APP - Keep Tweeting Donald America

"A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact." Daniel Kahneman


Americans will not repair roads and bridges but they will instead pay for a useless wall.

Image matters, for his fans Trump represents salvation, an Image Savior to raise them up.

Draft dodger Donnie Trump, a man so insecure, he feels he must criticize a dead American hero, John McCain.

Trump rallies, the pied piper fantasy that Donnie will lead them to the promised land, a place they cannot get to on their own.

Hard question, why does Trump appeal to so many rural people, as their savior, their hope of salvation, from what?

Betsy DeVos wants to cut support for the Special Olympics, how republican and evangelical is that you ask, God bless you Betsey.

Fox is no longer a news site but rather an arm of the deep state, Breitbart has always been an arm of the deep state.

Kim sure played Donnie, I guess when you are in love you accept being abused. Be strong Donnie.

Donnie John Trump may be the greatest American gaslighter, think for moment where he is and how they follow.

The Trump family is the Borgia Family of our time. Be best Trump family.

One must wonder how many CPAC whiners would MAGA if there were a draft to actually serve the nation?

Is Trump the Neville Chamberlain of modern times with regard to North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Russia?

Today Fox could be a Russian or North Korean owned source of disinformation, be best Fox.

Thomas Selby Ellis III is not a judge he is just another biased human, Manafort stole from America but he is white and looks like Thomas.

Trump supporters use the federal support system, yet they cheer when Donnie castigates it. Be best Trump fans.

Trump kowtowing to a dictator is good for a Noble prize per Trump rally tribes. Be best Trump fans.

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are fighting for the hand of Donnie Trump, a modern romance, hope Vlad and Kim aren't watching.

Nancy Pelosi beat Donnie on the shutdown, can you imagine how he felt? 'Be best Donnie'.

President Trump, it may have been the alignment of the stars that ruined his love affair with Kim. Sad.

Trump blames Cohen testimony for failed deal with North Korea as if Kim really cares about America.

Will working class Americans ever figure out they are being played by the outrage industrial complex, gaslighting, and 'dark money'.

'The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.' Ann Coulter


See here too:

Why is it more dominant in America?? How did it work on her??
Get back to you on this.
Random Tweets from America's Peanut Gallery

Cadet Bone Spurs is our leader, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth nicknamed Donald John Trump.
Draft dodger Donnie spent Memorial weekend in Japan praising the Japanese, anyone take note of the ironic incongruity.
What does it say that Russia was more afraid of a woman as president than Pres Donnie Trump.
Flying with DJT is like being with a spoiled child who has to watch Fox sycophants praise him and idolize his inanity or he cries.
Pres DJT is so insecure seeing the naval vessel the 'USS John S. McCain' upsets his childish psyche.
Today's ideology preachers, Jordan Peterson, Dinesh D'Souza, Ben Shapiro, Victor Davis Hanson, Steve Bannon, Hogan Gidley, Mark Levin, where did the thinkers go.
The Trump administration is like the grotesque section of an old time circus, performers and performance, little else.
MAGA people are the believers the believers who follow the Stalins and Maos of the world. Belief systems bind the mind.*
William Barr is the Andrei Vyshinsky of Trump's American brand, an apologist for ideological nonsense and political corruption.**
The 'deep state turned out to be Trump's own people protecting him from himself.
A MAGA hat wearer driving a foreign made car are they a hypocrite, a fool or just un-American worker.***
'Socialism' is a word but it is a stick not a thing, America and all nations already have elements of socialism, why the hullabaloo.
“It is the nature of grotesque things that you can’t look away.” Trump's appeal?
Trump wears you out as he forces media to respond to every tweet, abusing reality rather than covering it.
If serious media wants to save American democracy from the likes of trump and his sycophants they must show him honestly.
Accomplishment? Trump is the first president to bring together white nationalist racists and Christian evangelicals under the same banner.
The far right is now mainstream due to the simple fact diversity is a sin in their un-Christ-like Bible.
Historical comparison to Trump admin by Steve Bannon types exemplifies America ignorance of its own history.
Right wing talking heads like Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity remind us of religious bigots of the past, they know all.
Any American who did what Trump and family did would be in jail and yet Americans look at them as one of them.
William Barr is the Roy Cohn, Hans Michael Frank, and Micheal Cohen of Donald John Trump all wrapped in one sycophant.
Does Trump speaks dishonesty because he believes Americans are this dumb or are Americans this dumb.
President Donnie says his dad was born in two places at once and he says because he is president that's true, Sarah confirmed.

