Larry Craig question. I dont get it.


Abreast of the situations
I dont understand why he was arrested? What did he do that was illegal?

Im not defending the guy, i just dont understand what the illegality is here.
From what I have been able to get out of it, after asking the same questions, "soliciting a lewd act in public".

As much fun as the whole Craig thing has been, if hetero men were getting busted for THAT, the war on drugs is over, because there is no room for drug users in the prisons. Which actually...
Yep it is an anti gay law made by the gay phobia types. Ironically those like Craig. Ohh the Irony of it all :D
My understanding, is that it was illegal to solicit someone to have sex in a public bathroom.

If he had just asked for the Dude's phone number, and asked him to meet him at his hotel later, I think he would have been fine.
My understanding, is that it was illegal to solicit someone to have sex in a public bathroom.

If he had just asked for the Dude's phone number, and asked him to meet him at his hotel later, I think he would have been fine.

WOW the next thing you will be saying is that we should be allowed to drive drunk.
My understanding, is that it was illegal to solicit someone to have sex in a public bathroom.

If he had just asked for the Dude's phone number, and asked him to meet him at his hotel later, I think he would have been fine.
This is the thing. The cop didn't go for something in the reasonable doubt category. He should have brought it into a place where Craig was far more clear of intention than just fingers under a stall wall.
My understanding is that he was originally charged for "gross interference of privacy," which is essentially a Peeping Tom statute. He was charged for this based on his peering into the stall the officer was sitting (not a criminal act in an of itself) and then sending signals that are commonly used by gay men wanting to have anonymous bathroom sex.

He pled to disorderly conduct, a crime that is often used by cops to get something on somebody when no real crime was committed but now they've up and arrested someone and don't want to get sued for infringing on someone's civil rights.
My understanding, is that it was illegal to solicit someone to have sex in a public bathroom.

If he had just asked for the Dude's phone number, and asked him to meet him at his hotel later, I think he would have been fine.

Cypress, I disagree with you about this. There is nothing that I have read or heard that proves this guy meant for the sex act to take place right there. I once had a guy say to me, after I bent down to pick up something I had dropped in a bar, "while you're down there...", now, that was a more clear cut indication of soliciting a lewd act that would take place in public. He wasn't arrested. No hetero guy is ever arrested for this. The law is homophobic, it should go. That is my opinion. Now, is it funny as hell that a anti-gay phony bastard like Craig got hoisted on his own petard? Sure.
My understanding is that he was originally charged for "gross interference of privacy," which is essentially a Peeping Tom statute. He was charged for this based on his peering into the stall the officer was sitting (not a criminal act in an of itself) and then sending signals that are commonly used by gay men wanting to have anonymous bathroom sex.

He pled to disorderly conduct, a crime that is often used by cops to get something on somebody when no real crime was committed but now they've up and arrested someone and don't want to get sued for infringing on someone's civil rights.
No, he was originally charged with soliciting a lewd act in public.
My understanding is that he was originally charged for "gross interference of privacy," which is essentially a Peeping Tom statute. He was charged for this based on his peering into the stall the officer was sitting (not a criminal act in an of itself) and then sending signals that are commonly used by gay men wanting to have anonymous bathroom sex.

He pled to disorderly conduct, a crime that is often used by cops to get something on somebody when no real crime was committed but now they've up and arrested someone and don't want to get sued for infringing on someone's civil rights.

Actually, I keep forgetting about that part, where he was peeping into the guy's stall. That might get shaky there.
Actually, I keep forgetting about that part, where he was peeping into the guy's stall. That might get shaky there.
That one would be the hardest to prove of the lot. According to the tape of the interview he was feet away when he "peered" into the stalls to see if people were there. From that far away you can only see that it is occupied, no details.
I was reading on a blog somewhere, that there are evidently gay hook-up websites, that rate various bathrooms across the country, as "hook up" spots.

And the exact bathroom craig used, was listed on these websites as a well known hook up spot for gay bathroom sex. I suspect this was no conincidence - especially given the allegations of Craig trolling bathrooms before. I bet the old fart was up late at night, crusing the internet and making mental notes of which bathrooms he could score in. lol
That one would be the hardest to prove of the lot. According to the tape of the interview he was feet away when he "peered" into the stalls to see if people were there.

Yeah...that's always hard to prove. I had a problem with a neighbor like that not that long ago. I finally called the cops, and the guy denied everything. But the cop believed me (i didn't want to press charges, the guy was old and pathetic, and married! and I felt bad for his wife, I just wanted him away from my window), and the cop told him, she's not lying, and you will stay away from her windows and walk your dog somewhere else, got it? And, he was never near my window again. anyway, I am just saying, if I had wanted to press charges, could I have "proved" it? No. But it happened. And I get a little creeped out by the idea that someone can do that to you and get away with it because it's hard to prove.
No, he was originally charged with soliciting a lewd act in public.

Actually, no he wasn't. Read the police report. Look to the end. It says "Craig was photographed, fingerprinted and released pending formal complaint for Interference with Privacy (MSS 699.746) and Disorderly Conduct (609.72) at 1305 hours."
That one would be the hardest to prove of the lot. According to the tape of the interview he was feet away when he "peered" into the stalls to see if people were there. From that far away you can only see that it is occupied, no details.

yeah and the tape also said he peeked for no more than one or two minutes tops :D
That one would be the hardest to prove of the lot. According to the tape of the interview he was feet away when he "peered" into the stalls to see if people were there. From that far away you can only see that it is occupied, no details.

If you have listened to that audio tape yet, from the Airport Police, its obvious Craig is squirming and lying his ass off. He KNOWS he was doing something either wrong, or at a minimum, very bizarre.
Actually, I keep forgetting about that part, where he was peeping into the guy's stall. That might get shaky there.

Peeping is pretty vague. Who here has not looked through the cracks on a stall to see if there is someone in there or if the door is just shut on it's own?
It's either that or try and open the door or look under the stall for feet.
I suppose I'm assuming that there are no other free open stalls with doors open and nothing gross on the seats or whatever.

Of course if peeping meant looking over the stall then probably there is no excuse.
The peeping alone wouldn't have gotten him arrested in my opinion. But once he did the peeping and followed it up with signals that gay men use to indicate they want to get it on in the bathroom he was done for.