

I see no reason at all why people should be landlords........I have no problem with people like WM living in their cars........
I see no reason at all why people should be landlords........I have no problem with people like WM living in their cars........

For 4 generations my family has been renting the same property to the same family for three generations. Not sure why. I don't even want it. I am thinking about giving it to them the day they give me their notice to save me the cost of a bulldozer.
For 4 generations my family has been renting the same property to the same family for three generations. Not sure why. I don't even want it. I am thinking about giving it to them the day they give me their notice to save me the cost of a bulldozer.

that's fucking awesome. you've literally fallen into ACTUAL lordship. they are your vassals and clients. I would hold onto that for dear life.
that's fucking awesome. you've literally fallen into ACTUAL lordship. they are your vassals and clients. I would hold onto that for dear life.

That's me--Lord Grantham having to ring a bell so my butler can put my jacket on me so I can walk downstairs to dinner. As long as the checks keep coming, I will keep owning. The day they stop, I am getting rid of that place. It is an old rock house that would have to be completely rebuilt so far as I can tell before it would be really marketable. It isn't like I intend to do that. It is a couple states away. I'll sell it for the land if it comes to that point. I have seen it exactly once and that was just by pure coincidence when I happened to be going down a highway near it and saw a sign for the town, needed gas, and said why the hell not.
Rentals are something you do before home ownership. You are simply 'renting' a house with not much responsibility for it.
your statement is moronic. you are acting like i said an obvious statement, but what I actually said was that a specific person is in said 50%. so, you are dumb.

I believe in the larger context of the JPP Playbook, falling under the Column of 'People to Fuck With', PMP has checked the Box marked ... GRIND. (just an opinion)
Rentals are something you do before home ownership. You are simply 'renting' a house with not much responsibility for it.

Oh there are plenty of people who could buy a home but elect not to. Some don't want the responsibility; some don't want to feel tied down to a particular location; some are just odd cats who won't buy a home unless it perfectly fits their super-sized egos. Of course there are also a lot of home "owners" who are basically renting anyway since they are stripping that equity out as fast as they can to pay for other things like always having a new car, etc. Just about every house I have purchased I was able to get for a fraction of their value because the previous owners deferred maintenance for a decade or more, found a new house, and walked away from the one they had. Sure I will put in $10-$15K in new roofs, hot water heaters, and heating/air units to pick up 2 or 3 times that in equity they gave up. I picked up about $60K on my current house in equity the day I bought it that the prior owner just walked away from like an idiot instead of spending $10K for a new roof & furnace.
Oh there are plenty of people who could buy a home but elect not to. Some don't want the responsibility; some don't want to feel tied down to a particular location; some are just odd cats who won't buy a home unless it perfectly fits their super-sized egos. Of course there are also a lot of home "owners" who are basically renting anyway since they are stripping that equity out as fast as they can to pay for other things like always having a new car, etc. Just about every house I have purchased I was able to get for a fraction of their value because the previous owners deferred maintenance for a decade or more, found a new house, and walked away from the one they had. Sure I will put in $10-$15K in new roofs, hot water heaters, and heating/air units to pick up 2 or 3 times that in equity they gave up. I picked up about $60K on my current house in equity the day I bought it that the prior owner just walked away from like an idiot instead of spending $10K for a new roof & furnace.

I agree. A lot of Homeowners (well, maybe not that many) look at a House like a car. When it gets 'old' they sell it and buy something newer and more 'modern'. That's not really the point of the OP here.

People don't just leave home then buy a House. There's a big time lapse between leaving home and buying the first House. People Rent in their early life, Landlords fill that purpose. It's a very old 'Occupation'. I think the beef with Landlords is the size of the Rent, most feel it "Too Damn High!".

You mentioned something about inheriting a Rental in another State. I'm guessing the Rent is low and the Renters love the House ... because the Rent is lower than anything else around them.