Lefties attack Trump's scotus pick


I'd be fine with her. I could probably accept Cruz as well.
That's why I want mitch to ram this through. Lefties have no regard for civics, and they wouldn't hesitate to ram a pick through if the shoe was on the other foot.

If you define civics as lying and cheating then you have the Repubs down. The Reds lied like hell in the Garland incident. It was just a lesson in lying and hypocrisy. Now they are reversing that. They are lying and cheating about the lies they told last time. The only consistency is lying.
That will only be the beginning. Expect accusations of sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, questionable and illegal sex acts, questionable and illegal business dealings, lying, fraud, and anything else they can think up.

Let's say Trump picks a woman. You can bet there'll be accusations she's slept with every guy she ever met since 4th grade. The senate hearings will turn into such a vile circus on the Democrat's part it will make the Kavanaugh hearings look acceptable. You can bet on that.
Oh, they’ll act like Trumpublicans did with Harris, got ya.
Does Trump's scotus pick realize that he or she will be accused of being a racist? What attack will lefties launch against the pick?

Depends upon who he nominates, but they will be challenged, I'd wage on abortion, defending Trump, and civil rights

And the attack will start when Mitch attempts to ram in thru, actually, they already have given Mitch didn't wait till the lady was in the grave before declaring his intentions
That's why I want mitch to ram this through. Lefties have no regard for civics, and they wouldn't hesitate to ram a pick through if the shoe was on the other foot.

Well you don't know what the Democrats would do cause they aren't in that position, and I think Mitch will attempt to ram it thru, which will work out for the Democrats, if you recall, the right said what they saw as the picking on Brett would hurt the Democrats in the upcoming election but in fact insured the House for the Democrats in 2018
Trump has not made a pick, so how is the person being attacked. Unless you are referring to right wing hypocrisy. The rightys were certain that a president should not be allowed to pick a judge in his last year that they bleated about it over and over. Now that just went away. The left objects to the lies and hypocrisy. Some of you rightys should agree that it is wrong to make a selection now,. But you wont. It was a lie back then and the new twisted position is another fabrication. You will be judged by the lies. Rightys have no shame.
Is there any righty here who will say he agrees that it is wrong for Trump to make a choice because of the arguments against Garland?. Any of you at all?
If you define civics as lying and cheating then you have the Repubs down. The Reds lied like hell in the Garland incident. It was just a lesson in lying and hypocrisy. Now they are reversing that. They are lying and cheating about the lies they told last time. The only consistency is lying.

Stop lying
Depends upon who he nominates, but they will be challenged, I'd wage on abortion, defending Trump, and civil rights

And the attack will start when Mitch attempts to ram in thru, actually, they already have given Mitch didn't wait till the lady was in the grave before declaring his intentions

You don't have plans to call him or her a racist? Aren't you a lefty?
Well you don't know what the Democrats would do cause they aren't in that position, and I think Mitch will attempt to ram it thru, which will work out for the Democrats, if you recall, the right said what they saw as the picking on Brett would hurt the Democrats in the upcoming election but in fact insured the House for the Democrats in 2018

Lefties are animals, I know what animals do. Mitch needs to ram this through like a lefty hoax impeachment, and he needs to hold his middle finger high.