Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned


Villified User
Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned

By Jeremy Grant in Washington

Published: August 14 2007 00:06 * Last updated: August 14 2007 00:06

The US government is on a ‘burning platform’ of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon, the country’s top government inspector has warned.

David Walker, comptroller general of the US, issued the unusually downbeat assessment of his country’s future in a report that lays out what he called “chilling long-term simulations”.

These include “dramatic” tax rises, slashed government services and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt.

Drawing parallels with the end of the Roman empire, Mr Walker warned there were “striking similarities” between America’s current situation and the factors that brought down Rome, including “declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government”.

“Sound familiar?” Mr Walker said.


Of course it sounds familiar, I have been saying this for years.
but then sinner and others know far more than the comptroller ;)
Why do you think they'd learn from 2000 year old history when they can't even learn from the early 1970s...
there are glass half empty people, glass half full people, and USC the glass has a drop of water and it's contaminated.:clink:
umm sounds a bit more than half empty there spinner. You more qualified to comment than the comptroller ?
umm sounds a bit more than half empty there spinner. You more qualified to comment than the comptroller ?

The comptroller? I guess you never set foot in a college? The degreed know that "comptroller" is just a high-falutin way of saying "coffee fetcher"
there are glass half empty people, glass half full people, and USC the glass has a drop of water and it's contaminated.:clink:

Which one of these is the half glass full scenario:

These include “dramatic” tax rises; slashed government services; and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt. -- DAVID WALKER, U.S. Comptroller General
Which one of these is the half glass full scenario:

These include “dramatic” tax rises; slashed government services; and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt. -- DAVID WALKER, U.S. Comptroller General

Just as long as spinners glass ifs full....
Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned

By Jeremy Grant in Washington

Published: August 14 2007 00:06 * Last updated: August 14 2007 00:06

The US government is on a ‘burning platform’ of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon, the country’s top government inspector has warned.

David Walker, comptroller general of the US, issued the unusually downbeat assessment of his country’s future in a report that lays out what he called “chilling long-term simulations”.

These include “dramatic” tax rises, slashed government services and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt.

Drawing parallels with the end of the Roman empire, Mr Walker warned there were “striking similarities” between America’s current situation and the factors that brought down Rome, including “declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government”.

“Sound familiar?” Mr Walker said.


Of course it sounds familiar, I have been saying this for years.
but then sinner and others know far more than the comptroller ;)

But usc, isn't this the enlightenment your refer to constantly? You want this right? Or, at the very least, you don't want to change course because "we deserve it".
But usc, isn't this the enlightenment your refer to constantly? You want this right? Or, at the very least, you don't want to change course because "we deserve it".

As I have said many many times to your closed little mind.
This is not a course I desire, but many do from greed and shortsightness.
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teaching you ignorant on economics turbo-libs to be glass half full is a tough job.
The comptroller is an accounting position, what's he going to say deficits are good?
I'm sure I make more than he does, so I don't want his job.
I listen to Wall Street economist, most are very optomistic.
I'm a glass full guy.:clink:
I'm an engineer. The glass is always full, it may be 50% water and 50% air, but it is always full. Even if it is only full of vacuum.
As I have said many many times to your closed little mind.
This is not a course I desire, but many do from greed and shortsightness.

yet you portray this direction as some kind of enlightenment, continually. You seem determined to mislead people in this very direction.

I do have a closed mind about the respect due to liars like you; you deserve none.
that's good that your proud of your engineering and are eager to show what a dork morst engineers are.
teaching you ignorant on economics turbo-libs to be glass half full is a tough job.
The comptroller is an accounting position, what's he going to say deficits are good?
I'm sure I make more than he does, so I don't want his job.
I listen to Wall Street economist, most are very optomistic.
I'm a glass full guy.:clink:
Wall street economists have a much narrower self serving view than the comptroller does. Pretty much the same view you do spinner. If the market is good all is well.
yet you portray this direction as some kind of enlightenment, continually. You seem determined to mislead people in this very direction.

I do have a closed mind about the respect due to liars like you; you deserve none.

So a closed mind closes his mind to my view. yeah that makes sense.
I sure don't give a rats ass about your closed mind, it is your problem not mine.