Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.


Human caused global warming is a reality. And it is getting exponentially worse. Which in case you don't know means that the warmer things get, the faster they will get even warmer. Also, every single year all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of the proven greenhouse gas CO2 into the biosphere. Every year, the activities of humans are responsible for the release of 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2! As if that wasn't bad enough, in the Amazon alone around 200,000 acres of forest is burned every day! 7.8 million acres a year.

On the news and science shows they like to talk about what the sea levels will be like in the year 2100. Talk about keeping people stupid! If any of you are planning on living past the year 2050, make other plans. But the main reason foer your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. It is methane. Which is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like everything else, the rate at which it is being released is rising sharply too. I will show you a graph that shows the rate at which methane is being released. Surprisingly, despite thawing tundra and evaporating methane hydrate ice on the sea floor, around 60% of what is shown comes directly from human activities.

Methane graph.jpg

Here is a picture of methane bubbles rising from the sea floor.

methane bubbles.jpg

I will give you some other human caused global warming graphs. I wonder how many the deniers can de3ny in one sitting.

CO2 graph 1.jpg

CO2 graph 2.jpg

We're the cause of the current climate change and the sixth mass extinction event in the planet's history -- I agree with that. Gaia will sort it out. We will or will not survive, but the planet will.
We're the cause of the current climate change and the sixth mass extinction event in the planet's history -- I agree with that. Gaia will sort it out. We will or will not survive, but the planet will.

The real point is that WE should sort it out. NOW. And I know how. But you probably wouldn't like the answer. Part of it is in my thread, "Invasion-Immigration. Kill or be Killed?"
None of us will drown in Waterworld.

Out successors certainly will, and people should think about that before having kids destined to die horribly.

Irresponsible procreation is the cause of our problems.

Three billion humans on this planet could have lived however they wanted without destroying it.

We overpopulated to the point where we had to make a choice: live spartan, miserable lives or live comfortable lives and destroy the planet in the process.

We chose the latter and the planet is now doomed for human inhabitability in the near future.

If more people threw a fucking bag over it, we'd have been able to live however we wanted.

The earth cannot provide an acceptable standard of living for the number of people now on it.

It's over, and although we won't see the end, our grandchildren very well might.
We're the cause of the current climate change and the sixth mass extinction event in the planet's history -- I agree with that. Gaia will sort it out. We will or will not survive, but the planet will.

Who caused the previous five? Just wondering.
Do not forget what the "experts" said they were sure about COVID.

They flat out lied to us....and hurt us.
The real point is that WE should sort it out. NOW. And I know how. But you probably wouldn't like the answer. Part of it is in my thread, "Invasion-Immigration. Kill or be Killed?"

I can tell you that I'm not the least bit interested in any thread, book, movie, or political policy with that title. It reeks of stupid simplistic Nazist solutions to complex problems. I'll pass, thanks. If that's not what your thread is about, feel free to change my mind right here in this thread.
College Hockey 2023 Beanpot Tournament , Boston Garden

Game one. Harvard beat Boston College 4-3 in overtime.
Game two: Northeastern leading Boston University 2-0 late in the second period.

If Northeastern wins, they'll have the first Harvard-Northeastern final in the seventy years of the tournament.

Mostly America kids. Lots from right here Massachusetts.
When I was in school in the 60s, there were only three or four American kids on our team.
Most of the scholarships went up to Canada then. And the Americans were split between locals and Great Lakes kids from Minnesota or Wisconsin.

Freakin' foreigners, but now, everybody worries about the southern border.

Times change.
College Hockey, 2023 Beanpot Tournament , Boston Garden

Game one. Harvard beat Boston College 4-3 in overtime.
Game two: Northeastern leading Boston University 2-0 late in the second period.

If Northeastern wins, they'll have the first Harvard-Northeastern final in the seventy years of the tournament.

Mostly America kids. Lots from right here Massachusetts.
When I was in school in the 60s, there were only three or four American kids on our team.
Most of the scholarships went up to Canada then.

Freakin' foreigners, but now, everybody worries about the southern border.

Times change.

Open borders without the consent of the people is abuse of the highest order.
I can tell you that I'm not the least bit interested in any thread, book, movie, or political policy with that title. It reeks of stupid simplistic Nazist solutions to complex problems. I'll pass, thanks. If that's not what your thread is about, feel free to change my mind right here in this thread.

He's a troll. Most likely another sock of IBDM which is a sock of someone else. None of them lasts more than a week or two before they tilt and get banned.
He's a troll. Most likely another sock of IBDM which is a sock of someone else. None of them lasts more than a week or two before they tilt and get banned.

So it appears. Well, it least the thread gave our midnight psycho boy, H10, a chance to strut his crazy. lol