* See belief systems in:

** Barr is a tool of power, see 'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

*** American jobs:
Tweets as Sarah Sanders leaves. Readers of history often look back and wonder how people and situations came to be. Did anyone look close. Hindsight can confuse, we think how could this happen, how could some believe, how could people follow, why did this happen. Then you move forward and you listen to Sarah Sanders prevaricate, excuse, misinform, engage in smoke screens, and you are now in history. Nothing is real unless we acknowledge it and accept it as real. Nothing is true unless we accept it as true. So the play continues as Shakespeare wrote. Enjoy.

Note many Replying to @realDonaldTrump

OMG thoughts and prayers DO work.

TONIGHT: Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the job she hasn’t been doing for months.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all.

BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free.

we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. #ByeFelicia

BREAKING: Sarah Huckabee Sanders leaving the White House. Reportedly she wants to spend more time lying to her family.

Did you let Sarah Huckabee know she is leaving?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be the 437th person to leave the Trump administration since the beginning.

Which reality television contestant will be able to replicate that melodious whine?

"She’s basically quit being press secretary the same way Trump quit Crossfit." Trevor Noah

“So I literally and figuratively will not miss her, either.” Nicole Wallace.

"Some of Sarah Sanders' most controversial claims as press secretary"
"In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I was asked today by a Nun what the appeal of Donald Trump was for the working class. She seemed to understand the appeal he has with the rich and taxes, but was bewildered by his behavior and lack of accomplishment. Sister lives in a world in which charity and help for others is real, I don't think she could quite understand the tribalism and emotional attachment many Americans have for so dishonest a person. Trump fans live in a world of emotional attachment to a person who uses their fears and their resentment to control. Nuns live in another world.

'All False statements involving Donald Trump'


"NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends."
‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?’ Link at bottom.

For a change I thought the following OP by Thomas L. Friedman in the New York Times, a fascinating and on point commentary. Read it. The funny thing is it brought out the people with five thousand comments. He hit a deep nerve for sure. A few comments below.

"When the group of 4 brown women are called "Far-Left" for caring and wanting better for their constituents, I know America is past far gone and a mediocre place. The only progress we have ever made was what? Women voting? I see nothing beyond that. Ain't like we get great pay and time off and benefits and social scenes. Nope. America is one mediocre billionaire's gambling paradise - coast to coast." Mogwai CT July 20

"If the Democrats don’t find the right message in the critical swing states, they can kiss 2020 goodbye. So far, the only message has been that Donald Trump is a bad person. AOC et al are simply exacerbating the problem. They are distractors not unlike Trump. Again, wrong messaging. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida. These are the only states that matter. And the women in these states are what matter the most. Everyone else will be curious onlookers."
Karen J. in Ohio.

"Tom missed other issues why Trump will win. I hear a lot from white voters. They are sick of progressives continuing to thrash them as “white” privilege. They are sick of being demonized for all the ills among blacks. They are sick to have to apologize for their ancestors. They are sick of being called deplorables. They are sick that their kids can’t get into elite schools to accommodate lower performing students. All these issues touch white voters’ heart. Identity politics of the liberals hurt us and we saw that in 2016 while liberals keep blaming on misogyny. Misogyny that 67% of non-college educated women voted for Trump? Wake up or Dems lose me as well." Dave Austin July 20

"It is genius: Donald Trump has forged a deep, gut-level connection with millions of people who refuse to see him for what he is: a failed businessman (spectacularly so, as it turns out) who speaks in vulgar terms about women, creates racist conspiracy theories, divides people through hatred and has turned soft (read fat). He is vain; just look at his orange wig that always keeps it shape. This is a deeply flawed man with an exceedingly low IQ who just happens to lead the country. Only in America." Peter Erikson, San Francisco Bay Area July 20

"The president and his followers lack authority to tell anyone to leave this country because they are not indigenous to this land." anonymous native Indian
Inside The mind of our leader - the Trolling Messiah Thinks ???

