Leftist retards aka globalist sock puppets

Thousands of years speaks for itself Hat, there is no agreeing or disagreeing with fact. Tyranny ... fighting for the destruction of religion because such filthy lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day is my pleasure to fight for the destruction of religion no matter what you attempt to label it as because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value a factually proven foundation of lies which has already lead to the death of millions if not billions to this very day. The religious can take the word blasphemy and stick it up their rotten asses too Hat.

Religion is a tool used by the selfish and the greedy to turn people into their pea brained sock puppets. Freedom of religion is for ignorant retards quite obviously Hat. You always evade contesting the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies (because it is factual evidence) while appearing to be in favour of spreading filthy religious lies which lead to war and divide. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.






Again the video you cower from addressing Hat because you are unable to contest the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I am beginning to wonder if you are a globalist Hat: "There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage"


There is value in spirituality and behavioral ethics and morality. Religion is a mixed bag. Much of the bad comes from corruption of individuals within the temporal power structure of the church and are admittedly at odds with the teachings of faith. This fact of fallenness is accounted for too.

I advise people to abandon old corrupt organizations of religions. This does not invalidate one iota the beauty of Christ's actual teachings.

What you propose? A genocide.

You may be criminally insane.
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Thousands of years speaks for itself Hat, there is no agreeing or disagreeing with fact. Tyranny ... fighting for the destruction of religion because such filthy lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day is my pleasure to fight for the destruction of religion no matter what you attempt to label it as because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value a factually proven foundation of lies which has already lead to the death of millions if not billions to this very day. The religious can take the word blasphemy and stick it up their rotten asses too Hat.

Religion is a tool used by the selfish and the greedy to turn people into their pea brained sock puppets. Freedom of religion is for ignorant retards quite obviously Hat. You always evade contesting the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies (because it is factual evidence) while appearing to be in favour of spreading filthy religious lies which lead to war and divide. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.






Again the video you cower from addressing Hat because you are unable to contest the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I am beginning to wonder if you are a globalist Hat: "There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage"


Religion is the tool of despots. Look at Afghanistan for the most recent example. Religion wants to control you from birth to death and have a chunk of your money on the way. The leaders know nothing but are actors playing a role. I feel sorry for people who cannot face reality and need gods and priests to direct them. The priests live like kings and the churches acculmulate wealth and power.
There is value in spirituality and behavioral ethics and morality. Religion is a mixed bag. Much of the bad comes from corruption of individuals within the temporal power structure of the church and are admittedly at odds with the teachings of faith. This fact of fallenness is accounted for too.

I advise people to abandon old corrupt organizations of religions. This does not invalidate one iota the beauty of Christ's actual teachings.

What you propose? A genocide.

You may be criminally insane.

Hat all of those things you mention have been stolen by the religious and attempted to be attributed to their factually proven foundation of lies to assist the selfish and the greedy with taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. Fighting for the destruction of religion because religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I find quite obvious anti genocide.

Oh yes, liars like to call those who expose their lies as insane I know all so well with decades of experience because religion teaches people to lie compulsively and obsessively. You follow buddhism which isn't a religion because it is not based upon some ridiculous story of how we / everything came into existence but you are obviously brainwashed by religious tarts to try and implement such rubbish upon me Hat.

All religious garbage (every religion) has got to go Hat, they are lies which lead to war and divide.
Religion is the tool of despots. Look at Afghanistan for the most recent example. Religion wants to control you from birth to death and have a chunk of your money on the way. The leaders know nothing but are actors playing a role. I feel sorry for people who cannot face reality and need gods and priests to direct them. The priests live like kings and the churches acculmulate wealth and power.

brainwashed to think one needs lies is a disgrace especially when factual evidence reveals it

Hat all of those things you mention have been stolen by the religious and attempted to be attributed to their factually proven foundation of lies to assist the selfish and the greedy with taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. Fighting for the destruction of religion because religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I find quite obvious anti genocide.

Oh yes, liars like to call those who expose their lies as insane I know all so well with decades of experience because religion teaches people to lie compulsively and obsessively. You follow buddhism which isn't a religion because it is not based upon some ridiculous story of how we / everything came into existence but you are obviously brainwashed by religious tarts to try and implement such rubbish upon me Hat.

All religious garbage (every religion) has got to go Hat, they are lies which lead to war and divide.


There is some value in there.

What do you propose anyway, nothing non tyrannical I'm sure.
See what I mean about how the Left wants power. Anyone that opposes them is told to STFU...

Actually I never said that did I but what I will say is when you combine Meth use with pus for brains you get a serious delusional issue. You need to get that fixed.
Religion is the tool of despots. Look at Afghanistan for the most recent example. Religion wants to control you from birth to death and have a chunk of your money on the way. The leaders know nothing but are actors playing a role. I feel sorry for people who cannot face reality and need gods and priests to direct them. The priests live like kings and the churches acculmulate wealth and power.

