Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

None of us will drown in Waterworld.

Out successors certainly will, and people should think about that before having kids destined to die horribly.

Irresponsible procreation is the cause of our problems.

Three billion humans on this planet could have lived however they wanted without destroying it.

We overpopulated to the point where we had to make a choice: live spartan, miserable lives or live comfortable lives and destroy the planet in the process.

We chose the latter and the planet is now doomed for human inhabitability in the near future.

If more people threw a fucking bag over it, we'd have been able to live however we wanted.

The earth cannot provide an acceptable standard of living for the number of people now on it.

It's over, and although we won't see the end, our grandchildren very well might.

You may have read my thread, "Immigration-Invasion. Kill or be killed?" If you didn't, I invite you to do so. And unlike most others, leave a reply in it.
I can tell you that I'm not the least bit interested in any thread, book, movie, or political policy with that title. It reeks of stupid simplistic Nazist solutions to complex problems. I'll pass, thanks. If that's not what your thread is about, feel free to change my mind right here in this thread.

Not interested? I see. You prefer the shield of ignorance. Too bad for you, and in turn, the rest of us. Next, there is nothing the least bit complex about the problem. You know how most people like to keep a solution from happening? They make it more "complex." It is like when there is something going on that the government doesn't want to fix. They will say of the problem, "It needs more study." What a load of horseshit! Next, I can't change whatever cult you choose to follow. It would take some sort of cult smasher to do that. From what I have seen, the only effective to deprogram somebody from a cult is to kidnap them, hold them hostage and undergo a lengthy process of force feeding them truth.
Human caused global warming is a reality.
Nope. It's pure fiction. Poorly-worded fiction at that.

And it is getting exponentially worse.
Of course, you don't provide any units of measure so that this supposed "getting exponentially worse" claim can be verified. It's almost like it's an unfalsifiable and unverifiable religious belief.

Also, every single year all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of the proven greenhouse gas CO2 into the biosphere.
There's no such thing as a "greenhouse gas" ... at least in science anyway. "Greenhouse gas" and "greenhouse effect" only exist in your religion's WACKY dogma.

Every year, the activities of humans are responsible for the release of 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2!
Every year, the world's plantlife greedily eats up that additional CO2. Easy come, easy go.

As if that wasn't bad enough,
You still haven't mentioned anything real in the first place.

in the Amazon alone around 200,000 acres of forest is burned every day! 7.8 million acres a year.
There's a limit to what can be burned. There is no danger to the Amazon.
Nope. It's pure fiction. Poorly-worded fiction at that.

Of course, you don't provide any units of measure so that this supposed "getting exponentially worse" claim can be verified. It's almost like it's an unfalsifiable and unverifiable religious belief.

There's no such thing as a "greenhouse gas" ... at least in science anyway. "Greenhouse gas" and "greenhouse effect" only exist in your religion's WACKY dogma.

Every year, the world's plantlife greedily eats up that additional CO2. Easy come, easy go.

You still haven't mentioned anything real in the first place.

There's a limit to what can be burned. There is no danger to the Amazon.

You are trying to talk to someone who has been expelled from the community.
I can tell you that I'm not the least bit interested in any thread, book, movie, or political policy with that title. It reeks of stupid simplistic Nazist solutions to complex problems. I'll pass, thanks. If that's not what your thread is about, feel free to change my mind right here in this thread.
What happened to the newb?
We're the cause of the current climate change
The site's cockroach scurries out into the light. Welcome.


There is no "climate change" outside your little safe space. Who is this "we" of whom you speak? It's hilarious that you perceive yourself as powerful enough to affect the planet when you probably can't even brush your own teeth without help.

and the sixth mass extinction event in the planet's history
I see that you are still on this "mass extinction" kick that you were told to believe ... and ordered to regurgitate word for word. Too funny. What would be hilarious would be watching you try to support this zany belief that you simply accept as ordered.
The site's cockroach scurries out into the light. Welcome.


There is no "climate change" outside your little safe space. Who is this "we" of whom you speak? It's hilarious that you perceive yourself as powerful enough to affect the planet when you probably can't even brush your own teeth without help.

I see that you are still on this "mass extinction" kick that you were told to believe ... and ordered to regurgitate word for word. Too funny. What would be hilarious would be watching you try to support this zany belief that you simply accept as ordered.

It's quite obvious that you are a descendant of the cockroach, so you didn't have to tell us.
It's quite obvious that you are a descendant of the cockroach, so you didn't have to tell us.
It's quite obvious that you aren't the sharpest tack in the box. I don't think you'd even manage to work your way into corkboard.

Please be careful not to drool on your shoe.
It's quite obvious that you are a descendant of the cockroach, so you didn't have to tell us.

What a great photoshop attempt though! I like it! I put that tard on ignore and almost missed it. He's a sock of Into the Night and gfm-somebunchanumbers.