Kerry reverts to his roots

Others have done this.

But they didn't come home and lie before congress about how Americans in Vietnam were committing war crimes on a daily basis while they were still fighting over there.

what does that have to do with your assertion that "John Kerry believes that anybody who resorts to joining the military is a failure in life." He resorted to joining the military. He is certainly not a failure in life any more than John McCain is.
his actions that warranted the decorations stand. He was opposed to the Vietnam war... as were many of us that served during that period. I would not throw away my medals, but I do not condemn him for choosing that method of demonstrating his dissent.
his actions that warranted the decorations stand. He was opposed to the Vietnam war... as were many of us that served during that period. I would not throw away my medals, but I do not condemn him for choosing that method of demonstrating his dissent.

They weren't his medals.

Are "yours" really yours?
why are they mad at Kerry for protesting a war that we never should have entered while they are getting mad about a military action they don't think we should do?

they are moralless and insane is why.

The republican base is full of worthless lying, hacking, morally corrupt fools who operate out of hate for their fellow man.
and you hate him for protesting a failed war.

really smart of you.

but then you backed a lie fueled rush into Iraq so your track record isnt very good

I don't think anyone hates him; more like despise his blatantly partisan political bullshit.

I despise him for lying about his fellow soldiers for purely naked political ambition during the Vietnam War. I despise him for being an incredibly massive hypocrite by voting for the war in Iraq before he was against the war in Iraq for purely naked partisan political purposes. And I despise his current level of naked partisan Political hypocrisy by sounding like and making similar arguments Bush made on Iraq to justify a unilateral inneffective nakedly partisan attack on Syria with the flimsiest of arguments and evidence.

But what really baffles me is when Libtards who unabashedly tried to destroy a good man like Bush over a justifiable war in Iraq now whine and rant about any attempts to prevent the current Administration from randomly lobbing a few cruise missiles at Syria to back up his moronic self induced bluster with opinion polls showing vast opposition for it contrasted by the vast support Bush had on Iraq and Afghanistan merely because the libtards guy is in charge.

The hypocrisy would be comedic of not for the increible damage this buffoon of a President has wrought and continues to reap for this nation.

you fucking hate him and you know you do.

that is the only reason you are willing to traffic in LIES about his honorable was service.

Dude there is evidence you just refuse its there.

Out line what the evidence is as far as you know and I will correct the lies you are about to say.
which republican who has served have I trashed the honorable service of?

are there none who have served ?
The right does this all the time.

If you served your country and you are a Dem they LIE about their service.

They do it to maine man here all day long
go get one post of mine trashing a republicans military service guys

see how your hate field lies about me fail
If what you claim about me is true then I should have been in the past trashing people service because they were right leaning huh?

go find a post