Lawyer Up Lefties, Billy Barr Is Coming!

And yet you spend your entire message board career on your knees with your lips firmly planted on the flabby ass of the leader of the Republican Party - Donald Trump.

Your momma is proud of your filthy juvenile mental illness, right?????
See, I told you don't understand it

I know a cop-out lie when I see one Jimmy!!!! I understood you well & I understand perfectly why you can't back up your preposterousness!!!!!
That is the typical response of the right winger who does not understand the discussion. Now back up your point if you can, but I bet you can't.
See, I told you don't understand it

That is the typical response of the right winger who does not understand the discussion. Now back up your point if you can, but I bet you can't.

Which of my perfectly made points would you like me to back up Jimmy?
Barr's beliefs would have made Nixon above the law. There are no crimes a president can do since he is beyond the reach of the justice department. Why any American wishes to destroy the checks and balances is beyond me. This is becoming a fundamental change to the American system and it should be eschewed vigorously. This is bigger than just a crazy atheistic self serving president. It is doing basic modifications of the US system and trashing the constitution. The only question is how far will Trump go to make himself above the law?
Barr's beliefs would have made Nixon above the law. There are no crimes a president can do since he is beyond the reach of the justice department.

No President is above the law, Nixon would have been impeached and likely removed from office and then subject to indictment for obstruction. Nixon could have been indicted for obstruction, he however was pardoned by Ford. Al was constitutional!

Why any American wishes to destroy the checks and balances is beyond me.

You mean like Comey, Hillary, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, McCabe & Lynch, right?

This is becoming a fundamental change to the American system and it should be eschewed vigorously.

What is becoming a fundamental change in the American system? You’re talking about the attempted coup-de-qua To exonerate Clinton and frame Trump, right?

This is bigger than just a crazy atheistic self serving president.

What is bigger than what President? The Obama Deep State FBI & Intel Departments treason, right?

It is doing basic modifications of the US system and trashing the constitution.

What part of the Constitution was and is being trashed aside from the Obama’s Justice Department and Intel Agencies treasonous attempted coup-de-qua?

The only question is how far will Trump go to make himself above the law?

Trump totally cooperated with the phony Mueller Witch Hunt. Where has he made himself above the law? I’ll understand if you can’t come up with anything credible.
Barr, even more than Trump now, should be tried in federal court for crimes against the Constitution.

And you're gonna post Barr's crimes against the Constitution whenever CNN & MSNBC tells you what they are right Jimmy? Please be specific Jimmy!

All we honest & intelligent folks know Jimmy that all of this political theater and hair on fire outrage being displayed by your rabid, mad junkyard dog Democrats is nothing more than noise and a feeble attempt to discredit Barr because he's on course to indict your never Trumper RINO's & Neo-cons & criminal Democrats who served in Obama's Justice Department & Intel Agencies for crimes against America, an American President & our Constitution!!!!!!!