
Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
I believe in the larger context of the JPP Playbook, falling under the Column of 'People to Fuck With', PMP has checked the Box marked ... GRIND. (just an opinion)

idiot...... everyone who is cool fucks with grind....
Do you have another one of those available? Grind and I would split the cost. I'll do the hunting and fishing and he can chop up and hide the bodies.
Wish I had known you were in the market it a year ago July. I could have thrown in the first body free. Had a tenant hang themselves in the basement of one of my rentals.
Did you evict him? I mean either pay rent or get out. No hanging around!

Hell no. I don't mess around. I had the police cart his ass off. :whip:

I was lucky in that he was very professional about it all. Hung himself right in front of the basement window so the neighbors could see and call the police and left the doors unlocked so they didn't need to force entry. Had even packed up all his stuff to make it easier for his brother to get it all. If he had hung for days, the stench would have been so bad I would have needed to burn the house down.
Hell no. I don't mess around. I had the police cart his ass off. :whip:

I was lucky in that he was very professional about it all. Hung himself right in front of the basement window so the neighbors could see and call the police and left the doors unlocked so they didn't need to force entry. Had even packed up all his stuff to make it easier for his brother to get it all. If he had hung for days, the stench would have been so bad I would have needed to burn the house down.
Are you reading this Grind? If you’re going to hang your self this is how you do it!
Are you reading this Grind? If you’re going to hang your self this is how you do it!

LOL I have had a total so far of 3 tenants to kill themselves, all by hanging. Whenever I remind my bookkeeper that all her previous employers died in accidents and I'm probably next, she asks when I am going to offer 10 feet of free rope with every new lease.
LOL I have had a total so far of 3 tenants to kill themselves, all by hanging. Whenever I remind my bookkeeper that all her previous employers died in accidents and I'm probably next, she asks when I am going to offer 10 feet of free rope with every new lease.

good lord, you must have some depressing apartments......I handled on average 250 units for 25 years and never had one....
good lord, you must have some depressing apartments......I handled on average 250 units for 25 years and never had one....

I don't own any apartments. All houses or commercial property. There was the guy I talked about, a girl who was in a live-in relationship with a much older man who had just ended their relationship and she decided him coming home finding her hanging dead was the ultimate fuck you, and an old white guy 58 with no wife or kids, alienated from his family, no regular job for 6 or 7 years, clearly clinically depressed who decided there was no reason left to live I guess. Don't know if there was a particular trigger with him other than he was broke and had just had the utilities disconnected for non-payment. He had been fairly successful earlier in life and got some big buy out from his employer that had allowed him to make it to that point. He would just suck the life out of you being in his presence he oozed so much sadness.
Nope. It was the perfect act of spite--stick the person who didn't want them with them and stick the people who wanted them without them. One day I might do the same ;) It is old family property people have wanted to keep in the family for whatever reason. I am the least likely to have to sell them I guess or at least the one least likely to sell them (not that I wouldn't if push comes to shove).

Good, we can pass a law taxing inheritances at 100% and then leaches like you won't have to deal with such annoyances.
Hell no. I don't mess around. I had the police cart his ass off. :whip:

I was lucky in that he was very professional about it all. Hung himself right in front of the basement window so the neighbors could see and call the police and left the doors unlocked so they didn't need to force entry. Had even packed up all his stuff to make it easier for his brother to get it all. If he had hung for days, the stench would have been so bad I would have needed to burn the house down.

Well I'm glad you were not financially inconvenienced by a human being losing their life. We have to remember the important things in life.

The state should seize ask of your assets and redistribute it .. you are a leach, negative value to society. No wonder you're a republican, they are the party of capital, the party of leaches Democrats are the party of workers and wage earners. Maker Democrats VS taker Republicans.
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Well I'm glad you were not financially inconvenienced by a human being losing their life. We have to remember the important things in life.

The state should seize ask of your assets and redistribute it .. you are a leach, negative value to society. No wonder you're a republican, they are the party of capital, the party of leaches Democrats are the party of workers and wage owners. Maker Democrats VS taker Republicans.

YEP, Watermark is unemployed AGAIN. :palm: