Kramer goes nuts

We've become so hypersensitive to words, and I think it diminishes the real problem. The insidious thing about racism is the way it hides within the tapestry of society, and doesn't reveal itself merely through words alone.

Good words, and I agree. However, as a practical application, Richards has crossed the Rubicon. There's really nothing he can do to undo it.
Hmmm... I wonder what racist redneck southern state Kramer is from?

For the record, I rate this as more racist than Jimmy the Greek's comments about black athletes, about the same as Mel Gibson's comments about Jews, and less offensive than Madonna crucifying herself on a cross to open her show.

I agree with Damo, it will not end his career any more than it is currently ended. This will not keep him from finding work as a comedian. I also agree with Grind, people should get over themselves. We've become so hypersensitive to words, and I think it diminishes the real problem. The insidious thing about racism is the way it hides within the tapestry of society, and doesn't reveal itself merely through words alone.

Less offensive than Madonna crucifying herself on a cross? Uh ok.

Jesus Fucks.
There is some validity in Grinds point. People have a short term memory and if Kramer is persistent he will be back. They still show movies with OJ in them don't they ?
Kramer might even be invited to perform for the grand wizard of the KKK ;)
"Fans are fans for a reason, they will watch things because it is entertaining. If he joins another successful show people will watch it because of the writing. Everyone said mel gibson was dead while standing after his comments on jews but he is about to make a killing with apocolypto."

That is yet to be seen. When someone does something like this, they lose fans. Point blank. What he did was absolutely reprehensible. He's a fvcking comedian! Isn't learning how to deal with hecklers something you learn how to do from the very beginning?

and its not as simple as him simply "saying" the word ngger. He was intentionally trying to demoralize the heckler racist manner. It wasn't part of the comedy routine, there was nothing that was remotely funny about it. There was really no difference between what he did and the skinheads I've seen on various talk shows. It will definitely have an impact on his career.
If he goes on Dr. Phil and works on his racism issue in some sort of embarrassing and direct way he may be able to make a comeback talking about his own mistakes. However the rest of his career will center around this one point. Nobody who has seen the video will be able to see him without thinking of this.
I personally hope his career burns in he||.
Maybe the GOP will invite him to their conferences.
He'll never be on TV again.

I doubt he'll be doing comedy clubs for a long time, if ever.

Walmart's hiring....
Wally world does not tolerate rascism in their employees. I guess he will either be stuck in an entertainment position or a governmental one....
His career isn't ruined because he hasn't had much of one recently anyway.

Fans are fans for a reason, they will watch things because it is entertaining. If he joins another successful show people will watch it because of the writing. Everyone said mel gibson was dead while standing after his comments on jews but he is about to make a killing with apocolypto.

thats b/c most christians hate jews, and since 80% of the country is christians, they will continue to see his movies. it was like him preaching to the choir and in addition its what most christians feel anyways but don't say....

b/c if people really did condemn him for his comments they would boycott him forever, as i have chosen to do b/c i dont' have anything against jewish people... but christains deep down despise them, and its reflected w/ his continued success... any logical person would boycott him.. if it doesn't make sense than its not true... (from Judge Judy)
MG won't get a dime from me. But if I hear the movie is good maybe I'll buy it from a bootlegger in Newark.
thats b/c most christians hate jews, and since 80% of the country is christians, they will continue to see his movies. it was like him preaching to the choir and in addition its what most christians feel anyways but don't say....

b/c if people really did condemn him for his comments they would boycott him forever, as i have chosen to do b/c i dont' have anything against jewish people... but christains deep down despise them, and its reflected w/ his continued success... any logical person would boycott him.. if it doesn't make sense than its not true... (from Judge Judy)

Shouldn't Christians hate Jews ? They did have the romans crucify Christ did they not ? But then Jesus was a Jew and he is God....But Jews say he was just a prophet .....
MG won't get a dime from me. But if I hear the movie is good maybe I'll buy it from a bootlegger in Newark.

exactly my point... (you don't hate jewish people)

it doesn't make any logical sense for anyone who respects jews to see his movies after his comments. he said a hateful statement and should pay for that. but as i said before christians secretly (though they'll never admit it b/c they are holyer than thou) think that.
Shouldn't Christians hate Jews ? They did have the romans crucify Christ did they not ? But then Jesus was a Jew and he is God....But Jews say he was just a prophet .....

i guess. listen i don't make the rules on being a christian... i just point out the obvious facts... and that i believe is the reason, b/c they killed Christ, i mean if you want to hate someone for what someone else did 2000 years ago, rock on its not my business... im just pointing out the logical facts.
"he said a hateful statement and should pay for that. but as i said before christians secretly (though they'll never admit it b/c they are holyer than thou) think that."

well, I'm a Christian and I don't hate any group of people based on their religion. I hate groups of people based on their actions, like racists.

I'm not supporting Kramer or MG if I can help it.
i guess. listen i don't make the rules on being a christian... i just point out the obvious facts... and that i believe is the reason, b/c they killed Christ, i mean if you want to hate someone for what someone else did 2000 years ago, rock on its not my business... im just pointing out the logical facts.
So we should forgive Satan about the forbidden fruit deal in the garden of eden right ? That must have been over 2000 years ago.