic venue of wanting white power to linger forever that these people have WON. I mean, slavery was done deal, segregation was a done deal, uh, can't think of anything that's been a win win for these people. I personally will give up the fight and join humanity and call it day.......cause brown and black ain't going anywhere, just ask you white women....just sayin
States with Republican state legislatures are working overtime to come up with more successful voter suppression schemes for 2022 and beyond.
I fully condemn this, but it's true. No time for African American political activists to be claiming final victory over everything.

It might also be a good idea to stop alienating white progressive liberals who have backed your causes for decades by overplaying the white devil card.
I'm not accusing the OP of this, but it does happen.
Euro-Americans are no more of a monolith than African Americans are. Asian, Latin, and Indigenous Americans aren't monoliths either.

We've got shit to accomplish together. Let's not make the trumpanzee resurrection attempt any easier for them.
States with Republican state legislatures are working overtime to come up with more successful voter suppression schemes for 2022 and beyond.
I fully condemn this, but it's true. No time for African American political activists to be claiming final victory over everything.

It might also be a good idea to stop alienating white progressive liberals who have backed your causes for decades by overplaying the white devil card.
I'm not accusing the OP of this, but it does happen.
Euro-Americans are no more of a monolith than African Americans are. Asian, Latin, and Indigenous Americans aren't monoliths either.

We've got shit to accomplish together. Let's not make the trumpanzee resurrection attempt any easier for them.

First off, I'm not claiming victory over anything. Unarmed black men are still cop targets.......I'm simply commenting on white history and its failures of constantly battling brown and black people to maintain superior leverage over us, with this latest DC attempts that failed. Unlike most democrats who want to walk on egg shells and extend a olive branch and please love me again to these white nuts, I'm not one of them. And yes, were it not for white people, ie liberal jews, having our backs, true, the struggle would have been more prolonged and complicated....however, doing WHAT IS RIGHT AND JUST, ISN'T A LEFT WING LIBERAL THING, ITS A HUMAN RIGHTS THING, so giving kudo's to someone for simply allowing a black human being his basic rights, is a bit much. I'm 62 years old and my kids WERE THE FIRST IN US HISTORY TO BE BORN WITHOUT A STRIKE OF SUPPRESSION AGAINST THEM, THEY COULD VOTE FREELY, I wouldn't be proud of that, would you? Its 2021. At some point, white people gotta throw in the damn towel, call it a day and join the human race of acceptance and leave people the fuck alone
At some point, white people gotta throw in the damn towel, call it a day and join the human race of acceptance and leave people the fuck alone

At some point the racist reactionaries do indeed have to do exactly that, and that time is admittedly overdue.

When you refer to "white people," however, there is no such united, like-thinking entity to collectively throw in any towel.
Do we all look alike to you?
Nice you found her fear amusing. Typical that you would. She was in a building annexed to the main Capitol building, could hear the sounds of the assault, security was as much or more concerned for her safety as for other Congressmen and women, knowing how much she is disliked by people like yourself.

Bullshit. She couldn't hear shit.
Why does that matter.? All those who were trying to overthrow the government on 1-6 were Repub/ Trumpies. A big chunk of Trumpies want to end the American system. You are as guilty as they are in philosophy if not in deed. Trump is a threat to the American experiment, the worst one we have faced since the civil war.

Then come hang me, fuck face. Pathetic turd.
The difference isn’t intellectually difficult: rioting in protest of racial discrimination and poverty is social unrest. Rioting in protest of the result of a Presidential election is political.

Oh, so social unrest is acceptable?
Quote Originally Posted by martin View Post
I don't remember saying the President's predicament that time was amusing. But do you think the two events are comparable or that there was even a sliver of a chance the lives of the President and his family were in danger?

there wasn't a sliver of danger to anyone's life on 1/6 either......well, other than the unarmed woman shot to death by an overzealous guard.......
So the Capitol officer didn't bang on the door while hollering, "WHERE IS AOC???"