Is religious persecution a tool of despots?
It's very simple: If the Left told the truth about what they want and how they'd obtain it, nobody--and I mean nobody--outside their own miniscule circle of tyrants would support them. They have to lie and obfuscate to attain power.
I tend to agree. OTOH, I also believe the same about what passes for the current Republican party.

Tomorrow Americans will be dead because Trump wants to overthrow the US government and crown himself "President-for-Life" with over 2/3s of the Republican party supporting him. https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...quot-Rally-Washington-D-C-September-18th-2021
Is religious persecution a tool of despots?

Of course, remember the Spanish Inquisition? The Christian churches have been ruthless in persecution against nonbelievers. In the crusades, they traveled across the known world to attack those with different beliefs. They invented great instruments of torture we still use today.

There is some value in there.

What do you propose anyway, nothing non tyrannical I'm sure.

Such pages from such pathetic garbage work great for starting a fire Hat and I have made clear the destruction of religion for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet is quite obvious except to these types:

Such pages from such pathetic garbage work great for starting a fire Hat and I have made clear the destruction of religion for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet is quite obvious except to these types:


You sound like a psychopathic idiot on this one, chum.
With Atheism being the worst of the lot...

The absence of religion is not a religion. The atheists are not fighting religious wars and demanding people follow them and donate money to a church. They essentially leave you alone. If only Christians could do that.
The absence of religion is not a religion. The atheists are not fighting religious wars and demanding people follow them and donate money to a church. They essentially leave you alone. If only Christians could do that.

Sure it is. It has its prophets like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, it uses their writings--among others--as the equivalent of religious texts. That is, their works are proof they are correct in their beliefs.

Atheism operates out of the same fundamental set of rules other religions do. They have a set of beliefs, such as there is no god, nothing more than we can observe as one example, and dogmatically set out to shore up support for it. Atheism worships science. It needn't have every trapping of some other religion to be one. All the fundamental basics are present.

When you take what a Christian, Muslim, or whoever, says about their religion and flip it to an Atheist point-of-view, it still sounds exactly the same. The dogma of Atheism is no different from any other religion. Atheism isn't the "absence of religion" at all. It is the absence of god playing a role in a religion.
The absence of religion is not a religion. The atheists are not fighting religious wars and demanding people follow them and donate money to a church. They essentially leave you alone. If only Christians could do that.

Correct. I don't believe in Santa Claus either. Lack of belief has no dogma.
Sure it is. It has its prophets like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, it uses their writings--among others--as the equivalent of religious texts. That is, their works are proof they are correct in their beliefs.

Atheism operates out of the same fundamental set of rules other religions do. They have a set of beliefs, such as there is no god, nothing more than we can observe as one example, and dogmatically set out to shore up support for it. Atheism worships science. It needn't have every trapping of some other religion to be one. All the fundamental basics are present.

When you take what a Christian, Muslim, or whoever, says about their religion and flip it to an Atheist point-of-view, it still sounds exactly the same. The dogma of Atheism is no different from any other religion. Atheism isn't the "absence of religion" at all. It is the absence of god playing a role in a religion.

Both Dawkins and Hitchens were the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism" until the staunch Marxist Hitchens choked out his life at age 62.

Oddly, I'm noticing a lot of people who die in their early 60s. It's like the Cancer Age.

Agreed Atheism is a belief in that they are certain they are correct without evidence of that correctness. The only logical position is Agnosticism.

Both Dawkins and Hitchens were the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism" until the staunch Marxist Hitchens choked out his life at age 62.

Oddly, I'm noticing a lot of people who die in their early 60s. It's like the Cancer Age.

Agreed Atheism is a belief in that they are certain they are correct without evidence of that correctness. The only logical position is Agnosticism.

Exactly. Empirically, there are just four positions on religion:

Theism: A belief in a God or Gods, or something greater than yourself unseen.
Agnosticism: You're on the fence. There may or may not be a God / god and you haven't decided. You are the implacable skeptic.
Secularism: Religion is irrelevant to you. You don't care if there's a god or gods.
Atheism: A belief that there is no god or gods and there is nothing greater than yourself unseen.

Only Atheism of these is irrational. It places denial on there being more to the universe than we know. It is not the healthy skepticism of an Agnostic, but rather stubborn belief that there is and can be anything greater unseen in the universe than yourself.
Exactly. Empirically, there are just four positions on religion:

Theism: A belief in a God or Gods, or something greater than yourself unseen.
Agnosticism: You're on the fence. There may or may not be a God / god and you haven't decided. You are the implacable skeptic.
Secularism: Religion is irrelevant to you. You don't care if there's a god or gods.
Atheism: A belief that there is no god or gods and there is nothing greater than yourself unseen.

Only Atheism of these is irrational. It places denial on there being more to the universe than we know. It is not the healthy skepticism of an Agnostic, but rather stubborn belief that there is and can be anything greater unseen in the universe than yourself.

All atheisms are not the same. Theism is usually understand as a personal God. One can also have an impersonal God.
One can be atheistic about a personal God but recognize an impersonal God.