APP - Keep Tweeting Donald America


The People Tweet Pres Trump

Editor's note: It cannot be determined if all these tweets were actually used, there is no copyright on thought in this confusing time. Enjoy and use.

Stop calling healthcare Obamacare, this is your watch and what you do or don't do or allow others to do is now Trumpcare.
Donald, will Trumpcare be great like your University and Casinos?
The tough tweeter was a draft dodger, it's real tough finding a doctor to excuse you from serving your nation.
Great great idea not recording WH briefings, that way reality can be modified to fit anything at all.
When Hillary called your fans deplorables she missed the biggest one you.
How about that Gorsuch dissenting established civil rights for Americans another sad example of humanity.
You are greatest president in all history even fake history according to fake Time covers.
Donald you drive American made your fans drive foreign cars, how you gonna make America great.
Only eighty thousand voters caused thirty two million to lose healthcare how nice.
Loved the fake Time magazine cover you looked so competent and accomplished unlike on TV.
Gorsuch makes Scalia look normal what a home run, another bigot on the top court.
Love your religious BS you have them thinking you're the messiah who will lead them to the promised land of religious intolerance.
Killing Obamacare won't kill that many people will it, hopefully they are good people.
Donald bots are your most loyal twitter followers, congrats someone loves you.
Americans who voted for you have made a joke of the presidency by electing a joke.
Americans must realize by now, repeal and replace with something better was just a slogan for the naive.
Great work holding events for your reelection at your own hotels, double money for you.
Love seeing VP Pence and Speaker Ryan adulation plastered on their faces when they stand behind their hero DJT.
Donald since you have a knack for recreating the past why not create the future too?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes such funny faces when she realizes the truth must be avoided at all cost.
Who knew healthcare was complicated, seems everyone but Trump and the republicans!
Israel and Russia love you more than the rest of the world how nice is that.
Less Taxes for the wealthy great great great healthcare plan, the poor don't matter in Trump world.
Who knew judge Gorsuch would be among the educated deplorables?
Less taxes for the well to do, the moral thing to do in Trump's Christian America.

Also see here:

"Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it." Emily Dickinson
Lots of Americans have commented on these tweets more to follow, stay tuned.

"As a student of history, I recognize this type. He emerges everywhere and in all eras. We see nurtured in his campaign an incipient Proto-fascism, a nativist anti-immigrant Know Nothing-ism, a disrespect for the judiciary, the prospect of women losing authority over their own bodies, African Americans again asked to go to the back of the line, voter suppression gleefully promoted, jingoistic saber rattling, a total lack of historical awareness, a political paranoia that, predictably, points fingers, always making the other wrong. These are all virulent strains that have at times infected us in the past. But they now loom in front of us again—all happening at once. We know from our history books that these are the diseases of ancient and now fallen empires. The sense of commonwealth, of shared sacrifice, of trust, so much a part of American life, is eroding fast, spurred along and amplified by an amoral Internet that permits a lie to circle the globe three times before the truth can get started." Ken Burns
More ruminations from Americans. As always real Americans share and these tweets can be shared.

Why'd you spend $400,000 of taxpayer money flying back to Washington to attend a concert.
How's it feel to have a German women as leader of the free world now that you were elected?
Give up on false Podesta tweets, tell your fans a million Bigfoots voted for Hillary in CA, that they'll believe.
Stop posting the great Obama jobs monthly numbers, you'll need less jobs to justify giving the rich trickle up tax relief.
Keep coming up with plans that aren't really plans, the media will be kept busy and you can golf.
Alternative explanations for fake topics have not been ruled out as useful explanations, per Trump admin.
Is it true Ivanka is now running the country as you golf?
No need to worry about Russia meddling in our elections republicans are doing that well enough with voter ID regulations.
Under Trumpcare just 32 million people will lose health coverage great great work.
Pres Trump have you ever read a book? Ever? Recommended Strangers in Their Own Arlie Russell Hochschild.
Keep them guessing, tweet a made up scam about a real scam that way they'll not know which is which.
Great idea giving Putin free room and board at Trump Tower.
Your buddy Alex Jones is a great investigator, pizza parlors are now safe for children.
Is it true Kris Kobach found Martians and Sasquatch registered in several states? Great work Kris!
Some say you have never read a book, that's why you're so well spoken isn't it?
Great, your education secretary is all for check schools, money money money education who cares!
The ethics guy is gone no more ethical considerations that's great isn't it, get another Gorsuch and you're set.
Republicans approve of your buddy Putin more than other American leaders ain't that great.
Select enough judges like Alito Thomas and Gorsuch and you can call the shots, law is then yours to make.
Where the heck is that great great healthcare you promised everyone, was that fake too.
Have Alex Jones make up a fake wall, the National Inquirer will put it on front page and your fans will believe.
Glad your administration discovered NASA hiding kidnapped children on Mars, great great work.
Keep mentioning wmds just blame that too on Obama your followers don't care or even know what they are.
The ethics guys said you had too many conflicts of interest good thing he's gone.
Heard you and Putin will be riding horses in Central park shirtless, how presidential is that!