I am the chosen one, only I can save you, you are my people, believe, oh and support me with visits too.

Now that Americans along with Saudis and Russians support us, we are one happy family.

I do my best work from my golf cart so Americans should be happy I'm always working.

Alabama thanked me for mentioning them with Dorian, they said my penmanship was great.

I know they shot a lot of people here in El Paso but did you see my rally crowds what fans, huge just huge.

Some call my fans snowflakes but they are my snowflakes, signs and cheers and all, I tell them things they believe.

How about those doctors who left their operating rooms in El Paso to greet me, my fans are everywhere.

Some call me Beelzebub, I love it, sounds so Trump like, that may be why Evangelicals love me so much.

Melania likes Kim too, he reminds her of me only shorter and not blond. similar haircut.

Parscale and Miller told me name calling works better than thinking, my fans follow and cheer, they must be on to something.

I'll get those immigrants, my benefactors are polluting the planet greatly, heat, floods will get em even if ICE doesn't.

There are no saints in my cheering crowds thank god, only happy hat wearers holding signs.

All red hat Whites vote for me, I make them laugh and promise them things they won't get, can you believe it.

Greenland is green right, I like green, I think Melania has green eyes, oh sorry, that was a porn star.

Only kidding not enough Russians or Saudis will support me if I buy Greenland with their gracious support.

Golf, I like to golf, yep golf, I like to golf yep did I say I like to golf, but I will be working hard in my head, count on it.

My new deal is more for me and my friends, not these cheering hat wearers but they still cheer, can you believe it?

Single handedly I wiped out ISIS no one else could do that I did in no time at all, bone spurs and all.

And even though my ties and Ivanka's clothing are made in third world nations that doesn't mean we don't like America's over paid workers lots.

I am not racist even though I do lots of things that are considered racist, just follow, stop thinking, be red hat fans.

Reality TV was where I was was made and today where America lives and kinda believes and cheers, great great great.

I failed in business but this president job is a real gem, use my own places and the Saudis and Russians contribute too, nice.

I made ignorance and stupidity republican traits and you thought I was a business failure, gotcha.

My Campaign in a nutshell: walls and whites, birtherism. more money for me, come on what else matters?

What does messianic mean, they keep saying I'm messianic, Melania you know, no, oh well.

Anyone who loves me should love Kimmie and Vladie too they my bros. Melania, what does autocrat mean?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Instead of tweets, language.

Every time the media asks Trump a serious question he gives an answer that changes or avoids the question. Today many of his answers are 'why is everyone picking on me, look over there instead'. Resentment has been a fundamental piece of Trump's rise to the presidency. Many of his voting supporters feel this same resentment and Trump plays that emotion well. Everyone is to blame except us, pathos plays well when all you do is point at another. Mexicans and Muslims were the starting point in this charade, today it is our constitutional legal system, immigrants, and socialists.

Trump's republican congressional supporters do the same, they don't answer the question, they bring up someone else and often claim why are you not praising Trump even though Trump has kept none of his election promises. One can understand why the republicans have fallen in line, they are afraid of a challenge to their cushy job and praising Donald is easy. They have no moral backbone, they are mostly moochers and followers.

So instead of tweets this post will cover language for the interested reader. Trump talks at a grade school level, but he does so cleverly, he has been a con-artist his entire life and it is the only way he can talk. That it works is a reflection of how dumbed down American politics has become and how money, often dark money, can propagate its constitutive rhetoric and manage a nation.

'Meta-messages – Lower Intelligence' Trump often talks in meta messages it is why when caught he denies'

'Trump’s Words Are Poison'

'Donald Trump May Sound Like A Clown....'


