Lat's stop calling them progressives and liberals.

Truth Detector loves to spin and twirl in his Fantasy World of Communists in the State Department, Communists under the Bed, Communists in the Universities, Communists are Everywhere. He seems totally detached from Reality. Whatever 'Conspiracy Network' TD is tuned into, they've done a good job of brainwashing this poor thing.

Talk about 'Drinking the Kool-Aid'.


There are quite a few communists in the States of America. There are more of them in the SOTC, SOTNY, and SODC. There are a lot of fascists too.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy.


He doesn't understand that the Democrat party is a conspiracy.
I enjoy watching you get worked up about non-existent threats, light your hair on fire, spin & twirl, and begin screaming. it's amusing. Plus, it keeps you busy and off the streets.

Denying communism and fascism doesn't make them go away, dude.
There's been 178 strikes so far in 2021, including 10,000 John Deere workers. This is only the beginning. I can't wait to see what happens in 2022.

The Auto Workers Union and John Deere are coming to some agreement on their working contract. This is not government. This is just a strike.
The Auto Workers Union and John Deere are coming to some agreement on their working contract. This is not government. This is just a strike.
No matter how hard government tries, there's no red or blue in the UAW, they're all stressed out workers tired of 70 hour weeks.
Denial of logic. Mockery.


Denial of logic fallacy. The denial of logic fallacy occurs when a poster (almost always Into the Night) in an attempt to appear more intelligent then they really are claim another poster is denying logic but then they never support their claim of how logic was denied.
There is nothing "progressive" or "liberal" about todays Marxist leaning leftists. Let's start calling them what they are; regressive.

Let's not call them liberals. There is nothing liberal about their anti-Constitutional, anti-American hatred for liberty. They are leftists. Regressive leftists.


I also like the term that Grind coined before he slipped into a THC induced coma.

America Haters.
There is nothing "progressive" or "liberal" about todays Marxist leaning leftists. Let's start calling them what they are; regressive.

Let's not call them liberals. There is nothing liberal about their anti-Constitutional, anti-American hatred for liberty. They are leftists. Regressive leftists.


Aside from the real Liberals, which are a tad rarer than White Supremacists..they're Social Marxists.

97-8% of those claiming to be Liberals here are POS Social Marxist CommieNazis.
Higher pay means more expensive product. That cascades around. All it means is the effects of inflation, caused by government printing money faster than wealth being created.

So. Your recommendation is to move the Business to China for the Cheap Labor?