Larry Craig question. I dont get it.

This is so lame even for the flirtatious darla of the board...if hetro men stopped hitting on women in public places y'all would have dreary Friday and Saturday nights...good for the pillow business and dildo business I suspect...lotsa sleepovers with your girl friends...:rolleyes:

Yeah men just do not realize how well of they might be :D
This is so lame even for the flirtatious darla of the board...if hetro men stopped hitting on women in public places y'all would have dreary Friday and Saturday nights...good for the pillow business and dildo business I suspect...lotsa sleepovers with your girl friends...:rolleyes:

But, most cons don't understand the difference between making a flirty pass, and harrassment. Because Cons don't understand women. Cons evidently have the mating habits and traditions, of male baboons.
But, most cons don't understand the difference between making a flirty pass, and harrassment. Because Cons don't understand women. Cons evidently have the mating habits and traditions, of male baboons.
Right. Negative Stereotype much? Do you have any empirical evidence that this is the standard among the particular group?
Right. Negative Stereotype much? Do you have any empirical evidence that this is the standard among the particular group?

Well any data provided would have to come from a liberal group since MBA's and engineerrs do not do this type of stuff...and therefore be dissed a partisan rhetoic...I guess we are just stuck...
Well any data provided would have to come from a liberal group since MBA's and engineerrs do not do this type of stuff...and therefore be dissed a partisan rhetoic...I guess we are just stuck...
With anecdotal idiocy? Okay. Well, it's all good. I don't really care... I was just trying to poke a bruise.

Right. Negative Stereotype much? Do you have any empirical evidence that this is the standard among the particular group?

Empirical evidence #1: Cons, like BB, think that if they don't hit on women, women will be lonely and alone. What cons like BB don't realize, is that all REAL and APPROPRIATE flirting is started by women. Men with a mininal amount of sophistication, can read women's body language, to determine when flirting and hitting on a woman is appropriate. BB just thinks its appropriate to run around hitting on random women.

Caveat: I'm just teasing BB, damo. Don't be so serious!
Empirical evidence #1: Cons, like BB, think that if they don't hit on women, women will be lonely and alone. What cons like BB don't realize, is that all REAL and APPROPRIATE flirting is started by women. Men with a mininal amount of sophistication, can read women's body language, to determine when flirting and hitting on a woman is appropriate. BB just thinks its appropriate to run around hitting on random women.

Caveat: I'm just teasing BB, damo. Don't be so serious!
LOL. So was I... Read the post before yours... :D
Oh give it a rest already.......

But, most cons don't understand the difference between making a flirty pass, and harrassment. Because Cons don't understand women. Cons evidently have the mating habits and traditions, of male baboons.

There are asshole dems/libs as well as asshole cons...cypress ya really need a life...outside of dogs and cats...get the drift!
so for gay men in the shadows where a gay bar is not an option they pick up each other in bathrooms.. ok nasty.. but i still dont get why its anybody elses business or illegal.
I think this whole thing brings up an entirely different issue which is the double standard that exists for gay men versus hetro men. I can get a lap dance in a public place where the girl basically makes you ____ but you cant hit on a guy in a bathroom.
I think this whole thing brings up an entirely different issue which is the double standard that exists for gay men versus hetro men. I can get a lap dance in a public place where the girl basically makes you ____ but you cant hit on a guy in a bathroom.

You dont' get lap dances in PUBLIC places. Not any city I'm aware off.

Lap dances take place on private property: i.e., a bar, a club, etc.
I think this whole thing brings up an entirely different issue which is the double standard that exists for gay men versus hetro men. I can get a lap dance in a public place where the girl basically makes you ____ but you cant hit on a guy in a bathroom.

AARGH!!! that brings up a horrible image.....
Me too..........

AARGH!!! that brings up a horrible image.....

We have the all time low...gays are saying asking a girl to dance to a slow dance...what is your number...damn ya are cute etc...equates to sighns and signals for doing the nasty in a nasty place...personally I have never hit on a girl in a rest room...even in France...yuk!
oh ok... so what about airport bars? hitting on women?

I agree with you on this, but as you can see, it's hopeless. You're gay and I better watch what I say or men like BB won't hit on me anymore and I'll get "lonely".

You might as well bang your head against the wall for all the good it's going to do.

I agree with you on this, but as you can see, it's hopeless. You're gay and I better watch what I say or men like BB won't hit on me anymore and I'll get "lonely".

You might as well bang your head against the wall for all the good it's going to do. do you get asked out and where...and did you ever accept a date while out at the bars from a guy you found cute?...Or do you prefer 'Girly Men' and or make no sense whatsoever...unless you are mad about a failed that case suck it up and move on...grow up darla!