"We inhabit a language rather than a country." Emile Cioran

Every time the media asks Trump a serious question he gives an answer that changes or avoids the question. Today many of his answers are 'why is everyone picking on me, look over there instead'. Resentment has been a fundamental piece of Trump's rise to the presidency. Many of his voting supporters feel this same resentment and Trump plays that emotion well. Everyone is to blame except us, pathos plays well when all you do is point at another. Mexicans and Muslims were the starting point in this charade, today it is our constitutional legal system, immigrants, and socialists.

Trump's republican congressional supporters do the same, they don't answer the question, they bring up someone else and often claim why are you not praising Trump even though Trump has kept none of his election promises. One can understand why the republicans have fallen in line, they are afraid of a challenge to their cushy job and praising Donald is easy. They have no moral backbone, they are mostly moochers and followers.

So instead of tweets this post will cover language for the interested reader. Trump talks at a grade school level, but he does so cleverly, he has been a con-artist his entire life and it is the only way he can talk. That it works is a reflection of how dumbed down American politics has become and how money, often dark money, can propagate its constitutive rhetoric and manage a nation.

'Meta-messages – Lower Intelligence' Trump often talks in meta messages it is why when caught he denies'

'Trump’s Words Are Poison'

'Donald Trump May Sound Like A Clown....'


"We inhabit a language rather than a country." Emile Cioran

I could negatively critique every president's speaking from Bush I to Trump. Reagan was the last president who had a true gift/talent for speech. JFK did too.
I could negatively critique every president's speaking from Bush I to Trump. Reagan was the last president who had a true gift/talent for speech. JFK did too.

Interesting but is what they said or are saying connected to the reality of the present moment. I am not a fan of Reagan but he was an actor and announcer - the fact he raised taxes numerous times is forgotten in the new speech climate. And yes, John Kennedy spoke well, and I think Obama did too. But the point is how speech is used to confuse regardless of its rhetorical strengths. Trump distracts and confuses, he plays on emotion rather detail or analysis. His words on the Kurds not helping during the war and his comparison of impeachment to lynching is so far out there it is hard to imagine this man is president of a nation that prides itself on its commitments.

"I asked my husband where he’d place Trump on the spectrum of human chronological development. “He is a toddler,” was his instant reply."

"The inability or unwillingness of citizens to differentiate between fake and authentic news is undermining a fundamental assumption of democracy: the informed voter." Richard Edelman
. Interesting but is what they said or are saying connected to the reality of the present moment. ..
. Of course not.
I am not a fan of Reagan but he was an actor and announcer - the fact he raised taxes numerous times is forgotten in the new speech climate.
. Not sure how raising taxes has anything to do with being a good speaker.
But the point is how speech is used to confuse regardless of its rhetorical strengths. Trump distracts and confuses, he plays on emotion rather detail or analysis. His words on the Kurds not helping during the war and his comparison of impeachment to lynching is so far out there it is hard to imagine this man is president of a nation that prides itself on its commitments.
. I agree. Trump is very confusing.

Interesting read.
"The inability or unwillingness of citizens to differentiate between fake and authentic news is undermining a fundamental assumption of democracy: the informed voter." Richard Edelman
Besides the current political environment, this is what bothers me the most. There's a lot of fake news these days and the outlets cannot be held accountable like in technical professions. I can recognize most of it or I at least try to but I personally know otherwise intelligent people that believe only what they want to believe- on both sides .
Republicans during this impeachment remind us, "Act in such a way that the Fuhrer [Trump], if he knew your action, would approve it." Hans Frank, quoted in Arendt's 'Eichmann in Jerusalem'

Trumps's tweeting and the republican's obsequious comments, create the most exaggerated satire, you couldn't catch the flavor of this absurd theater. I am impressed with these civil servants and especially the women. So smart, so honest, but you must ask yourself, what happened to conservative America, when and why did it die? The Trump tools remind one of the banality of evil. I had to pull Arendt's book out.

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." Irving L. Janis in 'Sanctions for Evil'
more deep state

-The Deep Hidden [?] Thoughts of DJT Revealed-

Hillary is a saint compared to me but my republican tools made her the devil thus our work on Biden, we sure play the people better than the Dem's do. Accuse accuse accuse and they follow.

Why do some republicans dislike me, they created the dishonest environment and I fit, surely I could not be a democrat or democratic or even American. Republicans paved the road, made it easy to play their base.

Deficits deficits who cares, that's only for democrats to care, only a talking point, no meaning today, republicans and corporations love my tax giveaway, if a Dems wins we reverse policy of course.

I tell my red hat fans things are 'PERFECT' just like me, they aren't readers or too sophisticated so I use words they understand. Simple words simple slogans.

Thank goodness Pence isn't too religious he likes the VP perks, so religion comes second or third, immigrant children and the poor don't matter when you fly around like a king. You go Mickey.

Face it folks Joe Biden is a better more honest person than me, but my fans don't care so long as I share their hatreds even when I don't. The labeling works, they cheer, how happy enemies makes people.

Staying at my Mar-a-lago pays the bills for my kids, they are like me, they know how to sponge off dad's new con job. Great great kids just like dad.

Gotta get the blacks to stay home again this election, they may just stay home anyway I sure love the blacks.

Don't you just luv my tweets, all lies and BS, and made up stuff, but Fox and my red hats listen and luv them too.

My third wife Melania is an airhead like the first two, but doesn't she look great in designer clothing we get for free. Just perfect. Be best and be best dressed, makes me look good next to her.

I just tell em the wall is being built and it is PERFECT and they cheer and follow like children in that fairy tale, you know the one they follow and cheer, makes me smile.

Just point to inner cities or elite coastal areas and my fans are so well trained you can rob them and they'd cheer and wish maybe they lived where we rich people live. Gated, away from the riffraff, my loyal fans.

Trade war keeps my fans occupied and happy, I don't care I still make sure the government is using my facilities, what a racket huh, kinda like a mob boss.

I'm not a conspiracy thinker I checked with Alex Jones and Manafort and they know or think it was Ukraine, who cares, I gotta keep Vlad happy hotel in Moscow here we come.

News folk, please stop telling my snowflakes they are cutting holes in our wall, that will make them sad, they are simple people unlike me who doesn't give a shat so long as I can use the wall to make them happy.

Darn Judges keep ruling against my cruel actions on families, how am I gonna keep my religious fans happy if I don't hurt children while they love cells, weird huh.

Who cares if Stephen Miller is a racist and white supremacist, I mostly agree and I don't like most people, only cats, get it.

Of course I want absolved war criminals to campaign for me, makes this draft dodger look kinda interested in the military.

I have to tell my military people not to tell me secrets of any sort I'm too much a braggart and never served anyway. Too hard for we privileged people. Let the poor serve.

Only 19 women, ah come on, I grabbed more cats than that, like my joke, cats. I'm smart ain't I. Smart to play this game and win. In business I ain't so good. Oh well.

Listen I've only used Russia Ukraine and China for dirt, Brad and Miller called around but they were finding dirt on me too often. Now Barr is covering the world looking for dirt, you think Hillary was accused of falsehoods wait till my presidential opponent shows up.

Healthcare what a joke, a great diversion I tell them I can do it, great things, that's for saints and good people, republicans ain't good and I fit right in. Who knew.

Bribery like deficits are only bad when the Dems are in power, quid pro quid is a republican value, words change meaning and our fans follow. Great great fans.

I gotta get AJ Barr to select judges like him, followers not thinkers. When you have the law in your pocket there is no need for gulags. We get another scotus choice and it will be too easy.

I will continue to use simple talk, it keeps the base happy and we'll continue to pollute and give tax benefits to wealthy, all is right in the worlds or at least America's privileged classes.

And my boys Parscale and Miller love Facebook's dishonest reporting, it is their primary job we have free speech right, doesn't mean it has to be honest does it.

Please folks don't share my true feelings, oh heck, share them no one believes media today, confusion reigns, ain't that great for me that is.

"These are just words. A bunch of words. It doesn't mean anything." Donald John Trump

Editors note: we are unsure how the writer was able to convey DJT vain but honest thought but we appreciate the clarity of these words.

