Leftists are Physically Ugly, Weak and Unpleasant

Would you just look at all these Beauties!

this is how we fail......

one moron posts a handful of pictures claiming their political bent makes them ugly and all you fuckers do a whataboutism..........

no wonder we're the laughingstock of the world
July 26, 2022
Was the Pentagon involved in planning for January 6?
By Andrea Widburg
The Posse Comitatus Act holds that federal military personnel may not be used to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The National Guard is an exception to that rule and then only if the state's governor or the D.C. mayor requests it. Nevertheless, there are indications that the Pentagon worked with the Department of Justice and the FBI in the lead-up to President Trump's January 6 rally that ended with Antifa activists and other agitators enticing people into the Capitol.
That’s actually a bad picture of her

But her articles have been known to alter pictures of others like Biden

A frumpy middle aged woman whose wardrobe appears to be from Walmart has no business writing articles about how physically ugly other people are.
Quick Summary: "Leftists are shorter and uglier, and Leftist men are weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting--characteristics that are not conducive to success in any civilization."

There's More: Left-Wing behavior of "Victimhood signaling" correlates with personality traits such as narcissism, psychopathy, and (moral manipulation). Victimhood signaling is best described as an emotional manipulation technique used to obtain free resources.


The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology as a biological phenomenon Great Study of the Leftist Personality Traits in the link below, all having pictures and or telling graphs showing just how LOW the profile of your average Lefty clearly is.


1. Defining "Leftism"
2. Leftism and Physical Biology
3. Leftist Psychology 101
4. Left-and Right-Wing Moral Foundations
5. Conclusion: A Profile of the average Leftist
6. Addendum: On Leftist ideological hegemony
7. Sources


Look, I realize most if not all of you Lefties never get to see the real psychological makeup of your personal political makeup, so I'm having the pleasure to give you a detailed synopsis of your personality and all of its characteristics. No need to thank me for digging up this very important descriptive analysis of the Leftist mind, body and soulless characteristics.

what a bunch of shit
It seems wealthy people tend to be better looking folks

Better healthcare and diets

Access to elective surgery

And societies tendency to treat good looking people much better than others

I’m average looking

I have gorgeous sisters

Three of them

Older and younger

I can attest to this human tendency

Taught me a lot about life
I also have a very shapely body though

Always a pain in the ass for me

I was born a Tom boy

I love being a Tom boy and always have

Boy do I know the experience of being looked in the tits instead of the face

That taught me a lot too
I can physically kick ass at nearly anything

I could lift with the guys and throw a football as well as bat really well

I could Fosbury flop better than most of you here I bet

Well ok

I admit I can’t do much of that as well now

I’m now old and crusty

But if attacked I would make someone bleed and limp if they tried to kill me

Physical attractiveness is not that important

I have known beautiful people who lived miserable lives

It is not indicator of what’s in a persons head and heart

My hubby is red hot even though I’m average

If he had not had a beautiful mind and heart I would have dumped him quick

I have three gorgeous sisters

You could put their and mine husbands in a lineup at the age of 30 and Everyone would pick my hubby as the best looking

I just lucked out