Lefty arrested for raping dog

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What is it that stops lefties from going after the dog rapist? Why do lefties defend and protect the dog rapist by going after those who are speaking out against the rapist?

My guess is the same laws that stop the Righties from going after the Sheep rapists. Why do you think Righties protest the sheep rapists?

Dialogue NSFW
There are some funny dog jokes on his Facebook page including someone who stuck a doggy nose on his girlfriend. They hope some more doggy victims will come forward.

He is now accused of molesting children, also.

He doesn't look very political.71695056_10220416988840891_7609115128478302208_n.jpg
Does this thread count as a "man bites dog" story?

Yes. It's to counter all of those Republican housewife stories about their big, bad dogs and peanut butter.

Something like this. See if you can picture out the one own by a Republican housewife:
Three dogs are at the vet. The first, a Chihuahua, says, "I kept humping everything in sight. The neighbor's cat, my master's leg, the couch, you name it. Plus, I peed in the corners and chewed the mail every time it got delivered. So they're going to neuter me to see if it will calm me down."

The second dog, a Labrador, says, "That's kind of why I'm here, too. Six litters of puppies up and down the street that all look like me. My owners are tired of the angry calls. So I'm getting neutered too."

The third dog is a Great Dane. "My master is a lonely Republican housewife. Yesterday after her shower, she bent over to dry her legs and I just couldn't help myself. Mounted her big ass and went to town."

The other two nodded knowingly. "So they're going to neuter you too?"

"What? No, I'm here to get my nails trimmed."
So...because one lefty rapes a dog.
You assume tens of millions of 'lefties' must be sick as well.

Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous that makes you sound?

Let me introduce you to one of JPP trolls. He hasn't been here in a year and he has now returned.