“Latter-Day Saints for Trump White Coffee Mug”

Obvious the point went right over your head

Last time, Trump is selling anything and everything exploiting those that worship him to personally profit off of their devotion, and the fact he can’t even take the time to appreciate the product he is pimping isn’t commonly used by those he is shelling just proves again he is only in it for the buck

And don’t tell us again people buy coffee mugs to drink lemonade
Its more likely that you will buy something from trump than I will. I promise you that. No one is required to buy anything but I get why you think that because leftists can't do anything without being told to do it.

And don't tell us again that people buy coffee mugs only so they can drink coffee from them. You sound more like loon that usual
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Obvious the point went right over your head

Last time, Trump is selling anything and everything exploiting those that worship him to personally profit off of their devotion, and the fact he can’t even take the time to appreciate the product he is pimping isn’t commonly used by those he is shelling just proves again he is only in it for the buck

And don’t tell us again people buy coffee mugs to drink lemonade

What else would it be? Can you think of any Presidential candidate ever that promoted and sold coffee mugs, shoes, steaks, ties, liquor, sneakers, Bibles, furniture, etc?
I'm not concerned about it but apparently you are... So that's fine...
Ah, guess, what primarily do people use coffee mugs for? And if you are tying to make a buck off of people who do drink coffee would you sell them a coffee mug?
People use mugs to drink hot chocolate, Anchovies.

It appears that you could use a cup.

Poor Anchovies.
People use mugs for all kind of things... I don't think that no coffee is all that much of a thing anymore to be honest.... (Kind-of like pork and bacon for some...;)) But anyway...we use our mugs for soup, tea, cocoa, milk, etc... They're not just for coffee anymore...;)
Anchovies doesn't get out much.

Poor Anchovies.

He thought he had a "got you" on Trump and he was the one gotten.
Is Trump marking something to fleece Muslims now? Didn’t know that, certainly not beyond him
He along with Mike Lindell who happens to be HQ'd in Minnesota have been producing a special " My prayer rug" for the Muslim community there. Its been a very big hit so far in the community. It simply reads " Trump.....making Minnisota safe again". :)

That's my President,....Ole Donnie leaves no stone unturned and no back unscratched! :)