Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It's a made-up term by radical American Leftists who usurped the Spanish language to do so because they are oblivious to their racism.
Sezzzzzz pasty face toad
It's a made-up term by radical American Leftists who usurped the Spanish language to do so because they are oblivious to their racism.
Yeah, why do leftists need that BIPOC and LATINX bullshit anyway?! I'd like to fucking know!
Sezzzzzz pasty face toad
I'm a "leftist" and seldom use racial/genetic/ethnic descriptors when talking about some other person. I do, otoh, often refer to your kind as "Reichwingers."
Happy New Year, Matt. Hope you all have a healthy and prosperous one to come.
I'm a "leftist" and seldom use racial/genetic/ethnic descriptors when talking about some other person. I do, otoh, often refer to your kind as "Reichwingers."
Happy New Year, Matt. Hope you all have a healthy and prosperous one to come.
Happy New Year to you as well.
So, you "otoh, often refer to "my kind" as "Reichwingers." do ya?![]()
But you never "use racial/genetic/ethnic descriptors when talking about some other person"?
Sum Ting Wong.
I vote this the most hypocritical post of the year!
You don't even have black people where you live. I bet you haven't seen one in a month or more!
Yet you gonna talk shit about people that deal with each other day in and day out. Tsk Tsk.
"Reichwinger" is a political descriptor. Those on the LW or RW are there by choice. We don't choose our genders, race, genetic makeup -- or that of our parents.
Yes, we have black people here. We have native people here. We have Hispanic, Asian, and mixed race people here. Are you going to bring up that myth that we chose to retire here because we don't want to be around diversity? Only a racist would believe that nonsense.
No, but UP people are generally pretty white, and black folk don't gravitate towards a woodsy lifestyle in the cold. True Story!
Should I use this term?
Do I have to?
Should I use this term?
Do I have to?
Should I use this term?
Do I have to?
Only Democrats and Republicans seek to ban words. I don't. Call them whatever you like.
Yeah, why do leftists need that BIPOC and LATINX bullshit anyway?! I'd like to fucking know!
And who gave them the authority to make up new words for people anyway?
I damn sure never voted on that.
Authority? Who is forcing you to use that word? Besides, don't minorities get to define terms for themselves? Or you don't want them to do that?
We have more definitions than we need in this world.
A proper Bostonian recognizes only two kinds of people.
There are those who agree with us on virtually everything,
and there are those whom we refer to---and I do admit this is unfortunate--
as "fuckin' retahds."
I love the new T-shirt my daughter bought me.
SURROUNDED BY STUNADS is emblazoned on the front.
"Stunad" is Italian-American slang for "stonato."
"Stonato" literally means "out of tune,"
but it's used that way about as often as "gay" is used to mean "merry.'
It's mostly used to mean, in Bostonese, "fuckin' retahd."
The great thing about the T-shirt is that
I can appropriaately wear it virtually anywhere.
No effing way. The majority defines terms for them.Besides, don't minorities get to define terms for themselves?
No effing way. The majority defines terms for them.
Like N***ers or Negros?
See what I meam? White foke call them black or Africa Americans. The minority call themselves niggahs. Which is more acceptable?.