Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
And keep his base riled up, and keep us distracted from the looming Mueller indictments, and keep us from noticing his many other failures and scandals.
Yes, his dying base
And keep his base riled up, and keep us distracted from the looming Mueller indictments, and keep us from noticing his many other failures and scandals.
Evmetro, the well known racist, will never understand the outrage unless it happens to white kids.
Everyone forgets that if you immigrate the legal way, none of this would happen. Illegal means you are breaking the law.
And keep his base riled up, and keep us distracted from the looming Mueller indictments, and keep us from noticing his many other failures and scandals.
Most of the kids I see in the photos I see are of white kids. Most Mexicans and South Americans I see are the white race.
Almost all Hispanics are at least part Native American.
The term Hispanic (Spanish: hispano or hispánico) broadly refers to the people, nations, and cultures that have a historical link to Spain.
Race does not have much to do with what's going on with immigration, it was just brought into this thread by a lefty, since that's what lefties do.
It absolutely does have *everything* to do with it. BTW, as I said, most Mexicans have Native American ancestry.
"But most people in Mexico or of Mexican descent these days are not indigenous but rather mestizo, meaning they have a mixture of indigenous, European, and African ancestry."
Almost all Hispanics are at least part Native American.
Those families that did were not separated in most cases.
Deporting asylum seekers is nothing new.
The Obama administration deported 85 Muslim asylum seekers from Bangladesh, India and Nepal who were seeking asylum after fleeing repression and violence in their home countries.
Some of the men deported from Corrections Corporations of America’s Florence Correctional Center in Arizona had participated in a series of hunger strikes last year to protest their ongoing detention by ICE, the Immigration Customs and Enforcement agency, and demanded their release from for-profit detention centers.
Some of the men had been detained for years.
After the deportation, Fahd Ahmed, executive director of a New York-based organization of South Asian immigrant workers and youth said, "The Obama administration deported nearly 100 South Asian detainees who crossed three continents seeking safety in the U.S. What happens to them is blood on his hands."
The immigration debate intensified a couple of years ago during the Obama Administration when a flood of women and children came across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Obama didn't know how to handle the influx, so he detained these women and children in three family centers: two in Texas; one in Pennsylvania. There were more than a thousand people in these centers, waiting to know if they'd be allowed to stay in the country.
Maria Rosa Lopez and her son were some of thousands of people who fled from Central America to the U.S. in 2014 to escape domestic abuse — which is considered a credible fear that can warrant an asylum claim.
From Guatemala City, she and her son crossed another border into Mexico and then took a bus north to Monterrey, close to the northern Mexico-U.S. border. "I paid someone to take us across on a boat. It was night time and we slept in the desert on the U.S. side. There were other moms and their kids there too. A Brazilian woman asked me if she could sleep next to us," Lopez says.
The next morning, immigration officers woke them and took them to the Karnes detention center outside of San Antonio, Texas.
Lopez wanted asylum so she and her son could start their lives over in the U.S. She didn't know what to expect when she got on American soil, but she didn't expect to be housed in this facility with no word on when she'd be released.
"I was desperate when we got there. It was hard to see my child crying and he was asking a lot of questions," she recalls. "He knew it was a detention center and he wanted to know how long we were going to be there."
But she didn't know either. "No one was answering questions. I talked with people who had been there for six, eight months, and it was very depressing." she says. "Often my son couldn't fall asleep, we had bunk beds. He was on top of me but he would crawl down and wanted to be with me."
Denise Gilman, one of Maria's former lawyers, says the Karnes detention facility "feels very much like a prison" with "cinderblock walls, clanging doors, X-ray machines all over the place, buzzers that you have to use to get in and out to go see your 9-year-old client and his mom."
Gilman, director of the immigration clinic at the University of Texas Law School, says these women and children are seeking asylum, but they're treated like criminals.
- Obama separated parents from their children at the border.
- Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally.
- He fast tracked deportations.
- And yes, he housed unaccompanied children in tent cities.
Obama took several actions that led to an outcry of fear and distrust, though his actions failed to get much attention.
One of the most controversial measures that Obama took was to resurrect the almost-abandoned practice of detaining mothers and children to deter future illegal immigration.
The government had one facility in central Pennsylvania and added three larger facilities in Texas and New Mexico holding thousands.
Obama would face legal challenges that stopped him from detaining mothers and children indefinitely.
A federal judge in California ruled that the Obama administration was violating a 20-year old case, known as Flores when it kept families detained for longer than 20 days.
Obama took other controversial steps as well, including fighting to block efforts to require unaccompanied children to have legal representation and barring detained mothers with their children from being released on bond.
It absolutely does have *everything* to do with it.
List a few examples of how race is relevant to immigration.
Everyone ,ever, throughout man kind, for ever and ever, knows that those who ask for asylum are not breaking the law.
List a few examples of how race is relevant to immigration.
We are discussing the treatment of the ppl at the border, and the hateful things said about them by those on your side -- this has *everything* to do with race.
Bullshit. Race has nothing to do with it.
Illegal is illegal, no matter where they come from.