LadyT's Ego Trip Thread


JPP Modarater
Even though Darla bummed me out with that sad interview (way to heavy for a Friday btw) I'm still in good spirits:

Well, we just finished our forecast - no more leaving the office at 8 until September!

I got mid-year raise - I may have to switch parties.....I can't wallow around with po' dems......I'm going to start having soiree's with Rich Republicans.

I have an interview with our international investment division on Monday :clink:

And my little brother is having his boot camp graduation in a couple of weeks (although I'm not too thrilled about that).
Thanks! I'm feeling pretty good. I'll probably get decapitated sometime this afternoon with my luck.
Congrats, LadyT! And best of luck in your interview -- though at this point, as MM says, you probably don't really need it. :)
I sure hope ladyT does not start hobnobbing with spinner....
But the best of luck to ya ladyT even if you do become a rich asshole ;)
Hey LadyT. It is cool you're happy today. That's nice.

Now that I'm making more money, I think we should do away with public education all together. I mean if you have kids and can't afford to educate them, is it really my responsibility to pay for it? Not to mention public defenders. That's an aniquated notion. As is the FD&A, Military and environmental groups.

also, now that I"m making big $ on my portfolio's I think we can trust companies to do the right thing in making the right disclosures at their leisure and can now abolish the SEC.

I've seen the light.
Yep headin in spinners direction all right.

Although I do sort of agree on not having children if you can't afford to raise em.

Does this mean we will have to find another Generalissima to run our WOC ?
Now that I'm making more money, I think we should do away with public education all together. I mean if you have kids and can't afford to educate them, is it really my responsibility to pay for it? Not to mention public defenders. That's an aniquated notion. As is the FD&A, Military and environmental groups.

also, now that I"m making big $ on my portfolio's I think we can trust companies to do the right thing in making the right disclosures at their leisure and can now abolish the SEC.

I've seen the light.
See? Having more money really does change your species...

Now that I'm making more money, I think we should do away with public education all together. I mean if you have kids and can't afford to educate them, is it really my responsibility to pay for it? Not to mention public defenders. That's an aniquated notion. As is the FD&A, Military and environmental groups.

also, now that I"m making big $ on my portfolio's I think we can trust companies to do the right thing in making the right disclosures at their leisure and can now abolish the SEC.

I've seen the light.

Uh oh, Top will never be the same after he reads this. I can see the stars in his eyes now, like a cartoon character. This is going to make him forget all about Uncle Jethro and he's going to fall in love with you instead.
Yep headin in spinners direction all right.

Although I do sort of agree on not having children if you can't afford to raise em.

Does this mean we will have to find another Generalissima to run our WOC ?

I'm looking into getting a commander in the field in my WOC.
See? Having more money really does change your species...


Yeah it does! No more state sponsored programs for the elderly or children. They can get jobs. And while we're at it we should abolish miminum wage. I'm sure if we could pay people $4-$5 an hour, I could save a lot more money on goods and top of not paying taxes.

lets start with the military, then end social security all together (you gotta do it cold turkey - no lingering claims), kill any congressman that even mentions unversal health care, and next week we'll stop medicaid. The post office is cool though, they make money and actually do something for us. Any other gov't agency should be abolished. Especially the IRS.
It does ? I will let you know in less than 30 days. That is when the closing is on 1/2 of my investment property. Should clear around 1/2 mill :)
I read someting today about MIt talking universal health care or something along those lines. Do you think anyone really believes him ?