Kramer goes nuts


Worst gambler ever
Kramer from Seinfeld went bannanas at the laugh factory out here in Hollywood a few nights ago, and the tape is out at He uses the N word many many times after a couple of black hecklers told him he sucks. He says "50 years ago we'd have you hanging from a tree!!!" and "HE'S A NIGGER!!! HES A NIGGER!!!" many many times. He goes completely insane. This is a career ender.
Yeah. Its safe to say he's a racist asshole. It wasn't even remotely funny. There was no punchline. Just "you'd have been hanging from a tree you nigger".
What a dumbass. He might as well move out the country. He'll never work again. I guess he apologizes via satellite tonight on Letterman when Seinfeld is the guest. Another egotistical celebrity bites the dust.
LOL, actually I'm sure Bill Mahr would have him on the show via satellite. I'm just pissed that I like Seinfeld so much.

At least Costanza is my favorite character.
His career has been about being crazy. Perhaps he has not been acting ?

Either way, his career just died, and it aint coming back. This is just the beginning too. The dumbass is finished retroactively as well. His legacy is now that of a bigoted moronic racist cunt.
His career isn't ruined because he hasn't had much of one recently anyway.

Fans are fans for a reason, they will watch things because it is entertaining. If he joins another successful show people will watch it because of the writing. Everyone said mel gibson was dead while standing after his comments on jews but he is about to make a killing with apocolypto.

80% of the public is going to forget about this in a few weeks anyway and a large majority are still going to watch seinfeld and laugh. This will do nothing, quit being overdramatic.

Quit being babies. Whoop-de-do, he called them n*ggers, they call us crackers. Lets just make fun of everybody and quit bawling when someone says a word.
I'd agree if he was even remotely trying to make a joke, Grind. He really wasn't and it was pretty clear.
His career isn't ruined because he hasn't had much of one recently anyway.

Fans are fans for a reason, they will watch things because it is entertaining. If he joins another successful show people will watch it because of the writing. Everyone said mel gibson was dead while standing after his comments on jews but he is about to make a killing with apocolypto.

80% of the public is going to forget about this in a few weeks anyway and a large majority are still going to watch seinfeld and laugh. This will do nothing, quit being overdramatic.

Quit being babies. Whoop-de-do, he called them n*ggers, they call us crackers. Lets just make fun of everybody and quit bawling when someone says a word.
His career isn't ruined because he hasn't had much of one recently anyway.

Fans are fans for a reason, they will watch things because it is entertaining. If he joins another successful show people will watch it because of the writing.

He won't be invited to do any other shows. Thats my point. He's finished. Whether you like it or not, he's finished. This isn't the same thing as Gibson. With Gibson, it wasn't nearly as vitriolic "50 years ago, we'd have you hanging from a tree with a fork up your ass!!!" "He's a Nigger He's a nigger, throw him out. Hes a Nigger", on tape, video, audio....

Gibson said the Jews started all the wars, and asked the cop if he was a Jew. Not the same thing. Grind, believe it or not, there is a difference even if your ego precludes you from seeing it.
Hmmm... I wonder what racist redneck southern state Kramer is from?

For the record, I rate this as more racist than Jimmy the Greek's comments about black athletes, about the same as Mel Gibson's comments about Jews, and less offensive than Madonna crucifying herself on a cross to open her show.

I agree with Damo, it will not end his career any more than it is currently ended. This will not keep him from finding work as a comedian. I also agree with Grind, people should get over themselves. We've become so hypersensitive to words, and I think it diminishes the real problem. The insidious thing about racism is the way it hides within the tapestry of society, and doesn't reveal itself merely through words alone.