LadyT's Ego Trip Thread


Sorry. The right one will come along though.

I so love that we say that about careers now!
Sometimes the politics in an office do not allow you to refuse one job then be offered another. It may actually end progress at work if she refuses this job. Tread carefully, and tell your manager what job you actually want. This may be just one step toward it.
I'm making 5.65 at Popeye's working part time.

And let me tell you, Tiania. We AS A SOCIETY need to come together and help each other. You know, giving me money and stuff, and you having less of it. After all, it's just brotherly love.

Those dang corporations need to just stop making money and give it all to me... eh, I mean, the working man, the FACE OF OUR SOCIETY. You obviously don't work. Otherwise everyone wouldn't pay you, or something like that. My labour union told me to say that, I never really thought much about it.

We need to stem the flow of immigrants. They're taking away my wages. They don't have some sort of right, they shouldn't have the gall, to come here, and OFFER TO WORK FOR PEOPLE! It insenses me. It's ridiculous, how rude such a concept is.

Have you thought about going to AA watermark?

Sorry. The right one will come along though.

I so love that we say that about careers now!

LMAO - I know! I'm all about the career & ca$h. I have a friend who just got a new job and all she does is obsess about finding a husband. I'm like, RU kidding me? You've got an MBA, you own your own house, and you have the opportunity to groom yourself to becoming a CFO within the next 20 years and you're fcking worried about a husband???!!!!

Damocles said:
Sometimes the politics in an office do not allow you to refuse one job then be offered another. It may actually end progress at work if she refuses this job. Tread carefully, and tell your manager what job you actually want. This may be just one step toward it.

This is very true, everyone in my department is facing this. Its a tough balancing act. What sucks is that I'm looking at other finance stuff and then I'm thinking, "do I really even want to be in this field?". I'd hate to change especially if I'd have to take a pay cut. That would crush my ego.
I don't understand her constant slander against me. It's entirely unwarranted.

:p oh yeah?

Take a look at my sig..............:cof1:

But don't worry. I'm not crying over it. I've come to tolerate such ramblings from southerners like yourself.
Why not, Tiana.

I can't think of any reason's why not, but I can think of a few incoherent quotes that make a good case for you to think about.......just visiting a meeting or two.....check it out.....I hear the KKK has a session on Thursdays you may be interested in.
I can't think of any reason's why not, but I can think of a few incoherent quotes that make a good case for you to think about.......just visiting a meeting or two.....check it out.....I hear the KKK has a session on Thursdays you may be interested in.

Cool. I'll look into it.
Good. Then one day when you're not drunk at night you'll be able to post coherent sentences without calling people the n word. The little southerner that could.

I'm not drunk right now. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but that sentence seems coherent.

William Faulkner wrote books, though. I think he's got me beat. All I've got is short stories and incompletes.
I'm not drunk right now. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but that sentence seems coherent.

William Faulkner wrote books, though. I think he's got me beat. All I've got is short stories and incompletes.
Maybe you aren't drunk enough. Shoot. Look at Hemingway.
Actually, I think Faulkner was a bigger drunk than Hemingway. And F. Scott Fitzgerald was a drunk too. Hell, all my hero's our drunks. I don't know what's wrong with our society.