Lara Trump says debates ‘rigged so heavily’ in Biden’s favor

Yep. whatever it takes.
Kinda like eliminating Hamas.

2nd. place is the first loser.
I'm sure you are quite familiar.
The fact you believe in the mass killing of anyone left of you, including men, women and children, is unsurprising Arbie. I've observed your mental state deteriorate over the past couple years and expect you to disappear from JPP and be in the news sometime between now and Guy Fawke's Day.
The fact you believe in the mass killing of anyone left of you, including men, women and children, is unsurprising Arbie. I've observed your mental state deteriorate over the past couple years and expect you to disappear from JPP and be in the news sometime between now and Guy Fawke's Day.
You're the one who said shooting Trump supporters should be a national past time. Your obsession with killing and death has been noted several times. You are a far left lunatic, brazen with hate and remorse for your life's failures. You target those who have achieved so much more than you.

My mental decline? Now, you thinking you're some kind of Psychiatrist is laughable at best. You've been a lying, hypocritical coward the day you came here along with your own mental deficiencies, and somehow think you can make credible analyses of others? I suggest you evaluate your own shortcomings before you make scrutiny of any other member of this site. If anyone here will be "in the news," it will be you in your last ditch attempt to "be somebody." Hate to tell you, but you're a loser. You've always been a loser. You'll always be a loser. You've never been good at anything and never will. I should feel sorry for you... but I don't.
You're the one who said shooting Trump supporters should be a national past time. Your obsession with killing and death has been noted several times. You are a far left lunatic, brazen with hate and remorse for your life's failures. You target those who have achieved so much more than you.

My mental decline? Now, you thinking you're some kind of Psychiatrist is laughable at best. You've been a lying, hypocritical coward the day you came here along with your own mental deficiencies, and somehow think you can make credible analyses of others? I suggest you evaluate your own shortcomings before you make scrutiny of any other member of this site. If anyone here will be "in the news," it will be you in your last ditch attempt to "be somebody." Hate to tell you, but you're a loser. You've always been a loser. You'll always be a loser. You've never been good at anything and never will. I should feel sorry for you... but I don't.
No, that's a lie, Arbie. Specifically, a misquote that turns the post into a lie. Both you and Legion pushed that lie, which is why I trust neither of you. As for killing evil or bad people, if the situation warrants it, I support it. You, OTOH, advocate killing people for disagreeing with you which is why you are using MAGAt rules 2 through 4.

Yes, your mental decline. You've become more bitter, more hateful and more Alt-Right over the past few years. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, son. I'm a troubleshooter with a long career of identifying people who are unfit to serve their duties.

My shortcomings, Arbie? You rant about me being a psychiatrist then you claim to be an expert? Please, please cite these shortcomings so that I may learn. TIA

MAGAt rule #2 Never take responsibility
MAGAt rule #3 Always blame the other guy
MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.
You're the one who said shooting Trump supporters should be a national past time. Your obsession with killing and death has been noted several times. You are a far left lunatic, brazen with hate and remorse for your life's failures. You target those who have achieved so much more than you.

My mental decline? Now, you thinking you're some kind of Psychiatrist is laughable at best. You've been a lying, hypocritical coward the day you came here along with your own mental deficiencies, and somehow think you can make credible analyses of others? I suggest you evaluate your own shortcomings before you make scrutiny of any other member of this site. If anyone here will be "in the news," it will be you in your last ditch attempt to "be somebody." Hate to tell you, but you're a loser. You've always been a loser. You'll always be a loser. You've never been good at anything and never will. I should feel sorry for you... but I don't.
You proved Dutch's claims quickly.
No, that's a lie, Arbie. Specifically, a misquote that turns the post into a lie. Both you and Legion pushed that lie, which is why I trust neither of you. As for killing evil or bad people, if the situation warrants it, I support it. You, OTOH, advocate killing people for disagreeing with you which is why you are using MAGAt rules 2 through 4.

Yes, your mental decline. You've become more bitter, more hateful and more Alt-Right over the past few years. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, son. I'm a troubleshooter with a long career of identifying people who are unfit to serve their duties.

My shortcomings, Arbie? You rant about me being a psychiatrist then you claim to be an expert? Please, please cite these shortcomings so that I may learn. TIA

MAGAt rule #2 Never take responsibility
MAGAt rule #3 Always blame the other guy
MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.
You bathe in your own hypocrisy. Try using soap.
You proved Dutch's claims quickly.

ass kissing idiot...

ass kissing idiot...
MAGAt authoritarian seeks to shred the First Amendment and impose his own beliefs on others.

Yes, if it comes to it, I will be shooting Trump's stormtroopers goosestepping down the streets of America arresting Jews, Blacks and Socialists. Hopefully you'll be in front. :thup:

You brag a lot about being a good shot but don't realize there's lots of loyal Americans who can proficiently put a round through the 10-ring of traitors and fascists from 300 to 500 yards away. Now go weport me for making a death threat against you, son. LOL

MAGAt authoritarian seeks to shred the First Amendment and impose his own beliefs on others.

