Kerry attacks the President; Bush deflects to the troops.

Kerry has a history of disparaging remarks about the military. Why should this be any different? He is an elitist who hates the regular people.
I am discusted at the media and Americans that this is about Kerry's mistatement and not Bush's intentional use of the troops for political reasons.
You should be disgusted with Kerry's inability to recognize that such a statement could be so easily diffused and yet refusing to diffuse it. He wouldn't even have to move from "the truth" as I showed earlier.
You should be disgusted with Kerry's inability to recognize that such a statement could be so easily diffused and yet refusing to diffuse it. He wouldn't even have to move from "the truth" as I showed earlier.

I agree that Kerry could have responded better....

But I am truely ofended and discusted that Bush INTENTIONALLY deflected this comment toward the troops away from himself for political reasons.

Kerry made an unintentional political mistake. Bush made a calculated political move that casted the troops in a negative light.
I agree that it was a political mistake made unintentionally, I disagree that he was trying to bash Bush.
Kerry's defense makes the matters even worse for him. How lame and fake he is. Even his supporter IMUS told him to go home and shut up! LOL I see Casey has told Kerry not to come and help him.
I cant belive you would give Dixie the benefit of the doubt but not Kerry!
I cant belive you would give Dixie the benefit of the doubt but not Kerry!
I didn't. I was all over Dixie, it was maineman that first promoted the idea that the Douglass remark was unintentional and actually pointed out that the posts were made at the same time and that Dix couldn't have read the previous post....
I didn't. I was all over Dixie, it was maineman that first promoted the idea that the Douglass remark was unintentional and actually pointed out that the posts were made at the same time and that Dix couldn't have read the previous post....

Ohh, I though it was you.

See how Liberals are willing to give the Cons the bene of the doubt.. but not the other way around?
Ohh, I though it was you.

See how Liberals are willing to give the Cons the bene of the doubt.. but not the other way around?
As I said, it wasn't the benefit of the doubt, it was pretty much unequivocal evidence.
It was shown that both posts came at the same time, one couldn't have read the other post and posted at the same time. That is pretty much unequivocal evidence, Jarod. Pretending otherwise is simply an attempt at spin. Like Kerry attempting to deflect his remarks after the fact onto the administration.
Kerry has a long history of attacking the troops, this is an improvement. Now they are only stupid and not murders and rapist.
You can keep trying... The only one the spin backfired on was Mr. I'll Never Apologize who no longer is welcome at scheduled campaign stops.