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
Post, can you point me to a thread of yours that counters the points made above? Cute answers are for children. I apologize if you are a yout, if so carry on.

????......lib'rul campaign memes don't need counters......I'll wait until I see one of them backed up by facts before I waste my time.......
Ruminations from the peanut gallery. As always real Americans share and these tweets can be shared.

Donnie, just say collusion is normal kinda like lying and not paying your workers, just part of the job.
Didn't mommy tell you Donnie that lying wasn't very nice or becoming a president?
Love your new slogan Donnie and Sons, 'Make America great again with Russian help'.
All those wealthy cabinet people really really understand the working poor in America.
Smart move Pres Macron give him a platform and parade and you got him where you want him.
Donnie, just keep saying you heard it through the it must be true....
Loved the photo of Kris Kobach next to an illegal Sasquatch voter on the National Inquirer front page, good work Kris.
Donnie Jr sure got played, but hey you made up enough lies about Hillary, no need to depend on Russian dirt.
Mike Lee claims conservatives need to add lying and cheating on their wives to conservative values.
Donnie stop watching TV go golfing, enjoy the summer, and Mar-a-Lago is for the fall and winter on taxpayer's tab.
Russia do this send Donnie Jr an email tell him anything he'll arrive on time like a good real estates salesman.
Listen Donnie and sons, just appear on Fox and tell them anything at all, they'll soak it up and smile like stuck puppets.
Keep interviewing with Hannity that man wouldn't have an idea if he fell over it twice and it hit him on the head three times.
Kinda funny how all your conversations with your sons are on the up and up, no business huh, you sure play your fans well.
Didn't your republican buddies repeal Obamacare yet, everyone is waiting for the 'beautiful' Trumpcare you promised.
Heard you and Vlad are studying computer science so you can catch the hackers together, great idea.
Alternative explanations for Trump tweets have not been ruled out per Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Donnie your administration is so off the wall, it is hard to satirize satire on so grand a scale.
The lawyers sure do love your administration Donnie, full employment and more. Who pays?
Donnie your infrastructure plan wasn't really a plan was it, plans require thought and you're soon on to, on to....
Kellyanne Conway says it took her years to learn how to make up stories and maintain a straight face.

"Kellyanne Conway says Trump mostly tweets about policy, with a straight face."
As bizarre as they sometimes sound, the people's tweets are often right on target.

The People tweet the President 5

Where is that Great Wall, Beautiful Great Healthcare, Infrastructure Bill, where oh where....
When faced with honest to goodness truth tell them an alternative explanation may fit better.
You gotta laugh none of the Trump products are made in America and your fans still cheer your made here BS.
Love your America First baloney while allowing more H2B workers into America.
Scaramucci sounds like a teenage girl, no offense meant girls. Love Story II.
Keep tweeting, makes all news soon disappear as you tweet the next tweet followed by the next.
Infrastructure infrastructure wherefore art thou infrastructure.
Hillary is tougher than you Donnie she fought her own battles you require twenty lawyers any wonder you were a draft dodger.
Great work on VP Pence he lies as much as you do now and looks like a cardboard image.
Love your it's never my fault excuse, children use that too, what an example.
In Trump admin extreme vetting is only for Muslims not themselves and their contacts.
The weird love of Trump by Scaramucci and others reminds us of that Adolph guy.
Does Kris Kobach have the phone number of the Sasquatch voter, one of your fans thinks he knows him or her?
American misogyny amazes, Hillary was investigated for sneezing while Trump family colludes with foreign operatives.
Please use more emoticons your fans understand pictures better than ideas or deep thoughts.
Tell your fans golf is like church for you a kinda religious experience without the religious imperatives.
OK I just gotta just say Mike Pence looks like a simpleton smiling behind you in every photo.
Donnie please stay, Pence is a worse bigot and a kinda empty shirt who will be played by the Kochs.
Great Idea AG Jeff take more money from Americans to pay for Trump's golfing and hotels.
Trump's team rolls back regulations and profits from changes, just another example of the free market at work.
Love how your lawyers and advisers repeat there was no collusion, it is a choir of puppets.
Donnie tell Fox and Friends anything at all they'll smile and blame others it is a great comedy.
Tell them another story about how you saved an industry from going overseas no one checks anyway.

"Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results." Margaret Atwood
Tweeting the Pres 6 feel free to share or use. Make sure you read WSJ link at bottom.

How's that great great great beautiful beautiful beautiful healthcare coming along?
Great work Donald Trump serving as an anonymous source for his own administration.
Draft dodger Donnie goes after transgender service people how tough and patriotic is that?
Donald, your presidency is like all the dumb kids in school who laugh at others, won.
Loved Scaramucci citing you as an anonymous source claiming your innocence over Russia.
How does it feel to be the most corrupt, incompetent president in American history?
Is it true you and the mooch are having a financial love affair, money money money.
Contradictions abound in the Trump world of lies and other nonsense, which way is up.
Thanks Donald I now say Merry Christmas in place of good morning or good evening every day.
Trump's deplorables have a deplorable as leader, guess that works for them.
Mar-a-Lago trips cost more than transgender people's healthcare, get a soul Donnie.
Donald, no giving Russia back to Alaska won't get rid of Lisa Murkowski.
If John Kelly won't suffer idiots and fools how will he deal with you?
Donnie your rallies remind many of a historical figure in the 1930's can you guess who.
Donald your Boy Scout rant was so off the wall they apologized for letting you speak to children.
But loved you telling the Scouts there should be a badge for a bad foot draft dodger.
Loved you and the The Mooch complaining about the disclosure of financial docs that should be public.
Donald republicans never had a healthcare plan and neither did you even with all the many words.
Great pick in Mike Pence he follows along like a puppet, love his childlike smile while you talk nonsense.
Great idea Donnie police should break the law as you proposed at your deplorable rallies.
Did you forget infrastructure Donnie or was that just another scam like your university?
Love your thinking Donald, when good happens you're the cause if bad happens it's the others fault.
Donald we thought we wanted you now that have you can you go away and stay away. Go Golfing.
Who was it said Trumpster rhymes with dumpster?
The Fake People Tweet The Fake Pres 7

My family and I love you Donald, now when we lie we say we are being Presidential.
Trump is fake, news is fake. and even fake is fake. Source: Fake News inc.
Love your fake rallies with fake promises think anyone will catch on.
Was a fake president Bulworth the model for Donald J Trump?
America's first fake president, Donald J Trump.
Some voters never realized you were fake and stayed home.
Will the SCOTUS be fake too, Neil Gorsuch fake jurist so far.
Calling everything fake hides the fact the president's knowledge is fake.
Creating a fake Obama and fake Hillary elected a fake, how fake is that.
Birtherism was fake why should anything Trump says be otherwise.
Global warming fake and Russian probe fake can't remember the third fake.
Trump just gave Russia Alaska so he and Putin could hunt shirtless, not fake news either.
More fake news, Florida just flooded as did much of the mid-west with fake water.
Donald please use fake secret service think of all the money you'll save taxpayers.
Trump claims Russian collusion fake and thinks Russia itself may be fake.
Obama had fake nukes I have real nukes per Donald J Trump.
National Inquirer less fake than NYT per Donald J Trump president and thinker.
Trump lawyers claim only their client can determine what they will call fake, not them.
Kellyanne asks, seriously how can you tell fake from more fake? Seriously.
Only Donald J Trump's self love and great great great accomplishments are not fake but great.

"If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded." Karl Marx
(Feel free to comment share or reply, this is still America)

Trump's 'Make America a Banana Republic transformation continues....