'Trump speech analysis' "Trump did not emphasize democracy..."
this is too important not to share

News: Fox Government Media, Sean and Tucker reporting:

Our president has put on his thinking cap and has come to the profound conclusion that the seas are rising due to flushing. His staff has suggested unless your poop is immense, flushing should be done once a day or after three poops. Pee doesn't count, never flush after peeing unless a day or two pass. [Pending Regulation of Trump administration]

"“People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,” Trump said, continuing that the Environmental Protection Agency is "looking at" the issue at "his suggestion."

“We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where it rushes out to sea because you could never handle it. And you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water,” Trump said during the White House round-table on small business and red tape reduction."


"Trump said they're looking at "opening up the standard" of water-saving regulations, noting that "there may be some areas where we'll go the other route — desert areas. But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down — it's called rain — that they don't know, they don't know what to do with it.""
Happy New Year fellow Americans, and in the spirit of intellectual freedom I offer you a few of my 2019 Favorites. Irritus U has also contacted me for an update on what it means to be a republican in a freedom loving nation. That will be a hard one but seeing much of the restricted commentary in APP it could be easy. Freedom is lost when commentary is censored and banned. My Russian troll agrees.

See here for Irritus:
Pres Donnie Trump gives the democrats tremendous tremendous advice, will they ever learn....

First an important announcement from our fearless leader: Have no fear Donnie is here and coronet will be taken care by *Mikey.

Dems, lie lie lie have you not figured that out yet, what am I up to twelve thousand and counting? My flock still followers I am their savior.

Listen Dems take credit for good and blame the other side for bad, my people don't check facts they just follow,

50,000 People Attended New Hampshire Rally in a place that only held 12,000. My followers ain't into math.

Will you Dems ever learn it is hate that motivates not love, not promises, not ideas, get with it.

I've made American Health Care System worse and they still follow. I take money from the Vets and they still follow. Tremendous.

Dems, I ain't the smartest but I know how to play the simple people just tell them, it's their fault you know immigrants or....

The DOJ is now the Trump Family Law Firm and for free too. Dems they never learned how government can work for them.

I gotta admit it makes me feel tremendous to release from prison dishonest politicians and advisers like me, birds of a ....

Dems you gotta play them but it is easier for me, republicans have trained them since Nixon and Reagan, look only at Devin Nunes.

We need to get rid of juries and let AG Barr and I decide who should go to jail, I'm sure my fans will agree. Vlad agrees too.

Ideas like the 'deep state' have a kinda make believe magic with my followers, you hide the obvious.

Sorry you Dems don't own hotels or golf resorts, buy one and use it to pad your families pockets as I do, be best Dems.

Ain't AG Barr great he pretends he is a real jurist he's my boy, my legal tool, he's a real Coyote.

Face it Dems my republican tools are afraid of my voters, ain't that wonderful. would you want to lose your welfare check.

I even offered that tool Julian Assange a pardon if he would say Russia was not involved in election. Ain't autocracy great.

Keep it simple Dems, most of the population can't even read very well, they are like me, use simple words, tell them lies like the song.

Dems just blame the victim it was their fault it's working on evangelicals, they don't even care about children in cages.

Listen Dem's the wall keeps my base happy, doesn't matter what its cost or its usefulness, keep it simple and they follow.

In the end Dems I'm gonna win, the Blacks ain't gonna vote, the evangelicals vote to control others, the moneyed vote for more money, Hispanics are divided, the poor don't vote or they vote their bias, the rural whites vote republican without thought. This is too easy.

Editor's note: Pres DJT spoils humor and irony as his presidency is so comic and absurd comedians are wondering whether seriousness and facts would help?

“This is the greatest crisis of Trump’s presidency, and his first response is, ‘Mike, you’re up. You take it.’” Stephen Colbert


"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" Charles Darwin
The Trump Mind Exposed And Obvious, oh and Honest ??? too

This is a great great time for me, TV show every day, I say all sort of things right wrong off the wall and my fans follow.

What I say today I change tomorrow but my people just follow along, ain't they great tremendous followers.

