Kramer goes nuts

So we should forgive Satan about the forbidden fruit deal in the garden of eden right ? That must have been over 2000 years ago.
I can't see how the people born today were the ones that supposedly killed Christ 2000 years ago. Now Satan would be the same entity.

If your father stole a car should you be punished for it?
I can't see how the people born today were the ones that supposedly killed Christ 2000 years ago. Now Satan would be the same entity.

If your father stole a car should you be punished for it?

In reality you are punished for your fathers crimes if you are a minor in his care.
In reality you are punished for your fathers crimes if you are a minor in his care.
So, lets say it happened 2000 years ago, your Great to the Tenth Power Grandfather murdered somebody. Should you be punished for it? What if it was a crowd of people that your Great to the Tenth Power wasn't even part of? Should you still be punished?
So, lets say it happened 2000 years ago, your Great to the Tenth Power Grandfather murdered somebody. Should you be punished for it? What if it was a crowd of people that your Great to the Tenth Power wasn't even part of? Should you still be punished?
lets just say that an organization like the Masons killed your father many years ago. (btw it happened in early america and caused the Masons fall from grace.)
Should that organization be held responsible even though the event happened many years ago ?
Should a corporation be liable for a crime even if the head of that organization that led the crime is no longer there ?
lets just say that an organization like the Masons killed your father many years ago. (btw it happened in early america and caused the Masons fall from grace.)
Should that organization be held responsible even though the event happened many years ago ?
Should a corporation be liable for a crime even if the head of that organization that led the crime is no longer there ?
No, people who belong to such an organization are no more responsible for the actions of people in that organization than Christians are of the people who blow up Abortion Clinics. You act as if all jews gathered together and made a vote on this or something, it was one unruly crowd.

If a group of unruly Freemasons killed my Great to the Tenth Power Grandfather 2000 years ago and somehow I still hated all Freemasons for the crime then there really is a problem with me.
I don't it was anything he's never experienced before. All stand-up comics get heckled at some point in their careers.
I don't it was anything he's never experienced before. All stand-up comics get heckled at some point in their careers.
I don't think he did stand up much. I think it was all new to him. People gave him a pass because he is "Kramer", this crowd wasn't...

Stress lowers your inhibitions just like alcohol and you wind up saying stuff you think before you engage your inhibitors...
reading thru this thread.. I cant figure out who is more of a moron.... robdawg or Blackflag ... maybe I should start a poll ....