APP - Keep Tweeting Donald America

Qanon explained - Trump talks to his cult members

If God likes Trump is there a need to ask why he should be re-elected and what he has accomplished. We did in spite of God's blessing. Trump's un-PC answers and accomps as always.

DJT: People of my Cult - ain't I great!

I got three miles of the wall built in only three years great great and with military children school monies yet!

I got to golf on American taxpayer money at my facilities yet. Golf Count: 273*

My trips to Mar-a-Lago only cost about $64 million, I'm a great gov voucher user 4 sure.

Evangelical Christians love me as caging children and hurting Americans makes me 'Old Testament'.

Didn't I pick a great AG, some call him a fascist but he's my fascist. just luv him.

Don't listen to my sister when she she says I have no principles she's just jealous.

Oh, I know I retweet white supremacists, they are part of my base. Barr** loves em too.

Poor whites out in those rural areas love that I am a racist, that's was they live out there.

And all the money we save on less postal services can be spread among the rich and me. Golf too.

Fox and OAN ain't they great fascist media, my best buddies. Qanon loves em too. Big Kiss to Rubert.

All I gotta do is blame the deep state and my fans and Qanon follow their pied piper, me.

Environmental destruction and pollution, who cares when God agrees with me. You heard he agrees with me.

"Trump recently reported conferring with God about the economy, mostly telling God what a great job he (Trump) had done, to which God allegedly replied, “now we’re going to have you do it again,” according to Trump’s retelling at a small Minnesota rally last week." WPO

Editors Note: Source unknown but rings true.

*Cost to Taxpayer roughly $140,000,000

"100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans"

** 'William Barr told Murdoch to 'muzzle' Fox News Trump critic, new book says'

Qanon explained

"The closer we get to the general election, the more conspiracy theories we’re bound to see. Making fun of them, however tempting it might be, is the worst possible reaction."
Tweets from the peanut gallery.

Our waving President: There is no question Donald John Trump is the Jim Jones of politics, both figuratively and literately, a cult leader who only cares for himself.

Trump climbs the capitol steps, out of breath, waves takes another breath. Even he could not fake it the actor is sick.

Everyone near him is now sick and self isolating.

Imagine our soldiers having to self isolate.

What a joke America has become under Donnie and yet still his cult follows.

What is it about flags that makes a follower suddenly patriotic.

Tweets from the peanut gallery.

Our waving President: There is no question Donald John Trump is the Jim Jones of politics, both figuratively and literately, a cult leader who only cares for himself.

Trump climbs the capitol steps, out of breath, waves takes another breath. Even he could not fake it the actor is sick.

Everyone near him is now sick and self isolating.

Imagine our soldiers having to self isolate.

What a joke America has become under Donnie and yet still his cult follows.

What is it about flags that makes a follower suddenly patriotic.

We are dealing with an irrational man who is totally detached from reality, and has got the potential to cause great harm to both the people and our country.
We are dealing with an irrational man who is totally detached from reality, and has got the potential to cause great harm to both the people and our country.

So true and yet his cult hangs on, well much of it anyway. People who worked with him know he is a dishonest, insecure man, but money and prestige leads some to follow. Video below is interesting as it reveals the change in some who know him well.