Oh I know Jared is a dummy but he is our dummy I don't want smart honest people in my administration.

If people die from COVID due to my incompetent administration they can't blame me they voted for me.

Calling honest news about me a hoax worked before COVID it will work after, they still love me.

Listen to Fox folks they are now my tool media, so great to have State run media, makes agitprop so easy now.

Bernie is gone now his fans will sit home helping me once again.

AG Barr is now my medical expert, he just loves what I profit from ain't he a great great AG.

Having all this news time is great, it's like a rally everyday full of BS my fans soak in and buy into.

Where did Melania go anyway she hiding from me and my great tan, gotta makeup my eyes better.

I gotta get back to golfing and government supporting me at mar-a-laga I wish you'd all open up soon.

I just say anything and Fox reports, next day when I was wrong they report my new position, ain't Fox great.

I know I said coronavirus was a hoax but by Easter a tremendous day we will reopen America.

Gotta change opening day, once in a while I listen to fake news, fake reports, that why my fans love me.

Fans and followers just watch OAN, they focus on other countries and praise my tremendousness. OAN just great.

We now lead the world in COVID-19 cases I told told you I'd make us number one. Tremendous.

Do you notice how I can change what I say a day later and OAN revises reality just for me.

If fake media tells you truths about my incompetence watch Fox, they are fake too but in a Trump tremendous way.

I had a talk with that China guy Xi it was a great talk just great great great. I love Asian dictators they're the best.

Sean Hannity ain't he wonderful my best media follower and gofer he buys into everything and praises me.

Business comes first for republicans, my fans will never learn that as they only watch Fox aka Trump media.

Business will use bail out to lobby for me and less taxes, how tremendous is that I ask you. Tremendous.

Listen to Fox and OAN fans and followers, James Carafano spins the stories my way like that song.

Wasn't my tremendous travel ban wonderful, I can't help if they all crowded together and are sick now.

Just call the virus foreign and my followers will have more people and places to hate great great followers.

One last thought ain't it great that COVID is taking attention away from all my lies and the fake investigations.

Plus I get to fire anyone who is honest about me, just tremendous being pres.

Don't read anything fans, actually I doubt my fans read, just tremendous tremendous fans, like Sean and AG Barr. They don't read either. Just follow and believe.

Of course if this continues to go badly I'll just blame others, my friends at Fox and OAN will follow as they do now.
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'President Tweety's mind: Tweety's motivations and reasoning as imagined to his analyst'

Holding a Bible makes my religious hicks love me, wasn't that a great great photo

I see myself like Jesus scolding the Pharisees only I use tear gas and rubber bullets

Will the Dems ever learn pointing fingers blaming others keeps my fans in my pocket

Protesting ain't gonna do any good this is America and it is white like me

I think I'll sue CNN to keep them from publishing facts I don't like

I fire all who don't kowtow to me only reason the doctors are still here is my sycophants are too dumb for medicine

I say one thing and then contradict it the next my fans just follow along great great fans

Obama had a plan for pandemics but he wasn't American so it didn't count me I count

I have a call into Vlad for his help this year don't tell anyone they won't believe you anyway

I also ordered a chemistry kit so I could cure COVID with my stable genius Melania where's that bleach

Howard Stern was right about my fans but they luv me too much to care I don't care for them

I'm gonna promise a cure for COVID in the future you just wait kinda like my wall my fans are easy

Ivanka what the heck is cancel culture you are a smart one you are keeping up with culture

Re G7 I'll invite other nations so I can return the favor to my buddy Vlad

Like my press secretary we do mail-in we are important face it most Americans are schmucks

Editor, Source: high level Trump tool or dumb inlaw is there a difference.

'Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused.'
Donnie's thoughts on the release of his family's tell all.

My fans don't care I have no principles, nether do they and they can't even spell the word.

We privileged people can cheat , let the white trash and others do the honest work.

Dems haven't figured out yet, it is hate that drives the souls of my fans.

Oh well, gotta get in the tanning bed I have golf tomorrow too on the people's dime. Ain't that great!

'He has no principles. None!'