Trump is a reflection of the dumbing down of America caused by dark money politics and (add your reason). Mine: Amoral people like Brad Parscale
Trump rallies, tribal feasts and exhibitions in which emotional surrender is given over to the lies of the tribal leader Donnie John Trump.
Republicans and Trump supporters represent a modern 'banality of evil' concerning immigrant children, how did America lose its heart and its soul?
Donnie, forty tweets on day thirty of your shutdown of government, what did you do, miscount or do you really think your writing is worth our time?
Question of the day, why didn't the native Americans build a wall to keep the republican Trump snowflakes out?
Donnie no worries your snowflakes knew you didn't work hard it is only tribalism and mutual ignorance that keep them cheering you.
With the addition of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh the Robert's court may become the most regressive and undemocratic SCOTUS in our history.
Trump has proved beyond any doubt Evangelicals are about political power and control and not Christian values.
Donnie. love how Giuliani repeats the investigative news after you and he first deny it, you must think Trump snowflakes are really dumb, are they?
Donnie should you lose Russian support there is always Fox media, they too share anti American values just like Russia.
Even Trump's so called religious youth snowflakes are disrespectful and kinda stupid, how un-American is that.
Isn't it kinda curious that Sarah Sanders' God hates immigrants too. You go Donnie and gang.
Donnie throws kisses to Putin and Kim and his snowflakes cheer, how cute is that.
Group affiliation frees the Trump snowflake from life and its complexity giving them succor from thought in shouts and rally chants.
Donnie, the only person with a ten foot wall is you and it is around your brain preventing reality from coming through.
Donnie, just tell your snowflakes the wall has been completed, they appear to believe all your other lies like the great great healthcare lie.
Trump is a modern day shaman his followers do not question, they believe and cheer their new priest.
It has to be clear now Trump isn't presidential, is he auditioning for another job or just performing, unaware and totally lost.
Draft dodger Donnie Trump says His Generals Are 'Better Looking Than Tom Cruise and Stronger', 'His generals' Huh!
Donnie your tax giveaway to the unneedy didn't work but given nothing you do works I guess that's not surprising.
Foxconn another Trump mistake but then again think Atlantic City and the casinos, nothing new.
Trump has made whites especially victims and he play them but the question is why whites allow themselves to be victims
Fake university, fake foundation, lie number six thousand and counting and Donnie calls media fake.
Last year Donnie Trump gave us covfefe. This year Smocking Gun, what will next year bring.
Trump has referred to reporters “enemies of the people,” a term once used by Joseph Stalin, who American is that!
Trump loves autocrats and wants to be one and his American supporters are too blind and obsessed in tribalism to realize they are supporting un-American values.

'We can't take credit for creating the Trump snowflake but because they are followers and mostly uneducated we were able to exploit that character in Americans, especially white Americans and oddly even religious Americans and Evangelicals.' 'Soviet Federate Socialist'

"A new lawsuit filed in federal court Monday accuses President Donald Trump and his children of convincing consumers to invest in get-rich-quick schemes, while also accepting 'large, secret payments' from the companies they were pitching." "The Trumps are congenitally unable to take personal responsibility.'' News item

And see here too:
I see 'I love America' is posting more baloney about Hilliary Clinton, you'd think the misogynists would get over Hillary, don't you? Insecurity run deep for some I guess.

Anyway I thought for a change I'd share some of my favorite quotes, I add to it often so check back.

Also for the interested reader check out this book on Hillary:

"The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization is the institutionalized form of male fear and hatred of what they have denied and therefore cannot know, cannot share: that wild country, the being of women." Ursula K. Le Guin
Well when times or slow or bad news comes out it's time to drag out "BUT HILLARY" again........

So true. I wonder too if America is mature enough to elect a woman? Our rural tribes are so set, woman remain second class citizens to many.

'The white women who flipped: the price of changing your conservative views' tribalism keeps Trump's fan in line too

"People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." Rebecca West
So true. I wonder too if America is mature enough to elect a woman? Our rural tribes are so set, woman remain second class citizens to many.

'The white women who flipped: the price of changing your conservative views' tribalism keeps Trump's fan in line too

"People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." Rebecca West

Hillary got a lot of votes so I think the country is ready but I don't think they all voted for her because she is a women..