Leftist retards aka globalist sock puppets

Atheism operates out of the same fundamental set of rules other religions do. They have a set of beliefs, such as there is no god, nothing more than we can observe as one example, and dogmatically set out to shore up support for it. Atheism worships science.

Atheism is older than Christianity. So, all of what you said is false. As far as worshipping science, you just made that up.
Atheism is older than Christianity. So, all of what you said is false. As far as worshipping science, you just made that up.

This is a non sequitur in the form of a negative conclusion from an affirmative premise. Atheism's, or Christianity's, or any other religion's age has nothing to do with the premise at hand, a belief in God. The Church of Atheism certainly does worship science, as one brand of Atheism...
This is a non sequitur in the form of a negative conclusion from an affirmative premise. Atheism's, or Christianity's, or any other religion's age has nothing to do with the premise at hand, a belief in God. The Church of Atheism certainly does worship science, as one brand of Atheism...

Then you do not know the definition of "theism." Nor do you understand what a logical fallacy is.

Your need to use "worship" is strictly a religious term and not applicable to science.
Exactly. Empirically, there are just four positions on religion:

Theism: A belief in a God or Gods, or something greater than yourself unseen.
Agnosticism: You're on the fence. There may or may not be a God / god and you haven't decided. You are the implacable skeptic.
Secularism: Religion is irrelevant to you. You don't care if there's a god or gods.
Atheism: A belief that there is no god or gods and there is nothing greater than yourself unseen.

Only Atheism of these is irrational. It places denial on there being more to the universe than we know. It is not the healthy skepticism of an Agnostic, but rather stubborn belief that there is and can be anything greater unseen in the universe than yourself.

Great definitions. By the definition of Secularism there are none on this forum in discussing the topic. :)

As for Agnostic, a better definition IMO is textbook "it can't be known" meaning it's not a matter of implacability when there is no way to prove it. If it was proved, a logical person would accept the fact. That's an Agnostic, not someone who puts their beliefs/disbeliefs ahead of fact or insufficient fact.
This is a non sequitur in the form of a negative conclusion from an affirmative premise. Atheism's, or Christianity's, or any other religion's age has nothing to do with the premise at hand, a belief in God. The Church of Atheism certainly does worship science, as one brand of Atheism...
Then you do not know the definition of "theism." Nor do you understand what a logical fallacy is.

Your need to use "worship" is strictly a religious term and not applicable to science.

Disagreed, Ms. B. You show your youth and inexperience everytime you exaggerate like a politician. Obviously TA does know the definition. You just don't like his opinion yet you can't contradict him with logic and less emotion.

If you just want to grow up and be a housewife/soccer mom, then go for it. If you want to make it as an adult in the business world, you need to organize your thoughts better.

In this case refute TA's post by proving your premise:
All atheisms are not the same. Theism is usually understand as a personal God. One can also have an impersonal God.
One can be atheistic about a personal God but recognize an impersonal God.

You can't because not all atheisms or any other isms are the same.

Over 330 million Americans with over 330 million versions of reality. Go for it. LOL
You sound like a psychopathic idiot on this one, chum.

Since when does burning some garbage book qualify someone as a psychopathic idiot? If anything the opposite for wanting to end war and divide over such sick and pathetic factually proven foundations of religious lies which have already lead to the death of millions if not billions of people for thousands of years to this very day. You sounding retarded doesn't qualify me as sounding like a psychopath.
Sure it is. It has its prophets like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, it uses their writings--among others--as the equivalent of religious texts. That is, their works are proof they are correct in their beliefs.

Atheism operates out of the same fundamental set of rules other religions do. They have a set of beliefs, such as there is no god, nothing more than we can observe as one example, and dogmatically set out to shore up support for it. Atheism worships science. It needn't have every trapping of some other religion to be one. All the fundamental basics are present.

When you take what a Christian, Muslim, or whoever, says about their religion and flip it to an Atheist point-of-view, it still sounds exactly the same. The dogma of Atheism is no different from any other religion. Atheism isn't the "absence of religion" at all. It is the absence of god playing a role in a religion.

Atheists merely believe that religions are bs, I share the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I am no atheist, I am Primary Factual Fundamentalist.

Go ahead and share how not being religious leads to war and divide?

Since when does burning some garbage book qualify someone as a psychopathic idiot? If anything the opposite for wanting to end war and divide over such sick and pathetic factually proven foundations of religious lies which have already lead to the death of millions if not billions of people for thousands of years to this very day. You sounding retarded doesn't qualify me as sounding like a psychopath.

Have atheists ever engaged in war?
Atheists ignore religions because they are all the same, with different paint jobs. They rely on believing in invisible spirits and the church elders actually have inside knowledge. They are conmen like Trump
It is sure lucky that almost every religious person on the planet was born to a family that just happened to be in the one true religion.
How much brain do you have to turn off to be religious? How much outrageous behavior do you have to internally justify?