Yes, if it comes to it, I will be shooting Trump's stormtroopers goosestepping down the streets of America arresting Jews, Blacks and Socialists. Hopefully you'll be in front. :thup:

You brag a lot about being a good shot but don't realize there's lots of loyal Americans who can proficiently put a round through the 10-ring of traitors and fascists from 300 to 500 yards away. Now go weport me for making a death threat against you, son. LOL

No, child. I don't want yours imposed on me.

You won't be shooting anyone. You are a yellow bellied coward. Your wish to reek death is well noted and your pathetic fantasy of it would never happen.

You forget I've competed with those boys, some are my friends. You've only had a passing converse, if even that.

Oh, and the Marines won't be shooting at me, but those like you might fear their bullets
No, child. I don't want yours imposed on me.

You won't be shooting anyone. You are a yellow bellied coward. Your wish to reek death is well noted and your pathetic fantasy of it would never happen.

You forget I've competed with those boys, some are my friends. You've only had a passing converse, if even that.

Oh, and the Marines won't be shooting at me, but those like you might fear their bullets
What am I imposing on you, son? The Constitution?

I prefer people to underestimate me. It really, really makes it easier on me. LOL

Awesome. So no worries about leading your goosestepping Trumpers down the street like a marching band? Or will you be safely in the rear?

Disagreed. The vast majority of Marines will do their duty and follow their oaths. Every group has a few losers, malcontents and criminals. No doubt many are friends of yours. :)
Back to the thread. Lara's claim that the debates are slanted in Biden's favor is ridiculous. All they are doing is forcing the normal rules of discourse on someone who does not respect rules. When he debates, he keeps talking way past his time. He makes childish faces when the opponent is talking. He walked in back of Hillary while she was responding distracting the audience from her intelligent responses.
In this debate, they will shut off the mic when your time is up. That goes for both of them. It seems fair, except Trump does not want fair. He wants to make noises and talk over Biden. What is fair to Trump and Lara is having a Trump rally at the debate and Trump can talk whenever he wants.
What am I imposing on you, son? The Constitution?

I prefer people to underestimate me. It really, really makes it easier on me. LOL

Awesome. So no worries about leading your goosestepping Trumpers down the street like a marching band? Or will you be safely in the rear?

Disagreed. The vast majority of Marines will do their duty and follow their oaths. Every group has a few losers, malcontents and criminals. No doubt many are friends of yours. :)
You are imposing your hatred and desire to kill those who support a
presidential contender you hate just as much. You constantly post about killing

There is no underestimating the morbid and cowardly likes of you,
or your hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy and desire to kill people. You have issues.
You'll scream and holler, but will hide just like domer. No concern there.

Leading what? Protecting my friends, family, myself and my home?
There are others around me who feel the same. Don't fuck with us.

Yes they will. So will the veterans, many who are friends and relatives of mine.
Yep, every group has it's share of malcontents. You are obviously among them.
You are imposing your hatred and desire to kill those who support a
presidential contender you hate just as much. You constantly post about killing

There is no underestimating the morbid and cowardly likes of you,
or your hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy and desire to kill people. You have issues.
You'll scream and holler, but will hide just like domer. No concern there.

Leading what? Protecting my friends, family, myself and my home?
There are others around me who feel the same. Don't fuck with us.

Yes they will. So will the veterans, many who are friends and relatives of mine.
Yep, every group has its share of malcontents. You are obviously among them.
Wow. I’ve seen a lot of old pussies in my life, mostly people’s mothers, but you take the cake, Arbie.

The fact you won’t answer the question tells me you’ll be hiding behind your goose-stepping traitors. That’s very MAGAtty of you, son.
She is correct. Trump is demented, stupid and cannot debate. He feeds off crowds, who will be missing. The reds say terrible things about Biden because they know his low level followers will blindly accept them. On stage, with rules keeping things civil, will damage his style. I see him making a last minute excuse to avoid the debates. It is like his repeated claims about how he will be glad to testify and it does not happen.
Trump is his own crowd.......Biden is his own lonely man hiding in his basement......
Yet he lost the popular vote twice :D
you left wing crazies still don't get it do you.......He'll probably go to the Oval Office losing the popular vote a third time......we don't give a fuck how many people in California and New York vote blue........its not how we elect presidents.........
Let the excuses flow o_O

Already claiming defeat. I’m lovin’ it. Tired of winning yet? :rolleyes:

I have never seen such wimps, such pussies, such snowflakes in my life. When they know their Toadstool is doomed, they drag out the "it's rigged!" excuse -- before the scheduled action has even taken place. What a bunch of pathetic losers the MAGATs are.
She is correct. Trump is demented, stupid and cannot debate. He feeds off crowds, who will be missing. The reds say terrible things about Biden because they know his low level followers will blindly accept them. On stage, with rules keeping things civil, will damage his style. I see him making a last minute excuse to avoid the debates. It is like his repeated claims about how he will be glad to testify and it does not happen.
I suspect his demands that Biden take a drug test will be the excuse he'll use to dump the debates. Wait for it.