Kerry attacks the President; Bush deflects to the troops.

You can keep trying... The only one the spin backfired on was Mr. I'll Never Apologize who no longer is welcome at scheduled campaign stops.

And of course no one is distancing themselves from anyone faster than Republican incumbants are distancing themselves from Bush and his glorious war mongering presidency. Like I said, "Fuck 'em both."
And of course no one is distancing themselves from anyone faster than Republican incumbants are distancing themselves from Bush and his glorious war mongering presidency. Like I said, "Fuck 'em both."
I agree. So far today you have said many things I agree with.
I notice that they suddenly are geniuses, Jarod, when before they were hacks when they were saying that Kerry made a mistake...

I prefer my own opinion.
Bush and right wing nut jobs are hatemongers and liars when saying Kerry should apologise but Dems when saying he should apologise are brilliant! Love the liberal mind. LOL
Kerry said, "If you do poorly in school and get bad grades (like the president), you will end up stuck in Iraq (like the president)."

Sugesting that had the president been more intelegent we would not be in the mess we are in.

THe president took that and is trying to suggest that somehow it was the troops Kerry was talking about and not him!

It is shamefull that the president cant even take critisim and must deflect it onto the troops.

the funny thing is bush actuly did better in school than kerry did
why is it so hard for kerry to apoligize too people he offended that he says he supports so much ?
the funny thing is bush actuly did better in school than kerry did

Of course he did, he could afford to purchase a much better quality of work than Kerry could. Kerry probably had to do much of his own work, while Bush just consulted the off campus paper mills and delegated his work. He always claimed that he was the great delegator didn't he???