Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

I've got Into the Scum on ignore, but I didn't know that he's his sock
Well, I'm not ... but you should expect that from That Owl Coward" because she simply lumps all posters together that she doesn't like. All posters who compel her to retreat into her safe space must be the same person by her failed reasoning. You might notice that That Owl Coward hasn't made a single positive contribution to this site ... she doesn't have sufficient voltage to get any synapses to fire up. That's why you felt your life force being drained from you as you read her post.

By the way, I really don't mind you conflating the three of us; it will only leave you confused and frustrated, and that's always good for a laugh, especially when you can't reconcile our differing views.

Yep, we need to ease up on you. The best course of action would be to put you back at the children's table and give you something to color.

Would I be correct in assuming that your native language is one of the African languages?
Well, I'm not ... but you should expect that from That Owl Coward" because she simply lumps all posters together that she doesn't like. All posters who compel her to retreat into her safe space must be the same person by her failed reasoning. You might notice that That Owl Coward hasn't made a single positive contribution to this site ... she doesn't have sufficient voltage to get any synapses to fire up. That's why you felt your life force being drained from you as you read her post.

By the way, I really don't mind you conflating the three of us; it will only leave you confused and frustrated, and that's always good for a laugh, especially when you can't reconcile our differing views.


You and Into the Scum must be related
Yep, we need to ease up on you. The best course of action would be to put you back at the children's table and give you something to color.

Would I be correct in assuming that your native language is one of the African languages?

Anything is possible in the cuckoo world that you live in.
You owe me an apology.
Perhaps. What would I be apologizing for? Did you waste the bandwidth just to write a post that reads "Riiiiight. And you only get to run your life asshole." ? All there are to discuss about your post are the grammatical and punctuational errors. There is otherwise nothing coherent expressed.

Do you owe this board an apology?
This isn't complicated. Everyone has known for decades that the primary forces overheating our planet and destabilizing our climate are the rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in our atmosphere. Together they drive more than four-fifths of the crisis.

And for decades, the world's nations have met each year promising to dramatically slow, and then stop, the dangerous rise of these gases. They just promised again at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, known as COP26.

Many people, myself included, are growing increasingly angry, depressed and frightened as we watch these climate destabilizing gases pile up. Faster and faster. Decade after decade.

This is especially true for many of the world's youth who are starting to realize that they are getting locked into an increasingly dire, chaotic, and dystopian future.