Lefties wonder "what's the holdup"?

You cant over the internet stupid.

BTW the surge did not work and they have to keep then there just to hold what they can.

Now its an escalation instead of a surge so I guess Harry was right.
At last....

Al Jazeera agrees with you...which proves my point. Now that the Soviet Union is passe, you and your fellow leftists look to the Islamic terrorists for validation of your beliefs.

So you hate all arabs too?

they should not be allowed to have newspapers huh?

BTW when you say "Oh no its not an escalation its just a surge they will come home in three months" then you dont bring them home the peopel who warned it was anescalation turn out to be right.

There is no mystery here its an escalation dude.
Please point out my statement that "Arabs" shouldn't have newspapers...I'll wait. BTW, Al Jazeera isn't just a newspaper.


There's that 'hate" word again. You use it a lot. I don't. Maybe you should think about why.

In case you don't know, Al Jazeera is a promoter of anti-American feeling in the Middle East - and apparently wherever you live, too.

So let's review: you see things in my posts that aren't there, you think the "surge" is now an "escalation", and that makes all the difference, I guess.

Apparently Dems are psychic - they knew the surge would fail before it even started!




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Well yeah, we knew it would not work and we were right.

We said it was just an excuse to put more boots on the ground in harms way to keep the war alive until Bush left office.

It turned out to be the right analysis.
You were right?

"A new National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq cites significant security improvements and progress toward healing sectarian political rifts, but concludes that security remains fragile and terrorist groups remain capable of initiating large attacks, several American government officials said this week."


" new classified intelligence assessment on Iraq says there has been significant progress in security since the last assessment was delivered in August, a senior military official said.

In most ways the new National Intelligence Estimate hews closely to the one delivered nine months ago. That document spoke of security gains since the increase in troop levels began in January 2007, the continued high rate of violence and uneven progress on the part of Iraqi security forces.

"It does not differ significantly from August's NIE," a congressional official said in describing the document.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the report is classified. They noted that many of the conclusions of the report are already reflected in public statements and press reports."

BAGHDAD, April 19 (Reuters) - Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Saturday threatened "open war" with the government unless it chose what he called the "path of peace".

The statement from the populist Sadr ratchets up the tension between the cleric and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Maliki has launched a crackdown on Sadr's Mehdi Army militia and threatened to bar his mass movement from political life.

"I'm giving the last warning and the last word to the Iraqi government -- either it comes to its senses and takes the path of peace ... or it will be the same as the previous government," Sadr said, referring to Saddam Hussein's fallen regime but without elaborating.

The cleric added: "If they don't come to their senses and curb the infiltrated militias, then we will declare an open war until liberation."

Sadr's movement accuses other Shi'ite parties of infiltrating their militias into the Iraqi security forces.

I knew the surge was just a sham to shore up the war long enough for Bush to get out of office and to leave the mess to the next president.

The surge was never thought by anyone to actually get all the benchmarks met. It was a stall.

I knew it and was right along with every person who was willing to accept the facts in this war.

This is a country which never wanted to be a cohesive country. It was the leftover land from the days of british colonialism. These groups that comprise this land have been warring for generations. They have deep hatered of each other and us pulling the shit cork (Sadam ,yeah he was shit but he was a cork) out of the bottle was not going to all the suddeen make them love each other. This was a colosal mistake right from its inception. Dick Cheney said it would be a mess to do this back in the Bush 41 term. Iraq may some day live in peace but not while we are there standing in between the factions who hate each other and keeping them from facing each other and working it out. If we leave 100 years from now they will kill each ohter untill they get tired of killing or two factions are wiped out. Us being there just give them yet another faction to war with.
I was pro Afganistan.

That war made sense. If we were to pull out of Iraq we could reinforce the troops there and maybe get it under control. I hope this is possible but Bush may have screwed it up so badly that it cant be fixed. He left it mid stream to concentrate on the country that had oil.

Risk of a failed state
In November of 2006, the U.N. Security Council warned that Afghanistan may become a failed state due to increased Taliban violence, growing illegal drug production, and fragile State institutions.[13] In 2006, Afghanistan was rated 10th on the failed states index, up from 11th in 2005. As of 2008, Afghanistan is ranked 8th on the failed state index.[57] From 2005 to 2006, the number of suicide attacks, direct fire attacks, and improvised explosive devices all increased.[58] Declassified intelligence documents show that Al Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani Network and Hezb-i-Islami sanctuaries have increased fourfold over the last year in Afghanistan.[58] The campaign in Afghanistan successfully unseated the Taliban from power, but has been significantly less successful at achieving the primary policy goal of ensuring that Al-Qaeda can no longer operate in Afghanistan.[12