Lefty arrested for raping dog

Well he might have a sugar baby wife who only has sex with liberal men.

Where do you get this liberal from? Are you calling liberals immature? Some are considering most youth act with liberal traits. They aren't exactly politically active though.
Where do you get this liberal from? Are you calling liberals immature? Some are considering most youth act with liberal traits. They aren't exactly politically active though.

Well he has a nonsensical raging hatred for Liberals. It's probably because the men banging his wife are Liberals.
Where do you get this liberal from? Are you calling liberals immature? Some are considering most youth act with liberal traits. They aren't exactly politically active though.

Did you also voice an objection to the titles of these threads??

Trump Supporter dumps seven newborn puppies in trash

One Less trump Vote

White supremacist trump supporter to be executed!

Another trump supporter arrested

Deranged trump supporters waste police time again.

Another racist trump supporter fired!

A typical trumpanzee

I did look and couldn't find you voicing any objection(s)!!
You haven't proved he is left,right,or ever voted!
But you have proved you're a troll

One does not need to vote in order to qualify as a lefty or a righty. In fact, we were ALL born as little lefties screaming for a bottle or a tit for our survival. Raping people and animals is innate for lefties. If somebody raped a dog, we all know he is a lefty. It is self evident.

Jade is too stupid to see that the title of this and a few other recent threads is mocking the lefty titles that I have been seeing.
Well he has a nonsensical raging hatred for Liberals. It's probably because the men banging his wife are Liberals.

Dogs are stupid, but that doesn't mean that I hate them. Lefties are stupid, but that doesn't mean I hate them either. It is quite possible to love dogs and lefties. The thread title illustrates that I care about dogs enough to be angry that lefties rape them.
Dogs are stupid, but that doesn't mean that I hate them. Lefties are stupid, but that doesn't mean I hate them either. It is quite possible to love dogs and lefties. The thread title illustrates that I care about dogs enough to be angry that lefties rape them.

But you obviously know that something like this has nothing to do with politics. And is there even any evidence this person is a Leftist?

The truth is you have this intense almost fetishistic hatred for Leftists, probably because they keep fucking your wife. Have you asked them to stop?
Since you seem to be having a problem in re-reading this and thereby being unable to answer the question(s), I figured the best thing was to bring it to the forefront and hopefully give you the opportunity to respond.

Where do you get this liberal from? Are you calling liberals immature? Some are considering most youth act with liberal traits. They aren't exactly politically active though.

Did you also voice an objection to the titles of these threads??

Trump Supporter dumps seven newborn puppies in trash

One Less trump Vote

White supremacist trump supporter to be executed!

Another trump supporter arrested

Deranged trump supporters waste police time again.

Another racist trump supporter fired!

A typical trumpanzee

I did look and couldn't find you voicing any objection(s)!!