Keeping a gun is about to get very expensive

The gun lovers most powerful ally wasted the money and power it had. Corruption and theft has gutted its power. The NRA had oversized power . Now it has been Republicanized, stolen from on the inside, and lost the power it had. The future should be interesting.
The gun lovers most powerful ally wasted the money and power it had. Corruption and theft has gutted its power. The NRA had oversized power . Now it has been Republicanized, stolen from on the inside, and lost the power it had. The future should be interesting.

the NRA is controlled by Russia. I wonder if that is why trump suddenly started loving gun nuts? putin told him to.

About 5,260,000 results (0.52 seconds)

NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New › 2019/09/27 › nra-was-foreign-asset-to-rus...
Sep 27, 2019 — The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in ... known — even though the two had declared their ties to the Kremlin.

Top NRA officials knew Russians were using ties to NRA to › nra-russians-ties-president-2016-election
Sep 27, 2019 — Top officials at the National Rifle Association knew Russians were using their ties to the gun rights group to try to bolster their status with ...

NRA's Ties to Russian Nationals Alleged in New Report - › Politics › National Security
Sep 27, 2019 — National Rifle Association funds paid for lodging and travel of Russian nationals throughout 2015 and 2016, as part of a relationship that ...

The NRA and Russia - Senate Committee on › imo › media › doc › The NR...
Sep 1, 2019 — Indianapolis, Indiana. The Tennessean, Nashville lawyer who introduced Russian operative to the NRA has ties to. Blackburn, March 20, 2018; ...

Senate Report on NRA Connections to Russia Shows › politics › politics-news › senat...
Sep 27, 2019 — A long-awaited Senate report into the connections
the NRA is controlled by Russia. I wonder if that is why trump suddenly started loving gun nuts? putin told him to.

About 5,260,000 results (0.52 seconds)

NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New › 2019/09/27 › nra-was-foreign-asset-to-rus...
Sep 27, 2019 — The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in ... known — even though the two had declared their ties to the Kremlin.

Top NRA officials knew Russians were using ties to NRA to › nra-russians-ties-president-2016-election
Sep 27, 2019 — Top officials at the National Rifle Association knew Russians were using their ties to the gun rights group to try to bolster their status with ...

NRA's Ties to Russian Nationals Alleged in New Report - › Politics › National Security
Sep 27, 2019 — National Rifle Association funds paid for lodging and travel of Russian nationals throughout 2015 and 2016, as part of a relationship that ...

The NRA and Russia - Senate Committee on › imo › media › doc › The NR...
Sep 1, 2019 — Indianapolis, Indiana. The Tennessean, Nashville lawyer who introduced Russian operative to the NRA has ties to. Blackburn, March 20, 2018; ...

Senate Report on NRA Connections to Russia Shows › politics › politics-news › senat...
Sep 27, 2019 — A long-awaited Senate report into the connections

Well, you put it out there, tell us exactly how will “keeping a gun .... get more expensive” if the Democrats win the Senate?

It has not been decided, but it has been decided that the way to get rid of guns is the same way to get rid of tabbacco....make them very expensive to hold and to bankrupt the gun makers.

The point of this thread is the master plan, not exactly how it will be implemented, which has not been decided yet.
it already is. people with guns in their house are more likely to shoot themselves, a family member or an acquaintance with that gun than a stranger...30 times more likely. you can't pay a higher price than that for a fucking stupid shit gun.

Firearms In The Home: Safe or Dangerous? [INFOGRAPHIC › Home Security
Oct 9, 2019 — For instance, the U.S. has 80% more firearm deaths than the 23 other of the world's richest countries in the world combined. And, your child's ...

Do guns make us safer? Science suggests no | News › news › hsph-in-the-news › do...
There is some evidence that having a gun may reduce property loss, “but the ... However, he noted, the presence of more guns does make crimes more violent. ... is make hostile interactions—robberies, assaults—much more deadly,” he said.

Guns in the Home - › English › at-home › Pages
Jun 12, 2020 — In fact, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to be used to kill a friend or ... one more important question: "Is there an unlocked gun in your house? ... children must learn that these weapons can be extremely dangerous.

Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death - › 2015/10 › gun-risk-death
Nov 14, 2018 — Guns can kill you in three ways: homicide, suicide, and by accident. Owning a gun or having one readily accessible makes all three more likely.

