Lefties wonder "what's the holdup"?

we should be palnning it and looking for the best way to do it with the least loss of life.

We should be calling in the UN to help with the mulitinational force. It would be handy if they were mostly muslim too.
Dear Indicativeofidiocy,

You are an utter waste of time.

You hate half of America and most of the world because they refuse to see the world in your fact blinded manner.

You get your ass owned here every 20 minutes or so and then move to make a new thread saying the same fact free propaganda filled paplum.

You never own up to being wrong and you are rarely right.

No wonder you love Bush.

Is..accussing people of loving Bush some sort of Insult?
What if people accused you of loving "that Clinton guy...would that be an insult???

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