Law School or M.B.A?

Good luck and better hurry.

Most states are beginning to assign caps on damages in civil suits.

However heartlessness will always be a marketable job skill so I think I'll be fine.

Caps on damage in medical lawsuits. Assigning caps on all lawsuits would be a ridiculous task.
I knew in 8th grade that I wanted to be a lawyer and that I wanted to do criminal defense work. It really is what I was born to do. But I agree with Top, do what you think you will be best at and what interests you the most. If you like what you do you will do a better job than you will with something you don't like. If you do the job better you will make more money which will then allow you to maximize your leisure time. I could have never gone to school for an MBA. The whole idea of working in that world and being behind a desk more than away from it would drive me batty. But that is how I am built. I LOVE to be in court and be in front of juries. I do have to do some divorce cases because they help pay the bills around here but it also allows me court time. Law School is a pain in the ass and they sometimes reward people, not for their knowledge and ability to apply but because they are better test takers. I have never a day regreted going to law school. I have thought at times that had film school occurred to me I might have gone that way as well but still no regrets. Do what moves you. The money will follow.
Umm FL assigned liability limits for victims of plane crashes several years ago.
Esp if the airplane was over a certain age.

But it wasn't a cap on all lawsuits.

Saying "Hey, no suit can pay out more than this amount in damages..." would be the most idiotic law ever passed.
Also, Epi, if you become a criminal defense attorney, you've just destroyed any political future you may have had. If you want to go the criminal route, be a prosecutor.
But it wasn't a cap on all lawsuits.

Saying "Hey, no suit can pay out more than this amount in damages..." would be the most idiotic law ever passed.

I think there are also generalized limits on the pain and suffering aspects of lawsuits in several states. KY I think is among them.
I think there are also generalized limits on the pain and suffering aspects of lawsuits in several states. KY I think is among them.

Yep... and what does that mean? Exxon is a huge company and would brush off an amount that would kill a normal billion dollar company. It just isn't grounded in common sense.
Yep... and what does that mean? Exxon is a huge company and would brush off an amount that would kill a normal billion dollar company. It just isn't grounded in common sense.

I think pain and suffereing awards are limited to 200K or something in KY.
ie the price of a life. or of a father, or child, etc is only worth 200k or so.
2-5 years income.