Keeping a Gun in Your Home Can Make Your Household › News in Brief
Jul 23, 2019 — New research reveals that the presence of firearms in a house can ... as they are more likely to be killed if there is a gun in the household," lead ...

The health risk of having a gun in the home | › second-opinion › 2012/12 › heal...
Dec 17, 2012 — If you have a gun, everybody in your home is more likely than your ... there is no credible evidence that having a gun in your house reduces your risk ... of a gun makes quarrels, disputes, assaults, and robberies more deadly.

Does a Gun Make Your Home Safer? | › Safety News
Jun 16, 2020 — Statistically, having a gun in your home is more dangerous for you and your family, especially if you have young children or teens. ... Experts agree that properly securing and storing guns can be an effective way to address incidents of suicide, mass shootings, and unintentional shootings among children and teenagers.

Total bullshit.
It has not been decided, but it has been decided that the way to get rid of guns is the same way to get rid of tabbacco....make them very expensive to hold and to bankrupt the gun makers.

The point of this thread is the master plan, not exactly how it will be implemented, which has not been decided yet.

Works for me.
As Tucker keeps pointing out if the D's take the Senate things are going to change fast. For one thing there is a vast hunger to crush the Americans who supported Trump, vengeance is demanded. For another thing the methods of the Bus Drivers to UTOPIA always run brutal.
I've had guns for 4 decades, I was never charged $$$ to keep them.

I think they are talking about leftists plans to tax out of existence the ammunition or to buy it up so that you cannot or at least cannot afford the rare item... just guessing though.
Except with a few very weird nutters, mostly on here, it would mean all the theories disappeared into unsavoury places, and they are, to a limited degree, a fascinating study in what alcohol and other substances can do to the brain.

I know they won't find one in your house, amirite?
It has not been decided, but it has been decided that the way to get rid of guns is the same way to get rid of tabbacco....make them very expensive to hold and to bankrupt the gun makers.

The point of this thread is the master plan, not exactly how it will be implemented, which has not been decided yet.

That doesn’t answer the question, only proposes unverifiable conspiracies, again, how exactly how is “keeping a gun get more expensive” if the Democrats win the Senate?
I think they are talking about leftists plans to tax out of existence the ammunition or to buy it up so that you cannot or at least cannot afford the rare item... just guessing though.

That's how Obama did. Biden won't actually be driving the bus, so I expect the same.

That's ok, soon as the prices got right, all my extra cash went to that.
I don't need any bullets. :)
Even while Obama was president, you could not get .22, but 9mm was plentiful and cheap.

He had the bureaus buying 40 cal with taxpayer money, 1K rounds hollowpoints per worker. A sick deal and he was never called on it.

I'm not going through that and my partner scheming daily to get .22 bullets. What kinda bullshit is that in America?

Bullet scalpers your mammy!

During that time I had a buddy that gave me a couple of 20 year old 100! All kind of different bullets in 1

I think the untouched one was Federal..not the bestest..price was right!
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As Tucker keeps pointing out if the D's take the Senate things are going to change fast. For one thing there is a vast hunger to crush the Americans who supported Trump, vengeance is demanded. For another thing the methods of the Bus Drivers to UTOPIA always run brutal.

That’s bullshit, actually borders on paranoia, tell us, exactly how does a Democrat Senate “crush Americans who supported Trump?”

And but the way Tucker is a demagogue, to make his money, he has to sell melodramas, a good guy/bad guy world, otherwise he’d be out of business
As Tucker keeps pointing out if the D's take the Senate things are going to change fast. For one thing there is a vast hunger to crush the Americans who supported Trump, vengeance is demanded. For another thing the methods of the Bus Drivers to UTOPIA always run brutal.

You cannot believe Biden would want to punish 70 million Americans because they voted and argued to end the American experiment. You are using right-wing thinking and saying Dems will do what the right does. You are wrong. We are back to a prez working for the country. Hard for rightys to understand.
As Tucker keeps pointing out if the D's take the Senate things are going to change fast. For one thing there is a vast hunger to crush the Americans who supported Trump, vengeance is demanded. For another thing the methods of the Bus Drivers to UTOPIA always run brutal.
