Khashoggi dismemberment- Emblem of Trump World

I am unconvinced he is dead. I really don't care if he is dead or alive, but I suspect he staged this all as part of his activism and is now hiding out in Iran.
I agree. Why should I care? He isn’t a US citizen

The first thing I did when I read about this story was google him and some of his articles. Knowing nothing else about him, they struck me as oddly argued pieces that seemed to be written for the benefit of Iranian handlers. His arguments seemed more veiled propaganda than rational. One piece in particular struck me as odd in which he was arguing Saudi Arabia shouldn't fire missiles back when attacked because they cost so much more than the missiles fired at them. Nobody is the history of forever outside of a propagandist would ever make such a contrived argument that it was better to be bombarded with enemy missiles than spend money defending one's country from attack.
You suck.
Vote these assholes out of the fucking universe:palm:
You people are sickening.
So, what are you going to do, Trump? What are you going to do????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

WTF does Trump have to do with this?

Without fail.

Well, if we converted a lot of vehicles to propane or natural gas, we pretty much could become independent of crude. Of course you may have to install a butane tank in the trunk off your car!

We still have plenty of crude coming from our own offshore wells. But no, we don't need none of Ahab the Arab's crap!

I say we break up this bromance between Donald and the Sheik of Arabie, or let em go- Both as far as I am concerned.
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Well, if we converted a lot of vehicles to propane or natural gas, we pretty much could become independent of crude. Of course you may have to install a butane tank in the trunk off your car!

We still have plenty of crude coming from our own offshore wells. But no, we don't need none of Ahab the Arab's crap!

I say we break up this romance between Donald and the Sheik of Arabie, and let em go- Both as far as I am concerned.

Natural gas splodes real good.

It doesn't take much. :eek:
I am unconvinced he is dead. I really don't care if he is dead or alive, but I suspect he staged this all as part of his activism and is now hiding out in Iran.

Can't go 5 minutes without a conspiracy theory? Huh?

Dude, why do you think he wanted to come to America? Hint! Hint! Because he wants to live in a Free State!

WTF would you think he would ever want to go to Iran? Preposterous!