Kerry attacks the President; Bush deflects to the troops.


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Kerry said, "If you do poorly in school and get bad grades (like the president), you will end up stuck in Iraq (like the president)."

Sugesting that had the president been more intelegent we would not be in the mess we are in.

THe president took that and is trying to suggest that somehow it was the troops Kerry was talking about and not him!

It is shamefull that the president cant even take critisim and must deflect it onto the troops.
One job of the president is to use the troops, But I don't think most have this type of political useage in mind concerning his useage of the troops.
Kerry should come out and say, "I know the president is not so smart but...I am sure he knew I was talking about him and not the troops. Let me make it clear...

If you dont get good grades, LIKE YOU MR. BUSH, and you dont do well in school LIKE YOU MR. PRESIDENT, you will end up stuck in Iraq, LIKE YOU ARE MR. PRESIDENT!

Honestly, this is a bigger gaff than you want it to be. A little bit of "I'm sorry I forgot the word 'us'" would go a long way.
This situation very simular to what Dixie said the other day about the Dougless debates.. Once it was pointed out to us what he relly was trying to say we all agreed and let it go!
just airing the laughter of the crowd when kerry said this would CLEAR UP alot, but the media has bought in to the republican twisting and turning of this and not airing the laughter part of his statement...they are being a tool and pawn of the republicans and not doing their job of reporting....facts. :(
His own later statement added to the problem. Simply giving a tiny bit of "I'm sorry!" out would have diffused this right away. Admitting that the way it was said gave such an appearance and saying 'I'm sorry' for it doesn't make him less of a man.

Instead the first four words were, "I apologize to noone..."
just airing the laughter of the crowd when kerry said this would CLEAR UP alot, but the media has bought in to the republican twisting and turning of this and not airing the laughter part of his statement...they are being a tool and pawn of the republicans and not doing their job of reporting....facts. :(

Kerry should have said, I am sorry Bush has failed to see this was directed at him and used it as a political tool by deflecting it onto the troops who I have great respect for!
Kerry should have said, I am sorry Bush has failed to see this was directed at him and used it as a political tool by deflecting it onto the troops who I have great respect for!
This is basically what he tried. It made it appear petty...

This is what he should have said, "I'm sorry that I forgot the word "us" and thus what I said appeared to be denigrating the troops instead of the Administration as was meant, I have the utmost respect for our intelligent and dedicated troops..."
He didn't forget the word "us" Damo. He stated it as he intended it. He was talking to college kids about the importance of working hard and getting a good education, not President Bush. There was nothing humorous in his remarks or his tone, there was no "joke" gone awry. This is the spin the liberals are trying to do now, and it's totally disingenuous.

He should have simply said, "I am sorry, I misspoke, I was wrong, please forgive me."
He didn't forget the word "us" Damo. He stated it as he intended it. He was talking to college kids about the importance of working hard and getting a good education, not President Bush. There was nothing humorous in his remarks or his tone, there was no "joke" gone awry. This is the spin the liberals are trying to do now, and it's totally disingenuous.

He should have simply said, "I am sorry, I misspoke, I was wrong, please forgive me."

You are truely a FUCKING IDIOT if you think that is what he truely intended to say.
This is basically what he tried. It made it appear petty...

This is what he should have said, "I'm sorry that I forgot the word "us" and thus what I said appeared to be denigrating the troops instead of the Administration as was meant, I have the utmost respect for our intelligent and dedicated troops..."

That would have been okay and at least honest. It is dispicable what Bush is doing at the expense of our troops!
He didn't forget the word "us" Damo. He stated it as he intended it. He was talking to college kids about the importance of working hard and getting a good education, not President Bush. There was nothing humorous in his remarks or his tone, there was no "joke" gone awry. This is the spin the liberals are trying to do now, and it's totally disingenuous.

He should have simply said, "I am sorry, I misspoke, I was wrong, please forgive me."
That's my belief as well. I believe he stated it as he intended it. However that doesn't change that the statement that I wrote would have diffused this in seconds.
That would have been okay and at least honest. It is dispicable what Bush is doing at the expense of our troops!
I believe that Kerry's statement was said as he felt. That he is still back in VN time where the statement would have more accuracy. But that a statement as I wrote it would have diffused this in seconds and would have taken a political tool from the opposing party.
That's my belief as well. I believe he stated it as he intended it. However that doesn't change that the statement that I wrote would have diffused this in seconds.

You really belive that... Come on, even had he thought it, Kerry is way to smart to have said that intentionally.

You are idiots.

You know when Dixie mispoke about the Frederick Dougless debates I gave him the benefit of the doubt!
And here we are talking about this instead of the 2700 plus troops killed by Bush's failure.
You really belive that... Come on, even had he thought it, Kerry is way to smart to have said that intentionally.

You are idiots.

You know when Dixie mispoke about the Frederick Dougless debates I gave him the benefit of the doubt!
Dixie is not Kerry. I believe that was what he meant because of earlier statements and experience, as well as where he was. He was speaking of the importance of education.
And one tiny apology would have made all the difference and the conversation would have been back to 2700 troops.

I am discusted at the media and Americans that this is about Kerry's mistatement and not Bush's intentional use of the troops for political reasons.